The libsvm packageΒΆ


is an integrated software
for support vector classification, (C-SVC, nu-SVC), regression (epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR)
and distribution estimation (one-class SVM)

SIDEKIT only makes use of the library and Python wrapper provided in LIBSVM
if a fully functional version of the LIBSVM library is available in the sidekit/libsvm/ directory
The libsvm package released with SIDEKIT provides high level interfaces
to use Support Vector Machines for speaker recognition.
For more details about LIBSVM you can refer to the original website


SIDEKIT requires a version of the libsvm library that is compatible with your machine. Before running SIDEKIT, download, and compile the libsvm library to make sure you have the corresponding file (libsvm.dll for windows and for UNIX-like OS) in the sidekit/libsvm/ directory.