The **libsvm** package ====================== .. topic:: LIBSVM | is an integrated software | for support vector classification, (C-SVC, nu-SVC), regression (epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR) | and distribution estimation (one-class SVM) | | **SIDEKIT** only makes use of the library and Python wrapper provided in **LIBSVM** | if a fully functional version of the **LIBSVM** library is available in the ``sidekit/libsvm/`` directory | The :mod:`libsvm` package released with **SIDEKIT** provides high level interfaces | to use Support Vector Machines for speaker recognition. | For more details about **LIBSVM** you can refer to the `original website `_ .. warning:: **SIDEKIT** requires a version of the libsvm library that is compatible with your machine. Before running **SIDEKIT**, download, and compile the libsvm library to make sure you have the corresponding file (libsvm.dll for windows and for UNIX-like OS) in the ``sidekit/libsvm/`` directory. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 libsvm_core.rst