External linksΒΆ
A non-exhaustive list of links that are of interest to the authors.
Tools for speaker recognition
ALIZE a speaker verification toolkit in C++
BOSARIS MATLAB code for calibration, fusion and evaluation of binary classifiers
Focal MATLAB code for evaluation, calibration and fusion of statistical pattern recognizers
HTK portable toolkit for building and manipulating hidden Markov models in C++
LIBSVM a library for Support Vector Machines in C
Tools for Python programming
h5py HDF5 library for Python
Matplotlib 2D plotting library for Python
Numpy package for scientific computing in Python
Pandas library to manage and analyse data
Python official website
Scipy python-based-ecosystem of software for mathematics, science and engineering
Sphinx tool to create easy documentation (including this very one)
Spyder IDE for Python that allows line by line execution
VirtualEnv to create isolated Python environments
Torch to create neural networks
Others programming tools
HDF5 a multi-platform library, and file format for storing and managing data
Speech resources for speaker recognition
LDC catalog
NIST-Speaker Recognition Evaluation main page
RSR2015 a database for text-dependent speaker verification [Larcher14]
More links can be find on the ISCA webpage.