Source code for sidekit.bosaris.scores

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This package is a translation of a part of the BOSARIS toolkit.
# The authors thank Niko Brummer and Agnitio for allowing them to
# translate this code and provide the community with efficient structures
# and tools.
# The BOSARIS Toolkit is a collection of functions and classes in Matlab
# that can be used to calibrate, fuse and plot scores from speaker recognition
# (or other fields in which scores are used to test the hypothesis that two
# samples are from the same source) trials involving a model and a test segment.
# The toolkit was written at the BOSARIS2010 workshop which took place at the
# University of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic from 5 July to 6 August 2010.
# See the User Guide (available on the toolkit website)1 for a discussion of the
# theory behind the toolkit and descriptions of some of the algorithms used.
# The BOSARIS toolkit in MATLAB can be downloaded from `the website
# <>`_.

This is the 'scores' module

import h5py
import logging
import numpy
import os
from .ndx import Ndx
from .key import Key
from ..sidekit_wrappers import check_path_existance

__author__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
__credits__ = ["Niko Brummer", "Edward de Villiers"]

def diff(list1, list2):
    c = [item for item in list1 if item not in list2]
    return c

def ismember(list1, list2):
    c = [item in list2 for item in list1]
    return c

[docs]class Scores: """A class for storing scores for trials. The modelset and segset fields are lists of model and test segment names respectively. The element i,j of scoremat and scoremask corresponds to the trial involving model i and test segment j. :attr modelset: list of unique models in a ndarray :attr segset: list of unique test segments in a ndarray :attr scoremask: 2D ndarray of boolean which indicates the trials of interest i.e. the entry i,j in scoremat should be ignored if scoremask[i,j] is False :attr scoremat: 2D ndarray of scores """ def __init__(self, scores_file_name=''): """ Initialize a Scores object by loading information from a file HDF5 format. :param scores_file_name: name of the file to load """ self.modelset = numpy.empty(0, dtype="|O") self.segset = numpy.empty(0, dtype="|O") self.scoremask = numpy.array([], dtype="bool") self.scoremat = numpy.array([]) if scores_file_name == '': pass else: tmp = self.modelset = tmp.modelset self.segset = tmp.segset self.scoremask = tmp.scoremask self.scoremat = tmp.scoremat def __repr__(self): ch = 'modelset:\n' ch += self.modelset+'\n' ch += 'segset:\n' ch += self.segset+'\n' ch += 'scoremask:\n' ch += self.scoremask.__repr__()+'\n' ch += 'scoremat:\n' ch += self.scoremat.__repr__()+'\n' @check_path_existance def write(self, output_file_name): """ Save Scores in HDF5 format :param output_file_name: name of the file to write to """ with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as f: f.create_dataset("modelset", data=self.modelset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("segset", data=self.segset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("score_mask", data=self.scoremask.astype('int8'), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("scores", data=self.scoremat, maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) @check_path_existance def write_txt(self, output_file_name): """Save a Scores object in a text file :param output_file_name: name of the file to write to """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_file_name)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_file_name)) with open(output_file_name, 'w') as fid: for m in range(self.modelset.shape[0]): segs = self.segset[self.scoremask[m, ]] scores = self.scoremat[m, self.scoremask[m, ]] for s in range(segs.shape[0]): fid.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(self.modelset[m], segs[s], scores[s])) @check_path_existance def write_matlab(self, output_file_name): """Save a Scores object in Bosaris compatible HDF5 format :param output_file_name: name of the file to write to """ with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as f: f.create_dataset("/ID/row_ids", data=self.modelset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("/ID/column_ids", data=self.segset.astype('S'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("score_mask", data=self.scoremask.astype('int8'), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset("scores", data=self.scoremat, maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True)
