External links ============== A non-exhaustive list of links that are of interest to the authors. * Tools for speaker recognition - `ALIZE `_ a speaker verification toolkit in C++ - `BOSARIS `_ MATLAB code for calibration, fusion and evaluation of binary classifiers - `Focal `_ MATLAB code for evaluation, calibration and fusion of statistical pattern recognizers - `HTK `_ portable toolkit for building and manipulating hidden Markov models in C++ - `LIBSVM `_ a library for Support Vector Machines in C * Tools for Python programming - `h5py `_ HDF5 library for Python - `Matplotlib `_ 2D plotting library for Python - `Numpy `_ package for scientific computing in Python - `Pandas `_ library to manage and analyse data - `Python `_ official website - `Scipy `_ python-based-ecosystem of software for mathematics, science and engineering - `Sphinx `_ tool to create easy documentation (including this very one) - `Spyder `_ IDE for Python that allows line by line execution - `VirtualEnv `_ to create isolated Python environments - `Torch `_ to create neural networks * Others programming tools - `HDF5 `_ a multi-platform library, and file format for storing and managing data * Speech resources for speaker recognition - `ELRA `_ - `LDC `_ catalog - `NIST-Speaker Recognition Evaluation `_ main page - `RSR2015 `_ a database for text-dependent speaker verification [Larcher14]_ More links can be find on the `ISCA `_ webpage.