Source code for statserver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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Copyright 2014-2019 Anthony Larcher

:mod:`statserver` provides methods to manage zero and first statistics.
import copy
import ctypes
import h5py
import logging
import multiprocessing
import numpy
import os
import scipy
import sys
import warnings

from sidekit.bosaris import IdMap
from sidekit.mixture import Mixture
from sidekit.features_server import FeaturesServer
from sidekit.sidekit_wrappers import process_parallel_lists, deprecated, check_path_existance
import sidekit.frontend
from sidekit import STAT_TYPE

ct = ctypes.c_double
if STAT_TYPE == numpy.float32:
    ct = ctypes.c_float

__license__ = "LGPL"
__author__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2019 Anthony Larcher"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

def compute_llk(stat, V, sigma, U=None):
    # Compute Likelihood
    (n, d) = stat.stat1.shape
    centered_data = stat.stat1 - stat.get_mean_stat1()
    if sigma.ndim == 2:
        sigma_tot =, V.T) + sigma
        sigma_tot =, V.T) + numpy.diag(sigma)
    if U is not None:
        sigma_tot +=, U.T)
    E, junk = scipy.linalg.eigh(sigma_tot)
    log_det = numpy.sum(numpy.log(E))

    return (-0.5 * (n * d * numpy.log(2 * numpy.pi) + n * log_det +
                                                  scipy.linalg.inv(sigma_tot)) * centered_data, axis=1))))

def sum_log_probabilities(lp):
    """Sum log probabilities in a secure manner to avoid extreme values

    :param lp: ndarray of log-probabilities to sum
    pp_max = numpy.max(lp, axis=1)
    log_lk = pp_max \
        + numpy.log(numpy.sum(numpy.exp((lp.transpose() - pp_max).transpose()), axis=1))
    ind = ~numpy.isfinite(pp_max)
    if sum(ind) != 0:
        log_lk[ind] = pp_max[ind]
    pp = numpy.exp((lp.transpose() - log_lk).transpose())
    return pp, log_lk

def fa_model_loop(batch_start,
    :param batch_start: index to start at in the list
    :param mini_batch_indices: indices of the elements in the list (should start at zero)
    :param r: rank of the matrix
    :param phi_white: whitened version of the factor matrix
    :param phi: non-whitened version of the factor matrix
    :param sigma: covariance matrix
    :param stat0: matrix of zero order statistics
    :param stat1: matrix of first order statistics
    :param e_h: accumulator
    :param e_hh: accumulator
    :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run
    if sigma.ndim == 2:
        A =, phi)).astype(dtype=STAT_TYPE)

    tmp = numpy.zeros((phi.shape[1], phi.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE)

    for idx in mini_batch_indices:
        if sigma.ndim == 1:
            inv_lambda = scipy.linalg.inv(numpy.eye(r) + (phi_white.T * stat0[idx + batch_start, :]).dot(phi_white))
            inv_lambda = scipy.linalg.inv(stat0[idx + batch_start, 0] * A + numpy.eye(A.shape[0]))

        Aux =[idx + batch_start, :]), inv_lambda, out=e_h[idx])
        e_hh[idx] = inv_lambda + numpy.outer(e_h[idx], e_h[idx], tmp)

def fa_distribution_loop(distrib_indices, _A, stat0, batch_start, batch_stop, e_hh, num_thread=1):
    :param distrib_indices: indices of the distributions to iterate on
    :param _A: accumulator
    :param stat0: matrix of zero order statistics
    :param batch_start: index of the first session to process
    :param batch_stop: index of the last session to process
    :param e_hh: accumulator
    :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run
    tmp = numpy.zeros((e_hh.shape[1], e_hh.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE)
    for c in distrib_indices:
        _A[c] += numpy.einsum('ijk,i->jk', e_hh, stat0[batch_start:batch_stop, c], out=tmp)
        # The line abov is equivalent to the two lines below:
        # tmp = (E_hh.T * stat0[batch_start:batch_stop, c]).T
        # _A[c] += numpy.sum(tmp, axis=0)

def load_existing_statistics_hdf5(statserver, statserver_file_name):
    """Load required statistics into the StatServer by reading from a file
        in hdf5 format.

    :param statserver: sidekit.StatServer to fill
    :param statserver_file_name: name of the file to read from
    assert os.path.isfile(statserver_file_name), "statserver_file_name does not exist"

    # Load the StatServer
    ss = StatServer(statserver_file_name)

    # Check dimension consistency with current Stat_Server
    ok = True
    if statserver.stat0.shape[0] > 0:
        ok &= (ss.stat0.shape[0] == statserver.stat0.shape[1])
        ok &= (ss.stat1.shape[0] == statserver.stat1.shape[1])
        statserver.stat0 = numpy.zeros((statserver. modelset.shape[0], ss.stat0.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE)
        statserver.stat1 = numpy.zeros((statserver. modelset.shape[0], ss.stat1.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE)

    if ok:
        # For each segment, load statistics if they exist
        # Get the lists of existing segments
        seg_idx = [i for i in range(statserver. segset.shape[0]) if statserver.segset[i] in ss.segset]
        stat_idx = [numpy.where(ss.segset == seg)[0][0] for seg in statserver.segset if seg in ss.segset]

        # Copy statistics
        statserver.stat0[seg_idx, :] = ss.stat0[stat_idx, :]
        statserver.stat1[seg_idx, :] = ss.stat1[stat_idx, :]
        raise Exception('Mismatched statistic dimensions')