[docs] def get_tar_non(self, key): """Divides scores into target and non-target scores using information in a key. :param key: a Key object. :return: a vector of target scores. :return: a vector of non-target scores. """ new_score = self.align_with_ndx(key) tarndx = key.tar & new_score.scoremask nonndx = key.non & new_score.scoremask tar = new_score.scoremat[tarndx] non = new_score.scoremat[nonndx] return tar, non
[docs] def align_with_ndx(self, ndx): """The ordering in the output Scores object corresponds to ndx, so aligning several Scores objects with the same ndx will result in them being comparable with each other. :param ndx: a Key or Ndx object :return: resized version of the current Scores object to size of \'ndx\' and reordered according to the ordering of modelset and segset in \'ndx\'. """ aligned_scr = Scores() aligned_scr.modelset = ndx.modelset aligned_scr.segset = ndx.segset hasmodel = numpy.array(ismember(ndx.modelset, self.modelset)) rindx = numpy.array([numpy.argwhere(self.modelset == v)[0][0] for v in ndx.modelset[hasmodel]]).astype(int) hasseg = numpy.array(ismember(ndx.segset, self.segset)) cindx = numpy.array([numpy.argwhere(self.segset == v)[0][0] for v in ndx.segset[hasseg]]).astype(int) aligned_scr.scoremat = numpy.zeros((ndx.modelset.shape[0], ndx.segset.shape[0])) aligned_scr.scoremat[numpy.where(hasmodel)[0][:, None], numpy.where(hasseg)[0]] = self.scoremat[rindx[:, None], cindx] aligned_scr.scoremask = numpy.zeros((ndx.modelset.shape[0], ndx.segset.shape[0]), dtype='bool') aligned_scr.scoremask[numpy.where(hasmodel)[0][:, None], numpy.where(hasseg)[0]] = self.scoremask[rindx[:, None], cindx] assert numpy.sum(aligned_scr.scoremask) <= (numpy.sum(hasmodel) * numpy.sum(hasseg)), 'Error in new scoremask' if isinstance(ndx, Ndx): aligned_scr.scoremask = aligned_scr.scoremask & ndx.trialmask else: aligned_scr.scoremask = aligned_scr.scoremask & (ndx.tar | ndx.non) if numpy.sum(hasmodel) < ndx.modelset.shape[0]:'models reduced from %d to %d', ndx.modelset.shape[0], numpy.sum(hasmodel)) if numpy.sum(hasseg) < ndx.segset.shape[0]:'testsegs reduced from %d to %d', ndx.segset.shape[0], numpy.sum(hasseg)) if isinstance(ndx, Key): tar = ndx.tar & aligned_scr.scoremask non = ndx.non & aligned_scr.scoremask missing = numpy.sum(ndx.tar) - numpy.sum(tar) if missing > 0:'%d of %d targets missing', missing, numpy.sum(ndx.tar)) missing = numpy.sum(ndx.non) - numpy.sum(non) if missing > 0:'%d of %d non targets missing', missing, numpy.sum(ndx.non)) else: mask = ndx.trialmask & aligned_scr.scoremask missing = numpy.sum(ndx.trialmask) - numpy.sum(mask) if missing > 0:'%d of %d trials missing', missing, numpy.sum(ndx.trialmask)) assert all(numpy.isfinite(aligned_scr.scoremat[aligned_scr.scoremask])), \ 'Inifinite or Nan value in the scoremat' assert aligned_scr.validate(), 'Wrong Score format' return aligned_scr
[docs] def set_missing_to_value(self, ndx, value): """Sets all scores for which the trialmask is true but the scoremask is false to the same value, supplied by the user. :param ndx: a Key or Ndx object. :param value: a value for the missing scores. :return: a Scores object (with the missing scores added and set to value). """ if isinstance(ndx, Key): ndx = ndx.to_ndx() new_scr = self.align_with_ndx(ndx) missing = ndx.trialmask & -new_scr.scoremask new_scr.scoremat[missing] = value new_scr.scoremask[missing] = True assert new_scr.validate(), "Wrong format of Scores" return new_scr
