Source code for sidekit_io

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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Copyright 2014-2019 Anthony Larcher

:mod:`sidekit_io` provides methods to read and write from and to different 

import h5py
import array
import numpy
import os
import pickle
import struct
import gzip
import logging
from sidekit.sidekit_wrappers import check_path_existance

__license__ = "LGPL"
__author__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2019 Anthony Larcher"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

[docs]def read_vect(filename): """Read vector in ALIZE binary format and return an array :param filename: name of the file to read from :return: a numpy.ndarray object """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: struct.unpack("<2l", data = array.array("d") data.fromstring( return numpy.array(data)
[docs]def read_matrix(filename): """Read matrix in ALIZE binary format and return a ndarray :param filename: name of the file to read from :return: a numpy.ndarray object """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: m_dim = struct.unpack("<2l", data = array.array("d") data.fromstring( T = numpy.array(data) T.resize(m_dim[0], m_dim[1]) return T
@check_path_existance def write_matrix(m, filename): """Write a matrix in ALIZE binary format :param m: a 2-dimensional ndarray :param filename: name of the file to write in :exception: TypeError if m is not a 2-dimensional ndarray """ if not m.ndim == 2: raise TypeError("To write vector, use write_vect") else: with open(filename, 'wb') as mf: data = numpy.array(m.flatten()) mf.write(struct.pack("<l", m.shape[0])) mf.write(struct.pack("<l", m.shape[1])) mf.write(struct.pack("<" + "d" * m.shape[0] * m.shape[1], *data)) @check_path_existance def write_vect(v, filename): """Write a vector in ALIZE binary format :param v: a 1-dimensional ndarray :param filename: name of the file to write in :exception: TypeError if v is not a 1-dimensional ndarray """ if not v.ndim == 1: raise TypeError("To write matrix, use write_matrix") else: with open(filename, 'wb') as mf: mf.write(struct.pack("<l", 1)) mf.write(struct.pack("<l", v.shape[0])) mf.write(struct.pack("<" + "d" * v.shape[0], *v)) @check_path_existance def write_matrix_int(m, filename): """Write matrix of int in ALIZE binary format :param m: a 2-dimensional ndarray of int :param filename: name of the file to write in """ if not m.ndim == 2: raise TypeError("To write vector, use write_vect") if not m.dtype == 'int64': raise TypeError("m must be a ndarray of int64") with open(filename, 'wb') as mf: data = numpy.array(m.flatten()) mf.write(struct.pack("<l", m.shape[0])) mf.write(struct.pack("<l", m.shape[1])) mf.write(struct.pack("<" + "l" * m.shape[0] * m.shape[1], *data))
[docs]def read_pickle(filename): """ Read a generic pickle file and return the content :param filename: name of the pickle file to read :return: the content of the file """ with, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
@check_path_existance def write_pickle(obj, filename): """ Dump an object in a picke file. :param obj: object to serialize and write :param filename: name of the file to write """ if not (os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)) or os.path.dirname(filename) == ''): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) with, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f) @check_path_existance def write_tv_hdf5(data, output_filename): """ Write the TotalVariability matrix, the mean and the residual covariance in HDF5 format. :param data: a tuple of three elements: the matrix, the mean vector and the inverse covariance vector :param output_filename: name fo the file to create """ tv = data[0] tv_mean = data[1] tv_sigma = data[2] d = dict() d['tv/tv'] = tv d['tv/tv_mean'] = tv_mean d['tv/tv_sigma'] = tv_sigma write_dict_hdf5(d, output_filename)
[docs]def read_tv_hdf5(input_filename): """ Read the TotalVariability matrix, the mean and the residual covariance from a HDF5 file. :param input_filename: name of the file to read from :return: a tuple of three elements: the matrix, the mean vector and the inverse covariance vector """ with h5py.File(input_filename, "r") as f: tv = f.get("tv/tv")[()] tv_mean = f.get("tv/tv_mean")[()] tv_sigma = f.get("tv/tv_sigma")[()] return tv, tv_mean, tv_sigma
@check_path_existance def write_dict_hdf5(data, output_filename): """ Write a dictionary into a HDF5 file :param data: the dictionary to write :param output_filename: the name of the file to create """ with h5py.File(output_filename, "w") as f: for key in data: value = data[key] if value is None: pass elif isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(value, list): f.create_dataset(key, data=value, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) else: f.create_dataset(key, data=value)
[docs]def read_key_hdf5(input_filename, key): """ Read key value from a HDF5 file. :param input_filename: the name of the file to read from :param key: the name of the key :return: a value """ with h5py.File(input_filename, "r") as f: return f.get(key)[()]
[docs]def read_dict_hdf5(input_filename): """ Read a dictionary from an HDF5 file. :param input_filename: name of the file to read from :return: the dictionary """ data = dict() with h5py.File(input_filename, "r") as f: for key in f.keys(): logging.debug('key: '+key) for key2 in f.get(key).keys(): data[key+'/'+key2] = f.get(key).get(key2)[()] return data
