__author__ = 'meignier'
import numpy as np
import logging
import copy
from math import isnan
from s4d.clustering.hac_utils import argmin, roll
from s4d.clustering.hac_utils import bic_square_root
from s4d.clustering.gauss import GaussFull
from s4d.diar import Diar
[docs]class HAC_BIC:
BIC Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) with gaussian models
The algorithm is based upon a hierarchical agglomerative clustering. The
initial set of clusters is composed of one segment per cluster. Each cluster
is modeled by a Gaussian with a full covariance matrix (see
:class:`gauss.GaussFull`). :math:`\Delta BIC`
measure is employed to select the candidate clusters to group as well as
to stop the merging process. The two closest clusters :math:`i` and
:math:`j` are merged at each iteration until :math:`\\Delta BIC_{i,j} > 0`.
:math:`\\Delta BIC_{i,j} = PBIC_{i+j} - PBIC_{i} - PBIC_{j} - P`
:math:`PBIC_{x} = \\frac{n_x}{2} \\log|\\Sigma_x|`
:math:`cst = \\frac{1}{2} \\alpha \\left(d + \\frac{d(d+1)}{2}\\right)`
:math:`P = cst + log(n_i+n_j)`
where :math:`|\\Sigma_i|`, :math:`|\\Sigma_j|` and :math:`|\\Sigma|` are the
determinants of gaussians associated to the clusters :math:`i`, :math:`j`
and :math:`i+j`. :math:`\\alpha` is a parameter to set up. The penalty
factor :math:`P` depends on :math:`d`, the dimension of the features, as well as
on :math:`n_i` and :math:`n_j`, refering to the total length of cluster
:math:`i` and cluster :math:`j` respectively.
def __init__(self, cep, table, alpha=1.0, sr=False):
self.cep = cep
self.dim = cep.shape[1];
self.alpha = alpha
self.diar = copy.deepcopy(table)
self.models = []
self.merge = []
self.nb_merge = 0
self.sr = sr
self.dist = None
[docs] def _init_train(self):
Train initial models
map = self.diar.make_index(['cluster'])
for cluster in map:
model = GaussFull(cluster, self.dim)
self.cst_bic = GaussFull.cst_bic(self.dim, self.alpha)
for row in map[cluster]:
start = row['start']
stop = row['stop']
for model in self.models:
[docs] def _init_distance(self):
""" Compute distance matrix
nb = len(self.models)
self.dist = np.full((nb, nb), np.nan)
# for i in range(0, nb):
# mi = self.models[i]
for i, mi in enumerate(self.models):
# self.merge.append([])
# for j, mj in enumerate(self.models, start=i+1):
# logging.debug('i %d j %d n %d', i, j ,nb)
for j in range(i + 1, nb):
mj = self.models[j]
self.dist[i, j] = self.dist[j, i] = self._dist(mi, mj)
[docs] def _dist(self, mi, mj):
Compute the BIC distance d(i,j)
:param mi: a GaussFull object
:param mj: a GaussFull object
:return: float
v = GaussFull.merge_partial_bic(mi, mj) - mi.partial_bic - mj.partial_bic
if self.sr:
v += - bic_square_root(mi.count, mj.count, self.alpha, self.dim)
else :
v += - self.cst_bic * np.log(mi.count + mj.count)
if isnan(v):
logging.warning('BIC is NAN, mi: '+mi.name+' ' + str(mi.count)+' mj: '+mj.name+' ' + str(mj.count))
return v
[docs] def _merge_model(self, mi, mj):
Merge two a GaussFull objects
:param mi: a GaussFull object
:param mj: a GaussFull object
:return: a GaussFull object
return GaussFull.merge(mi, mj)
[docs] def _update_dist(self, i):
Update row and column i of the distance matrix
:param i: int
nb = len(self.models)
mi = self.models[i]
for j in (x for x in range(nb) if x != i):
mj = self.models[j]
self.dist[i, j] = self.dist[j, i] = self._dist(mi, mj)
def information(self, i, j, value, duration):
self.merge.append([self.nb_merge, self.models[i].name, self.models[j].name, value, duration])
def hac_bic(feature_server, diar, threshold, square_root_bic = False):
shows = diar.make_index(['show'])
diar_out = Diar()
for show in shows:
cep, _ = feature_server.load(show)
bic = HAC_BIC(cep, shows[show], alpha=threshold, sr=square_root_bic)
diar_out += bic.perform()
return diar_out