[docs]class StatServer: """A class for statistic storage and processing :attr modelset: list of model IDs for each session as an array of strings :attr segset: the list of session IDs as an array of strings :attr start: index of the first frame of the segment :attr stop: index of the last frame of the segment :attr stat0: a ndarray of float64. Each line contains 0-order statistics from the corresponding session :attr stat1: a ndarray of float64. Each line contains 1-order statistics from the corresponding session """ #def __init__(self, statserver_file_name=None, ubm=None, index=None):$ def __init__(self, statserver_file_name=None, distrib_nb=0, feature_size=0, index=None, ubm=None): """Initialize an empty StatServer or load a StatServer from an existing file. :param statserver_file_name: name of the file to read from. If filename is an empty string, the StatServer is initialized empty. If filename is an IdMap object, the StatServer is initialized to match the structure of the IdMap. """ self.modelset = numpy.empty(0, dtype="|O") self.segset = numpy.empty(0, dtype="|O") self.start = numpy.empty(0, dtype="|O") self.stop = numpy.empty(0, dtype="|O") self.stat0 = numpy.array([], dtype=STAT_TYPE) self.stat1 = numpy.array([], dtype=STAT_TYPE) if ubm is not None: distrib_nb = ubm.w.shape[0] feature_size =[1] if statserver_file_name is None: pass # initialize elif isinstance(statserver_file_name, IdMap): self.modelset = statserver_file_name.leftids self.segset = statserver_file_name.rightids self.start = statserver_file_name.start self.stop = statserver_file_name.stop self.stat0 = numpy.empty((self.segset.shape[0], distrib_nb), dtype=STAT_TYPE) self.stat1 = numpy.empty((self.segset.shape[0], distrib_nb * feature_size), dtype=STAT_TYPE) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) tmp_stat0 = multiprocessing.Array(ct, self.stat0.size) self.stat0 = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_stat0.get_obj()) self.stat0 = self.stat0.reshape(self.segset.shape[0], distrib_nb) tmp_stat1 = multiprocessing.Array(ct, self.stat1.size) self.stat1 = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_stat1.get_obj()) self.stat1 = self.stat1.reshape(self.segset.shape[0], distrib_nb * feature_size) # initialize by reading an existing StatServer elif isinstance(statserver_file_name, str) and index is None: tmp = self.modelset = tmp.modelset self.segset = tmp.segset self.start = tmp.start self.stop = tmp.stop self.stat0 = tmp.stat0.astype(STAT_TYPE) self.stat1 = tmp.stat1.astype(STAT_TYPE) with warnings.catch_warnings(): size = self.stat0.shape warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) tmp_stat0 = multiprocessing.Array(ct, self.stat0.size) self.stat0 = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_stat0.get_obj()) self.stat0 = self.stat0.reshape(size) size = self.stat1.shape tmp_stat1 = multiprocessing.Array(ct, self.stat1.size) self.stat1 = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_stat1.get_obj()) self.stat1 = self.stat1.reshape(size) self.stat0 = copy.deepcopy(tmp.stat0).astype(STAT_TYPE) self.stat1 = copy.deepcopy(tmp.stat1).astype(STAT_TYPE) elif isinstance(statserver_file_name, str) and index is not None: tmp = StatServer.read_subset(statserver_file_name, index) self.modelset = tmp.modelset self.segset = tmp.segset self.start = tmp.start self.stop = tmp.stop self.stat0 = tmp.stat0.astype(STAT_TYPE) self.stat1 = tmp.stat1.astype(STAT_TYPE) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) tmp_stat0 = multiprocessing.Array(ct, self.stat0.size) self.stat0 = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_stat0.get_obj()) self.stat0 = self.stat0.reshape(self.segset.shape[0], distrib_nb) tmp_stat1 = multiprocessing.Array(ct, self.stat1.size) self.stat1 = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_stat1.get_obj()) self.stat1 = self.stat1.reshape(self.segset.shape[0], feature_size * distrib_nb) self.stat0 = copy.deepcopy(tmp.stat0).astype(STAT_TYPE) self.stat1 = copy.deepcopy(tmp.stat1).astype(STAT_TYPE) def __repr__(self): ch = '-' * 30 + '\n' ch += 'modelset: ' + self.modelset.__repr__() + '\n' ch += 'segset: ' + self.segset.__repr__() + '\n' ch += 'seg start:' + self.start.__repr__() + '\n' ch += 'seg stop:' + self.stop.__repr__() + '\n' ch += 'stat0:' + self.stat0.__repr__() + '\n' ch += 'stat1:' + self.stat1.__repr__() + '\n' ch += '-' * 30 + '\n' return ch
[docs] def validate(self, warn=False): """Validate the structure and content of the StatServer. Check consistency between the different attributes of the StatServer: - dimension of the modelset - dimension of the segset - length of the modelset and segset - consistency of stat0 and stat1 :param warn: bollean optional, if True, display possible warning """ ok = self.modelset.ndim == 1 \ and (self.modelset.shape == self.segset.shape == self.start.shape == self.stop.shape) \ and (self.stat0.shape[0] == self.stat1.shape[0] == self.modelset.shape[0]) \ and (not bool(self.stat1.shape[1] % self.stat0.shape[1])) if warn and (self.segset.shape != numpy.unique(self.segset).shape): logging.warning('Duplicated segments in StatServer') return ok
[docs] def merge(*arg): """ Merge a variable number of StatServers into one. If a pair segmentID is duplicated, keep ony one of them and raises a WARNING """ line_number = 0 for idx, ss in enumerate(arg): assert (isinstance(ss, sidekit.StatServer) and ss.validate()), "Arguments must be proper StatServers" # Check consistency of StatServers (dimension of the stat0 and stat1) if idx == 0: dim_stat0 = ss.stat0.shape[1] dim_stat1 = ss.stat1.shape[1] else: assert (dim_stat0 == ss.stat0.shape[1] and dim_stat1 == ss.stat1.shape[1]), "Stat dimensions are not consistent" line_number += ss.modelset.shape[0] # Get a list of unique modelID-segmentID-start-stop id_list = [] for ss in arg: for m, s, start, stop in zip(ss.modelset, ss.segset, ss.start, ss.stop): id_list.append("{}-{}-{}-{}".format(m, s, str(start), str(stop))) id_set = set(id_list) if line_number != len(id_set): print("WARNING: duplicated segmentID in input StatServers") # Initialize the new StatServer with unique set of segmentID tmp = numpy.array(list(id_set)) new_stat_server = sidekit.StatServer() new_stat_server.modelset = numpy.empty(len(id_set), dtype='object') new_stat_server.segset = numpy.empty(len(id_set), dtype='object') new_stat_server.start = numpy.empty(len(id_set), 'object') new_stat_server.stop = numpy.empty(len(id_set), dtype='object') new_stat_server.stat0 = numpy.zeros((len(id_set), dim_stat0), dtype=STAT_TYPE) new_stat_server.stat1 = numpy.zeros((len(id_set), dim_stat1), dtype=STAT_TYPE) for ss in arg: for idx, (m, s, start, stop) in enumerate(zip(ss.modelset, ss.segset, ss.start, ss.stop)): key = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(m, s, str(start), str(stop)) new_idx = numpy.argwhere(tmp == key) new_stat_server.modelset[new_idx] = ss.modelset[idx] new_stat_server.segset[new_idx] = ss.segset[idx] new_stat_server.start[new_idx] = ss.start[idx] new_stat_server.stop[new_idx] = ss.stop[idx] new_stat_server.stat0[new_idx, :] = ss.stat0[idx, :].astype(STAT_TYPE) new_stat_server.stat1[new_idx, :] = ss.stat1[idx, :].astype(STAT_TYPE) assert (new_stat_server.validate()), "Problem in StatServer Merging" return new_stat_server
[docs] @staticmethod def read(statserver_file_name, prefix=''): """Read StatServer in hdf5 format :param statserver_file_name: name of the file to read from :param prefix: prefixe of the dataset to read from in HDF5 file """ with h5py.File(statserver_file_name, "r") as f: statserver = StatServer() statserver.modelset = f.get(prefix+"modelset")[()] statserver.segset = f.get(prefix+"segset")[()] # if running python 3, need a conversion to unicode if sys.version_info[0] == 3: statserver.modelset = statserver.modelset.astype('U', copy=False) statserver.segset = statserver.segset.astype('U', copy=False) tmpstart = f.get(prefix+"start")[()] tmpstop = f.get(prefix+"stop")[()] statserver.start = numpy.empty(f[prefix+"start"].shape, '|O') statserver.stop = numpy.empty(f[prefix+"stop"].shape, '|O') statserver.start[tmpstart != -1] = tmpstart[tmpstart != -1] statserver.stop[tmpstop != -1] = tmpstop[tmpstop != -1] statserver.stat0 = f.get(prefix+"stat0")[()].astype(dtype=STAT_TYPE) statserver.stat1 = f.get(prefix+"stat1")[()].astype(dtype=STAT_TYPE) assert statserver.validate(), "Error: wrong StatServer format" return statserver