@check_path_existance def write_norm_hdf5(data, output_filename): """ Write the normalization parameters into a HDF5 file. :param data: a tuple of two lists. The first list contains mean vectors for each iteration, the second list contains covariance matrices for each iteration :param output_filename: name of the file to write in """ with h5py.File(output_filename, "w") as f: means = data[0] covs = data[1] f.create_dataset("norm/means", data=means, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("norm/covs", data=covs, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True)
[docs]def read_norm_hdf5(input_filename): """ Read normalization parameters from a HDF5 file. :param input_filename: the name of the file to read from :return: a tuple of two lists. The first list contains mean vectors for each iteration, the second list contains covariance matrices for each iteration """ with h5py.File(input_filename, "r") as f: means = f.get("norm/means")[()] covs = f.get("norm/covs")[()] return means, covs
@check_path_existance def write_plda_hdf5(data, output_filename): """ Write a PLDA model in a HDF5 file. :param data: a tuple of 4 elements: the mean vector, the between class covariance matrix, the within class covariance matrix and the residual matrix :param output_filename: the name of the file to read from """ mean = data[0] mat_f = data[1] mat_g = data[2] sigma = data[3] with h5py.File(output_filename, "w") as f: f.create_dataset("plda/mean", data=mean, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("plda/f", data=mat_f, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("plda/g", data=mat_g, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("plda/sigma", data=sigma, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True)
[docs]def read_plda_hdf5(input_filename): """ Read a PLDA model from a HDF5 file. :param input_filename: the name of the file to read from :return: a tuple of 4 elements: the mean vector, the between class covariance matrix, the within class covariance matrix and the residual matrix """ with h5py.File(input_filename, "r") as f: mean = f.get("plda/mean")[()] mat_f = f.get("plda/f")[()] mat_g = f.get("plda/g")[()] sigma = f.get("plda/sigma")[()] return mean, mat_f, mat_g, sigma
@check_path_existance def write_fa_hdf5(data, output_filename): """ Write a generic factor analysis model into a HDF5 file. (Used for instance for JFA storing) :param data: a tuple of 5 elements: the mean vector, the between class covariance matrix, the within class covariance matrix, the MAP matrix and the residual covariancematrix :param output_filename: the name of the file to write to :return: """ mean = data[0] f = data[1] g = data[2] h = data[3] sigma = data[4] with h5py.File(output_filename, "w") as fh: kind = numpy.zeros(5, dtype="int16") # FA with 5 matrix if mean is not None: kind[0] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/mean", data=mean, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if f is not None: kind[1] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/f", data=f, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if g is not None: kind[2] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/g", data=g, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if h is not None: kind[3] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/h", data=h, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if sigma is not None: kind[4] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/sigma", data=sigma, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) fh.create_dataset("fa/kind", data=kind, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True)
[docs]def read_fa_hdf5(input_filename): """ Read a generic FA model from a HDF5 file :param input_filename: the name of the file to read from :return: a tuple of 5 elements: the mean vector, the between class covariance matrix, the within class covariance matrix, the MAP matrix and the residual covariancematrix """ with h5py.File(input_filename, "r") as fh: kind = fh.get("fa/kind")[()] mean = f = g = h = sigma = None if kind[0] != 0: mean = fh.get("fa/mean")[()] if kind[1] != 0: f = fh.get("fa/f")[()] if kind[2] != 0: g = fh.get("fa/g")[()] if kind[3] != 0: h = fh.get("fa/h")[()] if kind[4] != 0: sigma = fh.get("fa/sigma")[()] return mean, f, g, h, sigma
[docs]def h5merge(output_filename, input_filename_list): """ Merge a list of HDF5 files into a new one. :param output_filename: the name of the new file resulting from the merge. :param input_filename_list: list of thge input files """ with h5py.File(output_filename, "w") as fo: for ifn in input_filename_list: logging.debug('read '+ifn) data = read_dict_hdf5(ifn) for key in data: value = data[key] if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(value, list): fo.create_dataset(key, data=value, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) else: fo.create_dataset(key, data=value)
[docs]def init_logging(level=logging.INFO, filename=None): """ Initialize a logger :param level: level of messages to catch :param filename: name of the output file """ numpy.set_printoptions(linewidth=250, precision=4) frm = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' root = logging.getLogger() if root.handlers: for handler in root.handlers: root.removeHandler(handler) logging.basicConfig(format=frm, level=level) if filename is not None: fh = logging.FileHandler(filename) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(frm)) fh.setLevel(level) root.addHandler(fh)
def write_matrix_hdf5(M, filename): with h5py.File(filename, "w") as h5f: h5f.create_dataset("matrix", data=M, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) def read_matrix_hdf5(filename): with h5py.File(filename, "r") as h5f: M = h5f.get("matrix")[()] return M