Packaged version 2
The new packaged version includes:
- Cross-show diarization (join diarization of a set of files),
- ILP clustering,
- i-vectors,
- video shot segmentation (using opencv).
This is a major version including a lot of refactoring:
- a lot of new options,
- new matrix library based on EJML,
- prefix by « statistic_ » and « score_ » the function names of statistic and score inner classes in GMM, gaussian, full gaussian, and diagonal gaussian,
- Total Variability framwork to compute i-vector.
lium_spkdiarization-8.4.1.jar.gz, a jar file containing a complete, ready-to-use compiled version including all the classes (LIUM_SpkDiarization and external classes) and GMM resources (Java 1.6). Before to use the tools, unzip the archive.
Alternately, download LIUM_SpkDiarization-8.4.1.src.tgz a gzipped tar containing the sources.
Development version on git
git clone
Packaged version 1
Last packaged version
- Minor bugs,
- Sources new experimental packages,
- speaker named task,
- meeting system in progress,
- javaCV (openCV in java) test,
- telephone diarization (project ANR MEDIA).
LIUM_SpkDiarization-4.2.jar, a jar file containing a complete, ready-to-use compiled version including all the classes (LIUM_SpkDiarization and external classes) and GMM resources (Java 1.6)
Alternately, downloadLIUM_SpkDiarization-4.2.src.tgz a gzipped tar containing the sources.