@check_path_existance def write(self, output_file_name, prefix='', mode='w'): """Write the StatServer to disk in hdf5 format. :param output_file_name: name of the file to write in. :param prefix: """ assert self.validate(), "Error: wrong StatServer format" start = copy.deepcopy(self.start) start[numpy.isnan(self.start.astype('float'))] = -1 start = start.astype('int32', copy=False) stop = copy.deepcopy(self.stop) stop[numpy.isnan(self.stop.astype('float'))] = -1 stop = stop.astype('int32', copy=False) with h5py.File(output_file_name, mode) as f: ds_already_exist = prefix in f # If the file doesn't exist before, create it if mode == "w" or not ds_already_exist: f.create_dataset(prefix+"modelset", data=self.modelset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+"segset", data=self.segset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+"stat0", data=self.stat0.astype(numpy.float32), maxshape=(None, self.stat0.shape[1]), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+"stat1", data=self.stat1.astype(numpy.float32), maxshape=(None, self.stat1.shape[1]), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+"start", data=start, maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+"stop", data=stop, maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) # If the file already exist, we extend all datasets and add the new data else: previous_size = f[prefix+"modelset"].shape[0] # Extend the size of each dataset f[prefix+"modelset"].resize((previous_size + self.modelset.shape[0],)) f[prefix+"segset"].resize((previous_size + self.segset.shape[0],)) f[prefix+"start"].resize((previous_size + start.shape[0],)) f[prefix+"stop"].resize((previous_size + stop.shape[0],)) f[prefix+"stat0"].resize((previous_size + self.stat0.shape[0], self.stat0.shape[1])) f[prefix+"stat1"].resize((previous_size + self.stat1.shape[0], self.stat1.shape[1])) # add the new data; WARNING: no check is done on the new data, beware of duplicated entries f[prefix+"modelset"][previous_size:] = self.modelset.astype('S') f[prefix+"segset"][previous_size:] = self.segset.astype('S') f[prefix+"start"][previous_size:] = start f[prefix+"stop"][previous_size:] = stop f[prefix+"stat0"][previous_size:, :] = self.stat0.astype(STAT_TYPE) f[prefix+"stat1"][previous_size:, :] = self.stat1.astype(STAT_TYPE)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5f, prefix='', mode='w'): """Write the StatServer to disk in hdf5 format. :param output_file_name: name of the file to write in. :param prefix: """ assert self.validate(), "Error: wrong StatServer format" start = copy.deepcopy(self.start) start[numpy.isnan(self.start.astype('float'))] = -1 start = start.astype('int32', copy=False) stop = copy.deepcopy(self.stop) stop[numpy.isnan(self.stop.astype('float'))] = -1 stop = stop.astype('int32', copy=False) # If the file doesn't exist before, create it if mode == "w": h5f.create_dataset(prefix + "modelset", data=self.modelset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) h5f.create_dataset(prefix + "segset", data=self.segset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) h5f.create_dataset(prefix + "stat0", data=self.stat0.astype(numpy.float32), maxshape=(None, self.stat0.shape[1]), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) h5f.create_dataset(prefix + "stat1", data=self.stat1.astype(numpy.float32), maxshape=(None, self.stat1.shape[1]), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) h5f.create_dataset(prefix + "start", data=start, maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) h5f.create_dataset(prefix + "stop", data=stop, maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) # If the file already exist, we extend all datasets and add the new data else: previous_size = f[prefix + "modelset"].shape[0] # Extend the size of each dataset h5f[prefix + "modelset"].resize((previous_size + self.modelset.shape[0],)) h5f[prefix + "segset"].resize((previous_size + self.segset.shape[0],)) h5f[prefix + "start"].resize((previous_size + start.shape[0],)) h5f[prefix + "stop"].resize((previous_size + stop.shape[0],)) h5f[prefix + "stat0"].resize((previous_size + self.stat0.shape[0], self.stat0.shape[1])) h5f[prefix + "stat1"].resize((previous_size + self.stat1.shape[0], self.stat1.shape[1])) # add the new data; WARNING: no check is done on the new data, beware of duplicated entries h5f[prefix + "modelset"][previous_size:] = self.modelset.astype('S') h5f[prefix + "segset"][previous_size:] = self.segset.astype('S') h5f[prefix + "start"][previous_size:] = start h5f[prefix + "stop"][previous_size:] = stop h5f[prefix + "stat0"][previous_size:, :] = self.stat0.astype(STAT_TYPE) h5f[prefix + "stat1"][previous_size:, :] = self.stat1.astype(STAT_TYPE)
[docs] def get_model_stat0(self, mod_id): """Return zero-order statistics of a given model :param mod_id: ID of the model which stat0 will be returned :return: a matrix of zero-order statistics as a ndarray """ S = self.stat0[self. modelset == mod_id, :] return S
[docs] def get_model_stat1(self, mod_id): """Return first-order statistics of a given model :param mod_id: string, ID of the model which stat1 will be returned :return: a matrix of first-order statistics as a ndarray """ return self.stat1[self.modelset == mod_id, :]
[docs] def get_model_stat0_by_index(self, mod_idx): """Return zero-order statistics of model number modIDX :param mod_idx: integer, index of the unique model which stat0 will be returned :return: a matrix of zero-order statistics as a ndarray """ return self.stat0[(self.modelset == numpy.unique(self.modelset)[mod_idx]), :]
[docs] def get_model_stat1_by_index(self, mod_idx): """Return first-order statistics of model number modIDX :param mod_idx: integer, index of the unique model which stat1 will be returned :return: a matrix of first-order statistics as a ndarray """ selectSeg = (self.modelset == numpy.unique(self.modelset)[mod_idx]) return self.stat1[selectSeg, :]
[docs] def get_segment_stat0(self, seg_id): """Return zero-order statistics of segment which ID is segID :param seg_id: string, ID of the segment which stat0 will be returned :return: a matrix of zero-order statistics as a ndarray """ return self.stat0[self.segset == seg_id, :]
[docs] def get_segment_stat1(self, seg_id): """Return first-order statistics of segment which ID is segID :param seg_id: string, ID of the segment which stat1 will be returned :return: a matrix of first-order statistics as a ndarray """ return self.stat1[self.segset == seg_id, :]
[docs] def get_segment_stat0_by_index(self, seg_idx): """Return zero-order statistics of segment number segIDX :param seg_idx: integer, index of the unique segment which stat0 will be returned :return: a matrix of zero-order statistics as a ndarray """ return self.stat0[seg_idx, :]
[docs] def get_segment_stat1_by_index(self, seg_idx): """Return first-order statistics of segment number segIDX :param seg_idx: integer, index of the unique segment which stat1 will be returned :return: a matrix of first-order statistics as a ndarray """ return self.stat1[seg_idx, :]
[docs] def get_model_segments(self, mod_id): """Return the list of segments belonging to model modID :param mod_id: string, ID of the model which belonging segments will be returned :return: a list of segments belonging to the model """ return self.segset[self.modelset == mod_id]
[docs] def get_model_segments_by_index(self, mod_idx): """Return the list of segments belonging to model number modIDX :param mod_idx: index of the model which list of segments will be returned :return: a list of segments belonging to the model """ select_seg = (self.modelset == numpy.unique(self.modelset)[mod_idx]) return self.segset[select_seg, :]
[docs] def align_segments(self, segment_list): """Align segments of the current StatServer to match a list of segment provided as input parameter. The size of the StatServer might be reduced to match the input list of segments. :param segment_list: ndarray of strings, list of segments to match """ indx = numpy.array([numpy.argwhere(self.segset == v)[0][0] for v in segment_list]) self.segset = self.segset[indx] self.modelset = self.modelset[indx] self.start = self.start[indx] self.stop = self.stop[indx] self.stat0 = self.stat0[indx, :] self.stat1 = self.stat1[indx, :]
[docs] def align_models(self, model_list): """Align models of the current StatServer to match a list of models provided as input parameter. The size of the StatServer might be reduced to match the input list of models. :param model_list: ndarray of strings, list of models to match """ indx = numpy.array([numpy.argwhere(self.modelset == v)[0][0] for v in model_list]) self.segset = self.segset[indx] self.modelset = self.modelset[indx] self.start = self.start[indx] self.stop = self.stop[indx] self.stat0 = self.stat0[indx, :] self.stat1 = self.stat1[indx, :]