[docs] def filter(self, modlist, seglist, keep): """Removes some of the information in a Scores object. Useful for creating a gender specific score set from a pooled gender score set. Depending on the value of \'keep\', the two input lists indicate the models and test segments (and their associated scores) to retain or discard. :param modlist: a list of strings which will be compared with the modelset of the current Scores object. :param seglist: a list of strings which will be compared with the segset of \'inscr\'. :param keep: a boolean indicating whether modlist and seglist are the models to keep or discard. :return: a filtered version of \'inscr\'. """ if keep: keepmods = modlist keepsegs = seglist else: keepmods = diff(self.modelset, modlist) keepsegs = diff(self.segset, seglist) keepmodidx = numpy.array(ismember(self.modelset, keepmods)) keepsegidx = numpy.array(ismember(self.segset, keepsegs)) outscr = Scores() outscr.modelset = self.modelset[keepmodidx] outscr.segset = self.segset[keepsegidx] tmp = self.scoremat[numpy.array(keepmodidx), :] outscr.scoremat = tmp[:, numpy.array(keepsegidx)] tmp = self.scoremask[numpy.array(keepmodidx), :] outscr.scoremask = tmp[:, numpy.array(keepsegidx)] assert isinstance(outscr, Scores), 'Wrong Scores format' if self.modelset.shape[0] > outscr.modelset.shape[0]:'Number of models reduced from %d to %d', self.modelset.shape[0], outscr.modelset.shape[0]) if self.segset.shape[0] > outscr.segset.shape[0]:'Number of test segments reduced from %d to %d', self.segset.shape[0], outscr.segset.shape[0]) return outscr
[docs] def validate(self): """Checks that an object of type Scores obeys certain rules that must always be true. :return: a boolean value indicating whether the object is valid. """ ok = self.scoremat.shape == self.scoremask.shape ok &= (self.scoremat.shape[0] == self.modelset.shape[0]) ok &= (self.scoremat.shape[1] == self.segset.shape[0]) return ok
[docs] @staticmethod def read(input_file_name): """Read a Scores object from information in a hdf5 file. :param input_file_name: name of the file to read from """ with h5py.File(input_file_name, "r") as f: scores = Scores() scores.modelset = numpy.empty(f["modelset"].shape, dtype=f["modelset"].dtype) f["modelset"].read_direct(scores.modelset) scores.modelset = scores.modelset.astype('U100', copy=False) scores.segset = numpy.empty(f["segset"].shape, dtype=f["segset"].dtype) f["segset"].read_direct(scores.segset) scores.segset = scores.segset.astype('U100', copy=False) scores.scoremask = numpy.empty(f["score_mask"].shape, dtype=f["score_mask"].dtype) f["score_mask"].read_direct(scores.scoremask) scores.scoremask = scores.scoremask.astype('bool', copy=False) scores.scoremat = numpy.empty(f["scores"].shape, dtype=f["scores"].dtype) f["scores"].read_direct(scores.scoremat) assert scores.validate(), "Error: wrong Scores format" return scores
[docs] @staticmethod def read_matlab(input_file_name): """Read a Scores object from information in a hdf5 file in Matlab BOSARIS format. :param input_file_name: name of the file to read from """ with h5py.File(input_file_name, "r") as f: scores = Scores() scores.modelset = numpy.empty(f["ID/row_ids"].shape, dtype=f["ID/row_ids"].dtype) f["ID/row_ids"].read_direct(scores.modelset) scores.modelset = scores.modelset.astype('U100', copy=False) scores.segset = numpy.empty(f["ID/column_ids"].shape, dtype=f["ID/column_ids"].dtype) f["ID/column_ids"].read_direct(scores.segset) scores.segset = scores.segset.astype('U100', copy=False) scores.scoremask = numpy.empty(f["score_mask"].shape, dtype=f["score_mask"].dtype) f["score_mask"].read_direct(scores.scoremask) scores.scoremask = scores.scoremask.astype('bool', copy=False) scores.scoremat = numpy.empty(f["scores"].shape, dtype=f["scores"].dtype) f["scores"].read_direct(scores.scoremat) assert scores.validate(), "Error: wrong Scores format" return scores
