The bosaris package

This package is a translation of a part of the BOSARIS toolkit. The authors thank Niko Brummer and Agnitio for allowing them to translate this code and provide the community with efficient structures and tools.

The BOSARIS Toolkit is a collection of functions and classes in Matlab that can be used to calibrate, fuse and plot scores from speaker recognition (or other fields in which scores are used to test the hypothesis that two samples are from the same source) trials involving a model and a test segment. The toolkit was written at the BOSARIS2010 workshop which took place at the University of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic from 5 July to 6 August 2010. See the User Guide (available on the toolkit website)1 for a discussion of the theory behind the toolkit and descriptions of some of the algorithms used.

The BOSARIS toolkit in MATLAB can be downloaded from the website.


The Python bosaris package released as part of the ** sidekit** contains six modules detailed below.