@process_parallel_lists def accumulate_stat(self, ubm, feature_server, seg_indices=None, channel_extension=("", "_b"), num_thread=1): """Compute statistics for a list of sessions which indices are given in segIndices. :param ubm: a Mixture object used to compute the statistics :param feature_server: featureServer object :param seg_indices: list of indices of segments to process if segIndices is an empty list, process all segments. :param channel_extension: tuple of strings, extension of first and second channel for stereo files, default is ("", "_b") :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run """ assert isinstance(ubm, Mixture), 'First parameter has to be a Mixture' assert isinstance(feature_server, FeaturesServer), 'Second parameter has to be a FeaturesServer' if (seg_indices is None) \ or (self.stat0.shape[0] != self.segset.shape[0]) \ or (self.stat1.shape[0] != self.segset.shape[0]): self.stat0 = numpy.zeros((self.segset.shape[0], ubm.distrib_nb()), dtype=STAT_TYPE) self.stat1 = numpy.zeros((self.segset.shape[0], ubm.sv_size()), dtype=STAT_TYPE) seg_indices = range(self.segset.shape[0]) feature_server.keep_all_features = True for count, idx in enumerate(seg_indices): logging.debug('Compute statistics for {}'.format(self.segset[idx])) show = self.segset[idx] # If using a FeaturesExtractor, get the channel number by checking the extension of the show channel = 0 if feature_server.features_extractor is not None and show.endswith(channel_extension[1]): channel = 1 show = show[:show.rfind(channel_extension[channel])] cep, vad = feature_server.load(show, channel=channel) stop = vad.shape[0] if self.stop[idx] is None else min(self.stop[idx], vad.shape[0])'{} start: {} stop: {}'.format(show, self.start[idx], stop)) data = cep[self.start[idx]:stop, :] data = data[vad[self.start[idx]:stop], :] # Verify that frame dimension is equal to gmm dimension if not ubm.dim() == data.shape[1]: raise Exception('dimension of ubm and features differ: {:d} / {:d}'.format(ubm.dim(), data.shape[1])) else: if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2: lp = ubm.compute_log_posterior_probabilities(data) else: lp = ubm.compute_log_posterior_probabilities_full(data) pp, foo = sum_log_probabilities(lp) # Compute 0th-order statistics self.stat0[idx, :] = pp.sum(0) # Compute 1st-order statistics self.stat1[idx, :] = numpy.reshape(numpy.transpose(, pp)), ubm.sv_size()).astype(STAT_TYPE)
[docs] def get_mean_stat1(self): """Return the mean of first order statistics return: the mean array of the first order statistics. """ mu = numpy.mean(self.stat1, axis=0) return mu
[docs] def norm_stat1(self): """Divide all first-order statistics by their euclidian norm.""" vect_norm = numpy.clip(numpy.linalg.norm(self.stat1, axis=1), 1e-08, numpy.inf) self.stat1 = (self.stat1.transpose() / vect_norm).transpose()
[docs] def rotate_stat1(self, R): """Rotate first-order statistics by a right-product. :param R: ndarray, matrix to use for right product on the first order statistics. """ self.stat1 =, R)
[docs] def center_stat1(self, mu): """Center first order statistics. :param mu: array to center on. """ dim = self.stat1.shape[1] / self.stat0.shape[1] index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(self.stat0.shape[1]), dim) self.stat1 = self.stat1 - (self.stat0[:, index_map] * mu.astype(STAT_TYPE))
[docs] def subtract_weighted_stat1(self, sts): """Subtract the stat1 from from the sts StatServer to the stat1 of the current StatServer after multiplying by the zero-order statistics from the current statserver :param sts: a StatServer :return: a new StatServer """ new_sts = copy.deepcopy(self) # check the compatibility of the two statservers # exact match of the sessions and dimensions of the stat0 and stat1 if all(numpy.sort(sts.modelset) == numpy.sort(self.modelset))and \ all(numpy.sort(sts.segset) == numpy.sort(self.segset)) and \ (sts.stat0.shape == self.stat0.shape) and \ (sts.stat1.shape == self.stat1.shape): # align sts according to self.segset idx = self.segset.argsort() idx_sts = sts.segset.argsort() new_sts.stat1[idx, :] = sts.stat1[idx_sts, :] # Subtract the stat1 dim = self.stat1.shape[1] / self.stat0.shape[1] index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(self.stat0.shape[1]), dim) new_sts.stat1 = self.stat1 - (self.stat0[:, index_map] * new_sts.stat1) else: raise Exception('Statserver are not compatible') return new_sts
[docs] def whiten_stat1(self, mu, sigma, isSqrInvSigma=False): """Whiten first-order statistics If sigma.ndim == 1, case of a diagonal covariance If sigma.ndim == 2, case of a single Gaussian with full covariance If sigma.ndim == 3, case of a full covariance UBM :param mu: array, mean vector to be subtracted from the statistics :param sigma: narray, co-variance matrix or covariance super-vector :param isSqrInvSigma: boolean, True if the input Sigma matrix is the inverse of the square root of a covariance matrix """ if sigma.ndim == 1: self.center_stat1(mu) self.stat1 = self.stat1 / numpy.sqrt(sigma.astype(STAT_TYPE)) elif sigma.ndim == 2: # Compute the inverse square root of the co-variance matrix Sigma sqr_inv_sigma = sigma if not isSqrInvSigma: eigen_values, eigen_vectors = scipy.linalg.eigh(sigma) ind = eigen_values.real.argsort()[::-1] eigen_values = eigen_values.real[ind] eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors.real[:, ind] sqr_inv_eval_sigma = 1 / numpy.sqrt(eigen_values.real) sqr_inv_sigma =, numpy.diag(sqr_inv_eval_sigma)) else: pass # Whitening of the first-order statistics self.center_stat1(mu) self.rotate_stat1(sqr_inv_sigma) elif sigma.ndim == 3: # we assume that sigma is a 3D ndarray of size D x n x n # where D is the number of distributions and n is the dimension of a single distibution n = self.stat1.shape[1] // self.stat0.shape[1] sess_nb = self.stat0.shape[0] self.center_stat1(mu) self.stat1 = numpy.einsum("ikj,ikl->ilj", self.stat1.T.reshape(-1, n, sess_nb), sigma).reshape(-1, sess_nb).T else: raise Exception('Wrong dimension of Sigma, must be 1 or 2')
[docs] def whiten_cholesky_stat1(self, mu, sigma): """Whiten first-order statistics by using Cholesky decomposition of Sigma :param mu: array, mean vector to be subtracted from the statistics :param sigma: narray, co-variance matrix or covariance super-vector """ if sigma.ndim == 2: # Compute the inverse square root of the co-variance matrix Sigma inv_sigma = scipy.linalg.inv(sigma) chol_invcov = scipy.linalg.cholesky(inv_sigma).T # Whitening of the first-order statistics self.center_stat1(mu) self.stat1 = elif sigma.ndim == 1: self.center_stat1(mu) self.stat1 = self.stat1 / numpy.sqrt(sigma) else: raise Exception('Wrong dimension of Sigma, must be 1 or 2')
[docs] def get_total_covariance_stat1(self): """Compute and return the total covariance matrix of the first-order statistics. :return: the total co-variance matrix of the first-order statistics as a ndarray. """ C = self.stat1 - self.stat1.mean(axis=0) return, C) / self.stat1.shape[0]
[docs] def get_within_covariance_stat1(self): """Compute and return the within-class covariance matrix of the first-order statistics. :return: the within-class co-variance matrix of the first-order statistics as a ndarray. """ vect_size = self.stat1.shape[1] unique_speaker = numpy.unique(self.modelset) W = numpy.zeros((vect_size, vect_size)) for speakerID in unique_speaker: spk_ctr_vec = self.get_model_stat1(speakerID) \ - numpy.mean(self.get_model_stat1(speakerID), axis=0) W +=, spk_ctr_vec) W /= self.stat1.shape[0] return W
[docs] def get_between_covariance_stat1(self): """Compute and return the between-class covariance matrix of the first-order statistics. :return: the between-class co-variance matrix of the first-order statistics as a ndarray. """ vect_size = self.stat1.shape[1] unique_speaker = numpy.unique(self.modelset) B = numpy.zeros((vect_size, vect_size)) # Compute overall mean first-order statistics mu = self.get_mean_stat1() # Compute and accumulate mean first-order statistics for each class for speaker_id in unique_speaker: spk_sessions = self.get_model_stat1(speaker_id) tmp = numpy.mean(spk_sessions, axis=0) - mu B += (spk_sessions.shape[0] * numpy.outer(tmp, tmp)) B /= self.stat1.shape[0] return B
[docs] def get_lda_matrix_stat1(self, rank): """Compute and return the Linear Discriminant Analysis matrix on the first-order statistics. Columns of the LDA matrix are ordered according to the corresponding eigenvalues in descending order. :param rank: integer, rank of the LDA matrix to return :return: the LDA matrix of rank "rank" as a ndarray """ vect_size = self.stat1.shape[1] unique_speaker = numpy.unique(self.modelset) mu = self.get_mean_stat1() class_means = numpy.zeros((unique_speaker.shape[0], vect_size)) Sw = numpy.zeros((vect_size, vect_size)) spk_idx = 0 for speaker_id in unique_speaker: spk_sessions = self.get_model_stat1(speaker_id) \ - numpy.mean(self.get_model_stat1(speaker_id), axis=0) Sw +=, spk_sessions) / spk_sessions.shape[0] class_means[spk_idx, :] = numpy.mean(self.get_model_stat1(speaker_id), axis=0) spk_idx += 1 # Compute Between-class scatter matrix class_means = class_means - mu Sb =, class_means) # Compute the Eigenvectors & eigenvalues of the discrimination matrix DiscriminationMatrix =, scipy.linalg.inv(Sw)).transpose() eigen_values, eigen_vectors = scipy.linalg.eigh(DiscriminationMatrix) eigen_values = eigen_values.real eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors.real # Rearrange the eigenvectors according to decreasing eigenvalues # get indexes of the rank top eigen values idx = eigen_values.real.argsort()[-rank:][::-1] L = eigen_vectors[:, idx] return L