@classmethod @check_path_existance def read_txt(cls, input_file_name): """Creates a Scores object from information stored in a text file. :param input_file_name: name of the file to read from """ s = Scores() with open(input_file_name, 'r') as fid: lines = [l.rstrip().split() for l in fid] models = numpy.array([], '|O') models.resize(len(lines)) testsegs = numpy.array([], '|O') testsegs.resize(len(lines)) scores = numpy.array([]) scores.resize(len(lines)) for ii in range(len(lines)): models[ii] = lines[ii][0] testsegs[ii] = lines[ii][1] scores[ii] = float(lines[ii][2]) modelset = numpy.unique(models) segset = numpy.unique(testsegs) scoremask = numpy.zeros((modelset.shape[0], segset.shape[0]), dtype="bool") scoremat = numpy.zeros((modelset.shape[0], segset.shape[0])) for m in range(modelset.shape[0]): segs = testsegs[numpy.array(ismember(models, modelset[m]))] scrs = scores[numpy.array(ismember(models, modelset[m]))] idx = segs.argsort() segs = segs[idx] scrs = scrs[idx] scoremask[m, ] = ismember(segset, segs) scoremat[m, numpy.array(ismember(segset, segs))] = scrs s.modelset = modelset s.segset = segset s.scoremask = scoremask s.scoremat = scoremat assert s.validate(), "Wrong Scores format" s.sort() return s
[docs] def merge(self, score_list): """Merges a list of Scores objects into the current one. The resulting must have all models and segment in the input Scores (only once) and the union of all the scoremasks. It is an error if two of the input Scores objects have a score for the same trial. :param score_list: the list of Scores object to merge """ assert isinstance(score_list, list), "Input is not a list" for scr in score_list: assert isinstance(score_list, list), \ '{} {} {}'.format("Element ", scr, " is not a Score") self.validate() for scr2 in score_list: scr_new = Scores() scr1 = self scr1.sort() scr2.sort() # create new scr with empty matrices scr_new.modelset = numpy.union1d(scr1.modelset, scr2.modelset) scr_new.segset = numpy.union1d(scr1.segset, scr2.segset) # expand scr1 matrices scoremat_1 = numpy.zeros((scr_new.modelset.shape[0], scr_new.segset.shape[0])) scoremask_1 = numpy.zeros((scr_new.modelset.shape[0], scr_new.segset.shape[0]), dtype='bool') model_index_a = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr_new.modelset, scr1.modelset)) model_index_b = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr1.modelset, scr_new.modelset)) seg_index_a = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr_new.segset, scr1.segset)) seg_index_b = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr1.segset, scr_new.segset)) scoremat_1[model_index_a[:, None], seg_index_a] = scr1.scoremat[model_index_b[:, None], seg_index_b] scoremask_1[model_index_a[:, None], seg_index_a] = scr1.scoremask[model_index_b[:, None], seg_index_b] # expand scr2 matrices scoremat_2 = numpy.zeros((scr_new.modelset.shape[0], scr_new.segset.shape[0])) scoremask_2 = numpy.zeros((scr_new.modelset.shape[0], scr_new.segset.shape[0]), dtype='bool') model_index_a = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr_new.modelset, scr2.modelset)) model_index_b = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr2.modelset, scr_new.modelset)) seg_index_a = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr_new.segset, scr2.segset)) seg_index_b = numpy.argwhere(numpy.in1d(scr2.segset, scr_new.segset)) scoremat_2[model_index_a[:, None], seg_index_a] = scr2.scoremat[model_index_b[:, None], seg_index_b] scoremask_2[model_index_a[:, None], seg_index_a] = scr2.scoremask[model_index_b[:, None], seg_index_b] # check for clashes assert numpy.sum(scoremask_1 & scoremask_2) == 0, "Conflict in the new scoremask" # merge masks self.scoremat = scoremat_1 + scoremat_2 self.scoremask = scoremask_1 | scoremask_2 self.modelset = scr_new.modelset self.segset = scr_new.segset assert self.validate(), 'Wrong Scores format'
[docs] def sort(self): """Sort models and segments""" sort_model_idx = numpy.argsort(self.modelset) sort_seg_idx = numpy.argsort(self.segset) sort_mask = self.scoremask[sort_model_idx[:, None], sort_seg_idx] sort_mat = self.scoremat[sort_model_idx[:, None], sort_seg_idx] self.modelset.sort() self.segset.sort() self.scoremat = sort_mat self.scoremask = sort_mask
[docs] def get_score(self, modelID, segID): """return a score given a model and segment identifiers raise an error if the trial does not exist :param modelID: id of the model :param segID: id of the test segment """ model_idx = numpy.argwhere(self.modelset == modelID) seg_idx = numpy.argwhere(self.segset == segID) if model_idx.shape[0] == 0: raise Exception('No such model as: %s', modelID) elif seg_idx.shape[0] == 0: raise Exception('No such segment as: %s', segID) else: return self.scoremat[model_idx, seg_idx]