Source code for clustering.hac_utils

import copy
import numpy as np
import logging

[docs]def argmin(distances, nb): """ Get argmin and min indexes between 0 and nb of a distance matrix :param distances: a numpy.ndarray :param nb: int :return: row and column indexes, the value """ if nb <= 1: return 0, 0, np.inf tmp_dist = distances[0:nb, 0:nb] # numpy.nanargmin : give the absolute position in the matrix, ie 1 number # unravel_index: give the row and col positions try: i, j = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(tmp_dist), tmp_dist.shape) except ValueError: logging.warning('value are NaN, nb:'+str(nb)) logging.warning(distances) logging.warning(tmp_dist) return 0, 0, np.inf v = distances[i, j] return i, j, v
[docs]def argmax(distances, nb): """ Get argmin and min indexes between 0 and nb of a distance matrix :param distances: a numpy.ndarray :param nb: int :return: row and column indexes, the value """ if nb <= 1: return 0, 0, np.inf tmp_dist = distances[0:nb, 0:nb] # numpy.nanargmin : give the absolute position in the matrix, ie 1 number # unravel_index: give the row and col positions try: i, j = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(tmp_dist), tmp_dist.shape) except ValueError: logging.warning('value are NaN, nb:'+str(nb)) logging.warning(distances) logging.warning(tmp_dist) return 0, 0, -np.inf v = distances[i, j] return i, j, v
[docs]def roll(mat, j): """ delete the line j and column j in the matrix :param mat: numpy.ndarray :param j: int :return: numpy.ndarray """ return np.delete(np.delete(mat, j, 1), j, 0)
[docs]def bic_square_root(ni, nj, alpha, dim): """ Compute a BIC square root distance described in [Stafylakis2010]_. .. [Stafylakis2010] T. Stafylakis, V. Katsouros, and G. Carayannis. The segmental bayesian information criterion and its applications to speaker diarization. Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of, 4(5):857–866, 2010. :param ni: covariance matrix of speaker i :param nj: covariance matrix of speaker j :param alpha: a threshold :param dim: the dimenssion of the features :return: a float """ nij = ni + nj constant_covariance = 0.5 * alpha * (0.5 * ((dim + 1) * dim)) constant_mean = 0.5 * alpha * dim mean = ((np.sqrt(ni) * np.log(ni)) + (np.sqrt(nj) * np.log(nj))) - (np.sqrt(nij) * np.log(nij)) covariance = (np.log(ni) + np.log(nj)) - np.log(nij) #print(ni, nj, nij, alpha, dim, constant_covariance, constant_mean, mean, covariance) return (constant_covariance * covariance) + (constant_mean * mean)
[docs]def stat_server_remove(stat_server, index): """ " remove data at position index :param index: the index to remove """ stat_server.segset = np.delete(stat_server.segset, index) stat_server.modelset = np.delete(stat_server.modelset, index) stat_server.start = np.delete(stat_server.start, index) stat_server.stop = np.delete(stat_server.stop, index) stat_server.stat0 = np.delete(stat_server.stat0, index, axis=0) stat_server.stat1 = np.delete(stat_server.stat1, index, axis=0)
[docs]def stat_server_merge(stat_server, i, j, wi=1.0, wj=1.0): """ merge the ith and jth stat0 and stat1 into ith data, remove jth data :param i: index destination :param j: index removed """ if stat_server.stop[i] != 0 and stat_server.stop[i] is not None: logging.warning('segment information will be wrong') stat_server.stat0[i, :] = (wi * stat_server.stat0[j, :] + wj * stat_server.stat0[i, :]) / (wi + wj) stat_server.stat1[i, :] = (wi * stat_server.stat1[j, :] + wj * stat_server.stat1[i, :]) / (wi + wj) stat_server_remove(stat_server, j)
[docs]def idmap_remove(idmap, index): """ " remove data at position index :param index: the index to remove """ idmap.leftids = np.delete(idmap.leftids, index) idmap.rightids = np.delete(idmap.rightids, index) idmap.start = np.delete(idmap.start, index) idmap.stop = np.delete(idmap.stop, index)
[docs]def scores_remove(scores, index_model=None, index_seg=None): """ " remove data at position index_model and/or index_seg :param index_model: the index in model set to remove :param index_seg: the index in segment set to remove """ if index_seg is not None: scores.segset = np.delete(scores.segset, index_seg) scores.scoremask = np.delete(scores.scoremask, index_seg, axis=1) scores.scoremat = np.delete(scores.scoremat, index_seg, axis=1) if index_model is not None: scores.modelset = np.delete(scores.modelset, index_model) scores.scoremask = np.delete(scores.scoremask, index_model, axis=0) scores.scoremat = np.delete(scores.scoremat, index_model, axis=0)
def scores2distance(scores, threshold): distance = (scores.scoremat + scores.scoremat.T) / 2.0 * -1.0 np.fill_diagonal(distance, np.inf) min = np.min(distance)-1 distance -= min np.fill_diagonal(distance, 0.0) t = -1.0 * threshold - min return distance, t