[docs] def get_mahalanobis_matrix_stat1(self): """Compute and return Mahalanobis matrix of first-order statistics. :return: the mahalanobis matrix computed on the first-order statistics as a ndarray """ W = self.get_within_covariance_stat1() M = scipy.linalg.inv(W) return M
[docs] def get_wccn_choleski_stat1(self): """Compute and return the lower Cholesky decomposition matrix of the Within Class Co-variance Normalization matrix on the first-order statistics. :return: the lower Choleski decomposition of the WCCN matrix as a ndarray """ vect_size = self.stat1.shape[1] unique_speaker = numpy.unique(self.modelset) WCCN = numpy.zeros((vect_size, vect_size)) for speaker_id in unique_speaker: spk_ctr_vec = self.get_model_stat1(speaker_id) \ - numpy.mean(self.get_model_stat1(speaker_id), axis=0) #WCCN +=, spk_ctr_vec) WCCN +=, spk_ctr_vec) / spk_ctr_vec.shape[0] #WCCN /= self.stat1.shape[0] WCCN = WCCN / unique_speaker.shape[0] # Choleski decomposition of the WCCN matrix invW = scipy.linalg.inv(WCCN) W = scipy.linalg.cholesky(invW).T return W
[docs] def get_nap_matrix_stat1(self, co_rank): """Compute return the Nuisance Attribute Projection matrix from first-order statistics. :param co_rank: co-rank of the Nuisance Attribute Projection matrix :return: the NAP matrix of rank "coRank" """ vectSize = self.stat1.shape[1] W =, self.stat1.transpose()) / vectSize eigenValues, eigenVectors = scipy.linalg.eigh(W) # Rearrange the eigenvectors according to decreasing eigenvalues # get indexes of the rank top eigen values idx = eigenValues.real.argsort()[-co_rank:][::-1] N =, eigenVectors[:, idx]) N =, numpy.diag(1 / numpy.sqrt(vectSize * eigenValues.real[idx]))) return N
[docs] def adapt_mean_map(self, ubm, r=16, norm=False): """Maximum A Posteriori adaptation of the mean super-vector of ubm, train one model per segment. :param ubm: a Mixture object to adapt :param r: float, the relevant factor for MAP adaptation :param norm: boolean, normalize by using the UBM co-variance. Default is False :return: a StatServer with 1 as stat0 and the MAP adapted super-vectors as stat1 """ gsv_statserver = StatServer() gsv_statserver.modelset = self.modelset gsv_statserver.segset = self.segset gsv_statserver.start = self.start gsv_statserver.stop = self.stop gsv_statserver.stat0 = numpy.ones((self.segset. shape[0], 1), dtype=STAT_TYPE) index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(ubm.distrib_nb()), ubm.dim()) # Adapt mean vectors alpha = (self.stat0 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps) / (self.stat0 + numpy.finfo(numpy.float32).eps + r) M = self.stat1 / self.stat0[:, index_map] M[numpy.isnan(M)] = 0 # Replace NaN due to divide by zeros M = alpha[:, index_map] * M + (1 - alpha[:, index_map]) * \ numpy.tile(ubm.get_mean_super_vector(), (M.shape[0], 1)) if norm: if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2: # Normalization corresponds to KL divergence w = numpy.repeat(ubm.w, ubm.dim()) KLD = numpy.sqrt(w * ubm.get_invcov_super_vector()) M = M * KLD gsv_statserver.stat1 = M.astype(dtype=STAT_TYPE) gsv_statserver.validate() return gsv_statserver
[docs] def adapt_mean_map_multisession(self, ubm, r=16, norm=False): """Maximum A Posteriori adaptation of the mean super-vector of ubm, train one model per model in the modelset by summing the statistics of the multiple segments. :param ubm: a Mixture object to adapt :param r: float, the relevant factor for MAP adaptation :param norm: boolean, normalize by using the UBM co-variance. Default is False :return: a StatServer with 1 as stat0 and the MAP adapted super-vectors as stat1 """ gsv_statserver = StatServer() gsv_statserver.modelset = numpy.unique(self.modelset) gsv_statserver.segset = numpy.unique(self.modelset) gsv_statserver.start = numpy.empty(gsv_statserver.modelset.shape, dtype="|O") gsv_statserver.stop = numpy.empty(gsv_statserver.modelset.shape, dtype="|O") gsv_statserver.stat0 = numpy.ones((numpy.unique(self.modelset).shape[0], 1), dtype=STAT_TYPE) index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(ubm.distrib_nb()), ubm.dim()) # Sum the statistics per model modelStat = self.sum_stat_per_model()[0] # Adapt mean vectors alpha = modelStat.stat0 / (modelStat.stat0 + r) M = modelStat.stat1 / modelStat.stat0[:, index_map] M[numpy.isnan(M)] = 0 # Replace NaN due to divide by zeros M = alpha[:, index_map] * M \ + (1 - alpha[:, index_map]) * numpy.tile(ubm.get_mean_super_vector(), (M.shape[0], 1)) if norm: if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2: # Normalization corresponds to KL divergence w = numpy.repeat(ubm.w, ubm.dim()) KLD = numpy.sqrt(w * ubm.get_invcov_super_vector()) M = M * KLD gsv_statserver.stat1 = M.astype(dtype=STAT_TYPE) gsv_statserver.validate() return gsv_statserver
[docs] def precompute_svm_kernel_stat1(self): """Pre-compute the Kernel for SVM training and testing, the output parameter is a matrix that only contains the impostor part of the Kernel. This one has to be completed by the target-dependent part during training and testing. :return: the impostor part of the SVM Graam matrix as a ndarray """ K =, self.stat1.transpose()) return K
[docs] def ivector_extraction_weight(self, ubm, W, Tnorm, delta=numpy.array([])): """Compute i-vectors using the ubm weight approximation. For more information, refers to: Glembeck, O.; Burget, L.; Matejka, P.; Karafiat, M. & Kenny, P. "Simplification and optimization of I-Vector extraction," in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, 2011, 4516-4519 :param ubm: a Mixture used as UBM for i-vector estimation :param W: fix matrix pre-computed using the weights from the UBM and the total variability matrix :param Tnorm: total variability matrix pre-normalized using the co-variance of the UBM :param delta: men vector if re-estimated using minimum divergence criteria :return: a StatServer which zero-order statistics are 1 and first-order statistics are approximated i-vectors. """ # check consistency of dimensions for delta, Tnorm, W, ubm assert ubm.get_invcov_super_vector().shape[0] == Tnorm.shape[0], \ 'UBM and TV matrix dimension are not consistent' if delta.shape == (0, ): delta = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_invcov_super_vector().shape) assert ubm.get_invcov_super_vector().shape[0] == delta.shape[0],\ 'Minimum divergence mean and TV matrix dimension not consistent' assert W.shape[0] == Tnorm.shape[1], 'W and TV matrix dimension are not consistent' ivector_size = Tnorm.shape[1] # Sum stat0 sumStat0 = self.stat0.sum(axis=1) # Center and normalize first-order statistics # for the case of diagonal covariance UBM self.whiten_stat1(delta, 1./ubm.get_invcov_super_vector()) X =, Tnorm) enroll_iv = StatServer() enroll_iv.modelset = self.modelset enroll_iv.segset = self.segset enroll_iv.stat0 = numpy.ones((enroll_iv.segset.shape[0], 1)) enroll_iv.stat1 = numpy.zeros((enroll_iv.segset.shape[0], ivector_size)) for iv in range(self.stat0.shape[0]): # loop on i-vector logging.debug('Estimate i-vector [ %d / %d ]', iv + 1, self.stat0.shape[0]) # Compute precision matrix L = numpy.eye(ivector_size) + sumStat0[iv] * W # Estimate i-vector enroll_iv.stat1[iv, :] = scipy.linalg.solve(L, X[iv, :]) return enroll_iv
[docs] def ivector_extraction_eigen_decomposition(self, ubm, Q, D_bar_c, Tnorm, delta=numpy.array([])): """Compute i-vectors using the eigen decomposition approximation. For more information, refers to[Glembeck09]_ :param ubm: a Mixture used as UBM for i-vector estimation :param Q: Q matrix as described in [Glembeck11] :param D_bar_c: matrices as described in [Glembeck11] :param Tnorm: total variability matrix pre-normalized using the co-variance of the UBM :param delta: men vector if re-estimated using minimum divergence criteria :return: a StatServer which zero-order statistics are 1 and first-order statistics are approximated i-vectors. """ # check consistency of dimensions for delta, Tnorm, Q, D_bar_c, ubm assert ubm.get_invcov_super_vector().shape[0] == Tnorm.shape[0], \ 'UBM and TV matrix dimension not consistent' if delta.shape == (0, ): delta = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_invcov_super_vector().shape) assert ubm.get_invcov_super_vector().shape[0] == delta.shape[0], \ 'Minimum divergence mean and TV matrix dimension not consistent' assert D_bar_c.shape[1] == Tnorm.shape[1], \ 'D_bar_c and TV matrix dimension are not consistent' assert D_bar_c.shape[0] == ubm.w.shape[0], \ 'D_bar_c and UBM dimension are not consistent' ivector_size = Tnorm.shape[1] # Center and normalize first-order statistics # for the case of diagonal covariance UBM self.whiten_stat1(delta, 1./ubm.get_invcov_super_vector()) X =, Tnorm) enroll_iv = StatServer() enroll_iv.modelset = self.modelset enroll_iv.segset = self.segset enroll_iv.stat0 = numpy.ones((enroll_iv.segset.shape[0], 1), dtype=STAT_TYPE) enroll_iv.stat1 = numpy.zeros((enroll_iv.segset.shape[0], ivector_size), dtype=STAT_TYPE) for iv in range(self.stat0.shape[0]): # loop on i-vector logging.debug('Estimate i-vector [ %d / %d ]', iv + 1, self.stat0.shape[0]) # Compute precision matrix diag_L = 1 + numpy.sum([iv, :]), D_bar_c), axis=0) # Estimate i-vector enroll_iv.stat1[iv, :] = X[iv, :].dot(Q).dot(numpy.diag(1/diag_L)).dot(Q.transpose()) return enroll_iv
[docs] def estimate_spectral_norm_stat1(self, it=1, mode='efr'): """Compute meta-parameters for Spectral Normalization as described in [Bousquet11]_ Can be used to perform Eigen Factor Radial or Spherical Nuisance Normalization. Default behavior is equivalent to Length Norm as described in [Garcia-Romero11]_ Statistics are transformed while the meta-parameters are estimated. :param it: integer, number of iterations to perform :param mode: string, can be - efr for Eigen Factor Radial - sphNorm, for Spherical Nuisance Normalization :return: a tupple of two lists: - a list of mean vectors - a list of co-variance matrices as ndarrays """ spectral_norm_mean = [] spectral_norm_cov = [] tmp_iv = copy.deepcopy(self) for i in range(it): # estimate mean and covariance matrix spectral_norm_mean.append(tmp_iv.get_mean_stat1()) if mode == 'efr': spectral_norm_cov.append(tmp_iv.get_total_covariance_stat1()) elif mode == 'sphNorm': spectral_norm_cov.append(tmp_iv.get_within_covariance_stat1()) # Center and whiten the statistics tmp_iv.whiten_stat1(spectral_norm_mean[i], spectral_norm_cov[i]) tmp_iv.norm_stat1() return spectral_norm_mean, spectral_norm_cov
[docs] def spectral_norm_stat1(self, spectral_norm_mean, spectral_norm_cov, is_sqr_inv_sigma=False): """Apply Spectral Sormalization to all first order statistics. See more details in [Bousquet11]_ The number of iterations performed is equal to the length of the input lists. :param spectral_norm_mean: a list of mean vectors :param spectral_norm_cov: a list of co-variance matrices as ndarrays :param is_sqr_inv_sigma: boolean, True if """ assert len(spectral_norm_mean) == len(spectral_norm_cov), \ 'Number of mean vectors and covariance matrices is different' for mu, Cov in zip(spectral_norm_mean, spectral_norm_cov): self.whiten_stat1(mu, Cov, is_sqr_inv_sigma) self.norm_stat1()
[docs] def sum_stat_per_model(self): """Sum the zero- and first-order statistics per model and store them in a new StatServer. :return: a StatServer with the statistics summed per model """ sts_per_model = sidekit.StatServer() sts_per_model.modelset = numpy.unique(self.modelset) sts_per_model.segset = copy.deepcopy(sts_per_model.modelset) sts_per_model.stat0 = numpy.zeros((sts_per_model.modelset.shape[0], self.stat0.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE) sts_per_model.stat1 = numpy.zeros((sts_per_model.modelset.shape[0], self.stat1.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE) sts_per_model.start = numpy.empty(sts_per_model.segset.shape, '|O') sts_per_model.stop = numpy.empty(sts_per_model.segset.shape, '|O') session_per_model = numpy.zeros(numpy.unique(self.modelset).shape[0]) for idx, model in enumerate(sts_per_model.modelset): sts_per_model.stat0[idx, :] = self.get_model_stat0(model).sum(axis=0) sts_per_model.stat1[idx, :] = self.get_model_stat1(model).sum(axis=0) session_per_model[idx] += self.get_model_stat1(model).shape[0] return sts_per_model, session_per_model
[docs] def mean_stat_per_model(self): """Average the zero- and first-order statistics per model and store them in a new StatServer. :return: a StatServer with the statistics averaged per model """ sts_per_model = sidekit.StatServer() sts_per_model.modelset = numpy.unique(self.modelset) sts_per_model.segset = copy.deepcopy(sts_per_model.modelset) sts_per_model.stat0 = numpy.zeros((sts_per_model.modelset.shape[0], self.stat0.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE) sts_per_model.stat1 = numpy.zeros((sts_per_model.modelset.shape[0], self.stat1.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE) sts_per_model.start = numpy.empty(sts_per_model.segset.shape, '|O') sts_per_model.stop = numpy.empty(sts_per_model.segset.shape, '|O') for idx, model in enumerate(sts_per_model.modelset): sts_per_model.stat0[idx, :] = self.get_model_stat0(model).mean(axis=0) sts_per_model.stat1[idx, :] = self.get_model_stat1(model).mean(axis=0) return sts_per_model
def _expectation(self, phi, mean, sigma, session_per_model, batch_size=100, num_thread=1): """ dans cette version, on considère que les stats NE sont PAS blanchis avant """ warnings.warn("deprecated, use FactorAnalyser module", DeprecationWarning) r = phi.shape[-1] d = int(self.stat1.shape[1] / self.stat0.shape[1]) C = self.stat0.shape[1] """Whiten the statistics and multiply the covariance matrix by the square root of the inverse of the residual covariance""" self.whiten_stat1(mean, sigma) phi_white = copy.deepcopy(phi) if sigma.ndim == 2: eigen_values, eigen_vectors = scipy.linalg.eigh(sigma) ind = eigen_values.real.argsort()[::-1] eigen_values = eigen_values.real[ind] eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors.real[:, ind] sqr_inv_eval_sigma = 1 / numpy.sqrt(eigen_values.real) sqr_inv_sigma =, numpy.diag(sqr_inv_eval_sigma)) phi_white = elif sigma.ndim == 1: sqr_inv_sigma = 1/numpy.sqrt(sigma) phi_white = phi * sqr_inv_sigma[:, None] # Replicate self.stat0 index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(C), d) _stat0 = self.stat0[:, index_map] # Create accumulators for the list of models to process with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) _A = numpy.zeros((C, r, r), dtype=STAT_TYPE) tmp_A = multiprocessing.Array(ct, _A.size) _A = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_A.get_obj()) _A = _A.reshape(C, r, r) _C = numpy.zeros((r, d * C), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _R = numpy.zeros((r, r), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _r = numpy.zeros(r, dtype=STAT_TYPE) # Process in batches in order to reduce the memory requirement batch_nb = int(numpy.floor(self.segset.shape[0]/float(batch_size) + 0.999)) for batch in range(batch_nb): batch_start = batch * batch_size batch_stop = min((batch + 1) * batch_size, self.segset.shape[0]) batch_len = batch_stop - batch_start # Allocate the memory to save time with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) e_h = numpy.zeros((batch_len, r), dtype=STAT_TYPE) tmp_e_h = multiprocessing.Array(ct, e_h.size) e_h = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_e_h.get_obj()) e_h = e_h.reshape(batch_len, r) e_hh = numpy.zeros((batch_len, r, r), dtype=STAT_TYPE) tmp_e_hh = multiprocessing.Array(ct, e_hh.size) e_hh = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_e_hh.get_obj()) e_hh = e_hh.reshape(batch_len, r, r) # loop on model id's fa_model_loop(batch_start=batch_start, mini_batch_indices=numpy.arange(batch_len), r=r, phi_white=phi_white, phi=phi, sigma=sigma, stat0=_stat0, stat1=self.stat1, e_h=e_h, e_hh=e_hh, num_thread=num_thread) # Accumulate for minimum divergence step _r += numpy.sum(e_h * session_per_model[batch_start:batch_stop, None], axis=0) _R += numpy.sum(e_hh, axis=0) if sqr_inv_sigma.ndim == 2: _C +=[batch_start:batch_stop, :]).dot(scipy.linalg.inv(sqr_inv_sigma)) elif sqr_inv_sigma.ndim == 1: _C +=[batch_start:batch_stop, :]) / sqr_inv_sigma # Parallelized loop on the model id's fa_distribution_loop(distrib_indices=numpy.arange(C), _A=_A, stat0=self.stat0, batch_start=batch_start, batch_stop=batch_stop, e_hh=e_hh, num_thread=num_thread) _r /= session_per_model.sum() _R /= session_per_model.shape[0] return _A, _C, _R def _maximization(self, phi, _A, _C, _R=None, sigma_obs=None, session_number=None): """ """ warnings.warn("deprecated, use FactorAnalyser module", DeprecationWarning) d = self.stat1.shape[1] // self.stat0.shape[1] C = self.stat0.shape[1] for c in range(C): distrib_idx = range(c * d, (c+1) * d) phi[distrib_idx, :] = scipy.linalg.solve(_A[c], _C[:, distrib_idx]).T # Update the residual covariance if needed # (only for full co-variance case of PLDA sigma = None if sigma_obs is not None: sigma = sigma_obs - / session_number # MINIMUM DIVERGENCE STEP if _R is not None: print('applyminDiv reestimation') ch = scipy.linalg.cholesky(_R) phi = return phi, sigma
[docs] def estimate_between_class(self, itNb, V, mean, sigma_obs, batch_size=100, Ux=None, Dz=None, minDiv=True, num_thread=1, re_estimate_residual=False, save_partial=False): """ Estimate the factor loading matrix for the between class covariance :param itNb: :param V: initial between class covariance matrix :param mean: global mean vector :param sigma_obs: covariance matrix of the input data :param batch_size: size of the batches to process one by one to reduce the memory usage :param Ux: statserver of supervectors :param Dz: statserver of supervectors :param minDiv: boolean, if True run the minimum divergence step after maximization :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run :param re_estimate_residual: boolean, if True the residual covariance matrix is re-estimated (for PLDA) :param save_partial: boolean, if True, save FA model for each iteration :return: the within class factor loading matrix """ warnings.warn("deprecated, use FactorAnalyser module", DeprecationWarning) # Initialize the covariance sigma = sigma_obs # Estimate F by iterating the EM algorithm for it in range(itNb):'Estimate between class covariance, it %d / %d', it + 1, itNb) # Dans la fonction estimate_between_class model_shifted_stat = copy.deepcopy(self) # subtract channel effect, Ux, if already estimated if Ux is not None: model_shifted_stat = model_shifted_stat.subtract_weighted_stat1(Ux) # Sum statistics per speaker model_shifted_stat, session_per_model = model_shifted_stat.sum_stat_per_model() # subtract residual, Dz, if already estimated if Dz is not None: model_shifted_stat = model_shifted_stat.subtract(Dz) # E-step print("E_step") _A, _C, _R = model_shifted_stat._expectation(V, mean, sigma, session_per_model, batch_size, num_thread) if not minDiv: _R = None # M-step print("M_step") if re_estimate_residual: V, sigma = model_shifted_stat._maximization(V, _A, _C, _R, sigma_obs, session_per_model.sum()) else: V = model_shifted_stat._maximization(V, _A, _C, _R)[0] if sigma.ndim == 2:'Likelihood after iteration %d / %f', it + 1, compute_llk(self, V, sigma)) del model_shifted_stat if save_partial: sidekit.sidekit_io.write_fa_hdf5((mean, V, None, None, sigma), save_partial + "_{}_between_class.h5".format(it)) return V, sigma
[docs] def estimate_within_class(self, it_nb, U, mean, sigma_obs, batch_size=100, Vy=None, Dz=None, min_div=True, num_thread=1, save_partial=False): """ Estimate the factor loading matrix for the within class covariance :param it_nb: number of iterations to estimate the within class covariance matrix :param U: initial within class covariance matrix :param mean: mean of the input data :param sigma_obs: co-variance matrix of the input data :param batch_size: number of sessions to process per batch to optimize memory usage :param Vy: statserver of supervectors :param Dz: statserver of supervectors :param min_div: boolean, if True run the minimum divergence step after maximization :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run :param save_partial: boolean, if True, save FA model for each iteration :return: the within class factor loading matrix """ warnings.warn("deprecated, use FactorAnalyser module", DeprecationWarning) session_shifted_stat = copy.deepcopy(self) session_per_model = numpy.ones(session_shifted_stat.modelset.shape[0]) # Estimate F by iterating the EM algorithm for it in range(it_nb):'Estimate between class covariance, it %d / %d', it + 1, it_nb) session_shifted_stat = self # subtract channel effect, Ux, if already estimated # and sum per speaker if Vy is not None: session_shifted_stat = session_shifted_stat.subtract_weighted_stat1(Vy) # session_shifted_stat = self.subtract_weighted_stat1(Vy) # subtract residual, Dz, if already estimated if Dz is not None: session_shifted_stat = session_shifted_stat.subtract_weighted_stat1(Dz) # E step A, C, R = session_shifted_stat._expectation(U, mean, sigma_obs, session_per_model, batch_size, num_thread) # M step if not min_div: R = None U = session_shifted_stat._maximization(U, A, C, R)[0] if save_partial: sidekit.sidekit_io.write_fa_hdf5((None, None, U, None, None), save_partial + "_{}_within_class.h5") return U
[docs] def estimate_map(self, itNb, D, mean, Sigma, Vy=None, Ux=None, num_thread=1, save_partial=False): """ :param itNb: number of iterations to estimate the MAP covariance matrix :param D: Maximum a Posteriori marix to estimate :param mean: mean of the input parameters :param Sigma: residual covariance matrix :param Vy: statserver of supervectors :param Ux: statserver of supervectors :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run :param save_partial: boolean, if True save MAP matrix after each iteration :return: the MAP covariance matrix into a vector as it is diagonal """ warnings.warn("deprecated, use FactorAnalyser module", DeprecationWarning) model_shifted_stat = copy.deepcopy(self)'Estimate MAP matrix') # subtract speaker and channel if already estimated model_shifted_stat.center_stat1(mean) if Vy is not None: model_shifted_stat = model_shifted_stat.subtract_weighted_stat1(Vy) if Ux is not None: model_shifted_stat = model_shifted_stat.subtract_weighted_stat1(Ux) # Sum statistics per speaker model_shifted_stat = model_shifted_stat.sum_stat_per_model()[0] d = model_shifted_stat.stat1.shape[1] / model_shifted_stat.stat0.shape[1] C = model_shifted_stat.stat0.shape[1] # Replicate self.stat0 index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(C), d) _stat0 = model_shifted_stat.stat0[:, index_map] # Estimate D by iterating the EM algorithm for it in range(itNb):'Estimate MAP covariance, it %d / %d', it + 1, itNb) # E step e_h = numpy.zeros(model_shifted_stat.stat1.shape, dtype=STAT_TYPE) _A = numpy.zeros(D.shape, dtype=STAT_TYPE) _C = numpy.zeros(D.shape, dtype=STAT_TYPE) for idx in range(model_shifted_stat.modelset.shape[0]): Lambda = numpy.ones(D.shape) + (_stat0[idx, :] * D**2 / Sigma) e_h[idx] = model_shifted_stat.stat1[idx] * D / (Lambda * Sigma) _A = _A + (1/Lambda + e_h[idx]**2) * _stat0[idx, :] _C = _C + e_h[idx] * model_shifted_stat.stat1[idx] # M step D = _C / _A if save_partial: sidekit.sidekit_io.write_fa_hdf5((None, None, None, D, None), save_partial + "_{}_map.h5") return D
[docs] def estimate_hidden(self, mean, sigma, V=None, U=None, D=None, batch_size=100, num_thread=1): """ Assume that the statistics have not been whitened :param mean: global mean of the data to subtract :param sigma: residual covariance matrix of the Factor Analysis model :param V: between class covariance matrix :param U: within class covariance matrix :param D: MAP covariance matrix :param batch_size: size of the batches used to reduce memory footprint :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run """ warnings.warn("deprecated, use FactorAnalyser module", DeprecationWarning) if V is None: V = numpy.zeros((self.stat1.shape[1], 0), dtype=STAT_TYPE) if U is None: U = numpy.zeros((self.stat1.shape[1], 0), dtype=STAT_TYPE) W = numpy.hstack((V, U)) # Estimate yx r = W.shape[1] d = int(self.stat1.shape[1] / self.stat0.shape[1]) C = self.stat0.shape[1] self.whiten_stat1(mean, sigma) W_white = copy.deepcopy(W) if sigma.ndim == 2: eigenvalues, eigenvectors = scipy.linalg.eigh(sigma) ind = eigenvalues.real.argsort()[::-1] eigenvalues = eigenvalues.real[ind] eigenvectors = eigenvectors.real[:, ind] sqr_inv_eval_sigma = 1 / numpy.sqrt(eigenvalues.real) sqr_inv_sigma =, numpy.diag(sqr_inv_eval_sigma)) W_white = elif sigma.ndim == 1: sqr_inv_sigma = 1/numpy.sqrt(sigma) W_white = W * sqr_inv_sigma[:, None] # Replicate self.stat0 index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(C), d) _stat0 = self.stat0[:, index_map] y = sidekit.StatServer() y.modelset = copy.deepcopy(self.modelset) y.segset = copy.deepcopy(self.segset) y.start = copy.deepcopy(self.start) y.stop = copy.deepcopy(self.stop) y.stat0 = numpy.ones((self.modelset.shape[0], 1)) y.stat1 = numpy.ones((self.modelset.shape[0], V.shape[1])) x = sidekit.StatServer() x.modelset = copy.deepcopy(self.modelset) x.segset = copy.deepcopy(self.segset) x.start = copy.deepcopy(self.start) x.stop = copy.deepcopy(self.stop) x.stat0 = numpy.ones((self.modelset.shape[0], 1)) x.stat1 = numpy.ones((self.modelset.shape[0], U.shape[1])) z = sidekit.StatServer() if D is not None: z.modelset = copy.deepcopy(self.modelset) z.segset = copy.deepcopy(self.segset) z.stat0 = numpy.ones((self.modelset.shape[0], 1), dtype=STAT_TYPE) z.stat1 = numpy.ones((self.modelset.shape[0], D.shape[0]), dtype=STAT_TYPE) VUyx = copy.deepcopy(self) # Process in batches in order to reduce the memory requirement batch_nb = int(numpy.floor(self.segset.shape[0]/float(batch_size) + 0.999)) for batch in range(batch_nb): batch_start = batch * batch_size batch_stop = min((batch + 1) * batch_size, self.segset.shape[0]) batch_len = batch_stop - batch_start # Allocate the memory to save time with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) e_h = numpy.zeros((batch_len, r), dtype=STAT_TYPE) tmp_e_h = multiprocessing.Array(ct, e_h.size) e_h = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_e_h.get_obj()) e_h = e_h.reshape(batch_len, r) e_hh = numpy.zeros((batch_len, r, r), dtype=STAT_TYPE) tmp_e_hh = multiprocessing.Array(ct, e_hh.size) e_hh = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp_e_hh.get_obj()) e_hh = e_hh.reshape(batch_len, r, r) # Parallelized loop on the model id's fa_model_loop(batch_start=batch_start, mini_batch_indices=numpy.arange(batch_len), r=r, phi_white=W_white, phi=W, sigma=sigma, stat0=_stat0, stat1=self.stat1, e_h=e_h, e_hh=e_hh, num_thread=num_thread) y.stat1[batch_start:batch_start + batch_len, :] = e_h[:, :V.shape[1]] x.stat1[batch_start:batch_start + batch_len, :] = e_h[:, V.shape[1]:] if D is not None: # subtract Vy + Ux from the first-order statistics VUyx.stat1[batch_start:batch_start + batch_len, :] = if D is not None: # subtract Vy + Ux from the first-order statistics self = self.subtract_weighted_stat1(VUyx) # estimate z for idx in range(self.modelset.shape[0]): Lambda = numpy.ones(D.shape, dtype=STAT_TYPE) + (_stat0[idx, :] * D**2) z.stat1[idx] = self.stat1[idx] * D / Lambda return y, x, z
[docs] def factor_analysis(self, rank_f, rank_g=0, rank_h=None, re_estimate_residual=False, it_nb=(10, 10, 10), min_div=True, ubm=None, batch_size=100, num_thread=1, save_partial=False, init_matrices=(None, None, None)): """ :param rank_f: rank of the between class variability matrix :param rank_g: rank of the within class variab1ility matrix :param rank_h: boolean, if True, estimate the residual covariance matrix. Default is False :param re_estimate_residual: boolean, if True, the residual covariance matrix is re-estimated (use for PLDA) :param it_nb: tupple of three integers; number of iterations to run for F, G, H estimation :param min_div: boolean, if True, re-estimate the covariance matrices according to the minimum divergence criteria :param batch_size: number of sessions to process in one batch or memory optimization :param num_thread: number of thread to run in parallel :param ubm: origin of the space; should be None for PLDA and be a Mixture object for JFA or TV :param save_partial: name of the file to save intermediate models, if True, save before each split of the distributions :param init_matrices: tuple of three optional matrices to initialize the model, default is (None, None, None) :return: three matrices, the between class factor loading matrix, the within class factor loading matrix the diagonal MAP matrix (as a vector) and the residual covariance matrix """ warnings.warn("deprecated, use FactorAnalyser module", DeprecationWarning) (F_init, G_init, H_init) = init_matrices """ not true anymore, stats are not whiten""" # Whiten the statistics around the UBM.mean or, # if there is no UBM, around the effective mean vect_size = self.stat1.shape[1] if ubm is None: mean = self.stat1.mean(axis=0) Sigma_obs = self.get_total_covariance_stat1() if F_init is None: evals, evecs = scipy.linalg.eigh(Sigma_obs) idx = numpy.argsort(evals)[::-1] evecs = evecs[:, idx] F_init = evecs[:, :rank_f] else: mean = ubm.get_mean_super_vector() Sigma_obs = 1. / ubm.get_invcov_super_vector() if F_init is None: F_init = numpy.random.randn(vect_size, rank_f).astype(dtype=STAT_TYPE) if G_init is None: G_init = numpy.random.randn(vect_size, rank_g) # rank_H = 0 if rank_h is not None: # H is empty or full-rank rank_h = vect_size else: rank_h = 0 if H_init is None: H_init = numpy.random.randn(rank_h).astype(dtype=STAT_TYPE) * Sigma_obs.mean() # Estimate the between class variability matrix if rank_f == 0 or it_nb[0] == 0: F = F_init sigma = Sigma_obs else: # Modify the StatServer for the Total Variability estimation # each session is considered a class. if rank_g == rank_h == 0 and not re_estimate_residual: modelset_backup = copy.deepcopy(self.modelset) self.modelset = self.segset F, sigma = self.estimate_between_class(it_nb[0], F_init, mean, Sigma_obs, batch_size, None, None, min_div, num_thread, re_estimate_residual, save_partial) if rank_g == rank_h == 0 and not re_estimate_residual: self.modelset = modelset_backup # Estimate the within class variability matrix if rank_g == 0 or it_nb[2] == 0: G = G_init else: # Estimate Vy per model (not per session) Gtmp = numpy.random.randn(vect_size, 0) model_shifted_stat = self.sum_stat_per_model()[0] y, x, z = model_shifted_stat.estimate_hidden(mean, Sigma_obs, F, Gtmp, None, num_thread) """ Here we compute Vy for each session so we duplicate first the Y computed per model for each session corresponding to this model and then multiply by V. We subtract then a weighted version of Vy from the statistics.""" duplicate_y = numpy.zeros((self.modelset.shape[0], rank_f), dtype=STAT_TYPE) for idx, mod in enumerate(y.modelset): duplicate_y[self.modelset == mod] = y.stat1[idx] Vy = copy.deepcopy(self) Vy.stat1 = # Estimate G G = self.estimate_within_class(it_nb[1], G_init, mean, Sigma_obs, batch_size, Vy, None, min_div, num_thread, save_partial) # Estimate the MAP covariance matrix if rank_h == 0 or it_nb[2] == 0: H = H_init else: # Estimate Vy per model (not per session) empty = numpy.random.randn(vect_size, 0) tmp_stat = self.sum_stat_per_model()[0] y, x, z = tmp_stat.estimate_hidden(mean, Sigma_obs, F, empty, None, num_thread) """ Here we compute Vy for each session so we duplicate first the Y computed per model for each session corresponding to this model and then multiply by V. We subtract then a weighted version of Vy from the statistics.""" duplicate_y = numpy.zeros((self.modelset.shape[0], rank_f), dtype=STAT_TYPE) for idx, mod in enumerate(y.modelset): duplicate_y[self.modelset == mod] = y.stat1[idx] Vy = copy.deepcopy(self) Vy.stat1 = # Estimate Ux per session tmp_stat = copy.deepcopy(self) tmp_stat = tmp_stat.subtract_weighted_stat1(Vy) y, x, z = tmp_stat.estimate_hidden(mean, Sigma_obs, empty, G, None, num_thread) Ux = copy.deepcopy(self) Ux.stat1 = # Estimate H H = self.estimate_map(it_nb[2], H_init, mean, Sigma_obs, Vy, Ux, save_partial) return mean, F, G, H, sigma
# @staticmethod # def read_subset(statserver_filename, idmap, prefix=''): # """ # Given a statserver in HDF5 format stored on disk and an IdMap, # create a StatServer object filled with sessions corresponding to the IdMap. # # :param statserver_filename: name of the statserver in hdf5 format to read from # :param idmap: the IdMap of sessions to load # :param prefix: prefix of the group in HDF5 file # :return: a StatServer # """ # with h5py.File(statserver_filename, 'r') as h5f: # # # create tuples of (model,seg) for both HDF5 and IdMap for quick comparaison # sst = [(mod, seg) for mod, seg in zip(h5f[prefix+"modelset"].value.astype('U', copy=False), # h5f[prefix+"segset"].value.astype('U', copy=False))] # imt = [(mod, seg) for mod, seg in zip(idmap.leftids, idmap.rightids)] # # # Get indices of existing sessions # existing_sessions = set(sst).intersection(set(imt)) # idx = numpy.sort(numpy.array([sst.index(session) for session in existing_sessions])) # # # Create the new StatServer by loading the correct sessions # statserver = sidekit.StatServer() # statserver.modelset = h5f[prefix+"modelset"].value[idx].astype('U', copy=False) # statserver.segset = h5f[prefix+"segset"].value[idx].astype('U', copy=False) # # tmpstart = h5f.get(prefix+"start").value[idx] # tmpstop = h5f.get(prefix+"stop").value[idx] # statserver.start = numpy.empty(idx.shape, '|O') # statserver.stop = numpy.empty(idx.shape, '|O') # statserver.start[tmpstart != -1] = tmpstart[tmpstart != -1] # statserver.stop[tmpstop != -1] = tmpstop[tmpstop != -1] # # statserver.stat0 = h5f[prefix+"stat0"].value[idx, :] # statserver.stat1 = h5f[prefix+"stat1"].value[idx, :] # # return statserver
[docs] def generator(self): """ Create a generator which yield stat0, stat1, of one session at a time """ i = 0 while i < self.stat0.shape[0]: yield self.stat0[i, :], self.stat1[i, :] i += 1
[docs] @staticmethod def read_subset(statserver_filename, index, prefix=''): """ Given a statserver in HDF5 format stored on disk and an IdMap, create a StatServer object filled with sessions corresponding to the IdMap. :param statserver_filename: name of the statserver in hdf5 format to read from :param index: the IdMap of sessions to load or an array of index to load :param prefix: prefix of the group in HDF5 file :return: a StatServer """ with h5py.File(statserver_filename, 'r') as h5f: if isinstance(index, sidekit.IdMap): # create tuples of (model,seg) for both HDF5 and IdMap for quick comparaison sst = [(mod, seg) for mod, seg in zip(h5f[prefix+"modelset"][()].astype('U', copy=False), h5f[prefix+"segset"][()].astype('U', copy=False))] imt = [(mod, seg) for mod, seg in zip(index.leftids, index.rightids)] # Get indices of existing sessions existing_sessions = set(sst).intersection(set(imt)) idx = numpy.sort(numpy.array([sst.index(session) for session in existing_sessions]).astype(int)) zero_vectors = numpy.argwhere(h5f['stat1'][()].sum(1) == 0) idx = [] for ii, couple in enumerate(sst): if couple in existing_sessions and not ii in zero_vectors: idx.append(ii) idx = numpy.array(idx) else: idx = numpy.array(index) # If some indices are higher than the size of the StatServer, they are replace by the last index idx = numpy.array([min(len(h5f[prefix+"modelset"]) - 1, idx[ii]) for ii in range(len(idx))]) # Create the new StatServer by loading the correct sessions statserver = sidekit.StatServer() statserver.modelset = h5f[prefix+"modelset"][()][idx].astype('U', copy=False) statserver.segset = h5f[prefix+"segset"][()][idx].astype('U', copy=False) tmpstart = h5f.get(prefix+"start")[()][idx] tmpstop = h5f.get(prefix+"stop")[()][idx] statserver.start = numpy.empty(idx.shape, '|O') statserver.stop = numpy.empty(idx.shape, '|O') statserver.start[tmpstart != -1] = tmpstart[tmpstart != -1] statserver.stop[tmpstop != -1] = tmpstop[tmpstop != -1] statserver.stat0 = h5f[prefix+"stat0"][()][idx, :] statserver.stat1 = h5f[prefix+"stat1"][()][idx, :] return statserver