Source code for mixture

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher

:mod:`mixture` provides methods to manage Gaussian mixture models

import copy
import h5py
import numpy
import struct
import ctypes
import multiprocessing
import warnings
from sidekit.sidekit_wrappers import *
from sidekit.bosaris import IdMap
from sidekit.sv_utils import mean_std_many
import sys

__license__ = "LGPL"
__author__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

def sum_log_probabilities(lp):
    """Sum log probabilities in a secure manner to avoid extreme values

    :param lp: numpy array of log-probabilities to sum
    pp_max = numpy.max(lp, axis=1)
    log_lk = pp_max + numpy.log(numpy.sum(numpy.exp((lp.transpose() - pp_max).T), axis=1))
    ind = ~numpy.isfinite(pp_max)
    if sum(ind) != 0:
        log_lk[ind] = pp_max[ind]
    pp = numpy.exp((lp.transpose() - log_lk).transpose())
    llk = log_lk.sum()
    return pp, llk

def vad_energy(log_energy,
               flooring=0.0001, ceiling=1.0,

    :param log_energy:
    :param distrib_nb:
    :param nb_train_it:
    :param flooring:
    :param ceiling:
    :param alpha:
    # center and normalize the energy
    log_energy = (log_energy - numpy.mean(log_energy)) / numpy.std(log_energy)

    # Initialize a Mixture with 2 or 3 distributions
    world = Mixture()
    # set the covariance of each component to 1.0 and the mean to mu + meanIncrement
    world.cst = numpy.ones(distrib_nb) / (numpy.pi / 2.0)
    world.det = numpy.ones(distrib_nb) = -2 + 4.0 * numpy.arange(distrib_nb) / (distrib_nb - 1) =[:, numpy.newaxis]
    world.invcov = numpy.ones((distrib_nb, 1))
    # set equal weights for each component
    world.w = numpy.ones(distrib_nb) / distrib_nb
    world.cov_var_ctl = copy.deepcopy(world.invcov)

    # Initialize the accumulator
    accum = copy.deepcopy(world)

    # Perform nbTrainIt iterations of EM
    for it in range(nb_train_it):
        # E-step
        world._expectation(accum, log_energy)
        # M-step
        world._maximization(accum, ceiling, flooring)

    # Compute threshold
    threshold = - alpha * numpy.sqrt(1.0 / world.invcov[, 0])

    # Apply frame selection with the current threshold
    label = log_energy > threshold
    return label, threshold

[docs]class Mixture(object): """ A class for Gaussian Mixture Model storage. For more details about Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) you can refer to [Bimbot04]_. :attr w: array of weight parameters :attr mu: ndarray of mean parameters, each line is one distribution :attr invcov: ndarray of inverse co-variance parameters, 2-dimensional for diagonal co-variance distribution 3-dimensional for full co-variance :attr invchol: 3-dimensional ndarray containing upper cholesky decomposition of the inverse co-variance matrices :attr cst: array of constant computed for each distribution :attr det: array of determinant for each distribution """
[docs] @staticmethod def read_alize(file_name): """ :param file_name: :return: """ """Read a Mixture in alize raw format :param mixtureFileName: name of the file to read from """ mixture = Mixture() with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: distrib_nb = struct.unpack("I",[0] vect_size = struct.unpack("<I",[0] # resize all attributes mixture.w = numpy.zeros(distrib_nb, "d") mixture.invcov = numpy.zeros((distrib_nb, vect_size), "d") = numpy.zeros((distrib_nb, vect_size), "d") mixture.cst = numpy.zeros(distrib_nb, "d") mixture.det = numpy.zeros(distrib_nb, "d") for d in range(distrib_nb): mixture.w[d] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] for d in range(distrib_nb): mixture.cst[d] = struct.unpack("d",[0] mixture.det[d] = struct.unpack("d",[0] for c in range(vect_size): mixture.invcov[d, c] = struct.unpack("d",[0] for c in range(vect_size):[d, c] = struct.unpack("d",[0] mixture._compute_all() return mixture
[docs] @staticmethod def read_htk(filename, begin_hmm=False, state2=False): """Read a Mixture in HTK format :param filename: name of the file to read from :param begin_hmm: boolean :param state2: boolean """ mixture = Mixture() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f] distrib = 0 vect_size = 0 for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i] == '': break w = lines[i].split() if w[0] == '<NUMMIXES>': distrib_nb = int(w[1]) mixture.w.resize(distrib_nb) mixture.cst.resize(distrib_nb) mixture.det.resize(distrib_nb) if w[0] == '<BEGINHMM>': begin_hmm = True if w[0] == '<STATE>': state2 = True if begin_hmm & state2: if w[0].upper() == '<MIXTURE>': distrib = int(w[1]) - 1 mixture.w[distrib] = numpy.double(w[2]) elif w[0].upper() == '<MEAN>': if vect_size == 0: vect_size = int(w[1]), vect_size) i += 1[distrib, :] = numpy.double(lines[i].split()) elif w[0].upper() == '<VARIANCE>': if mixture.invcov.shape[0] == 0: vect_size = int(w[1]) mixture.invcov.resize(distrib_nb, vect_size) i += 1 C = numpy.double(lines[i].split()) mixture.invcov[distrib, :] = 1 / C elif w[0].upper() == '<INVCOVAR>': raise Exception("we don't manage full covariance model") elif w[0].upper() == '<GCONST>': mixture.cst[distrib] = numpy.exp(-.05 * numpy.double(w[1])) mixture._compute_all() return mixture
def __init__(self, mixture_file_name='', name='empty'): """Initialize a Mixture from a file or as an empty Mixture. :param mixture_file_name: name of the file to read from, if empty, initialize an empty mixture """ self.w = numpy.array([]) = numpy.array([]) self.invcov = numpy.array([]) self.invchol = numpy.array([]) self.cov_var_ctl = numpy.array([]) self.cst = numpy.array([]) self.det = numpy.array([]) = name self.A = 0 if mixture_file_name != '': @accepts('Mixture', 'Mixture', debug=2) def __add__(self, other): """Overide the sum for a mixture. Weight, means and inv_covariances are added, det and cst are set to 0 """ new_mixture = Mixture() new_mixture.w = self.w + other.w = + new_mixture.invcov = self.invcov + other.invcov return new_mixture
[docs] def init_from_diag(self, diag_mixture): """ :param diag_mixture: """ distrib_nb = diag_mixture.w.shape[0] dim =[1] self.w = diag_mixture.w self.cst = diag_mixture.cst self.det = diag_mixture.det = self.invcov = numpy.empty((distrib_nb, dim, dim)) self.invchol = numpy.empty((distrib_nb, dim, dim)) for gg in range(distrib_nb): self.invcov[gg] = numpy.diag(diag_mixture.invcov[gg, :]) self.invchol[gg] = numpy.linalg.cholesky(self.invcov[gg]) self.cov_var_ctl = numpy.diag(diag_mixture.cov_var_ctl) = self.A = numpy.zeros(self.cst.shape) # we keep zero here as it is not used for full covariance distributions
def _serialize(self): """ Serialization is necessary to share the memomry when running multiprocesses """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) sh = self.w.shape tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, self.w.size) self.w = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) self.w = self.w.reshape(sh) sh = tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) = sh = self.invcov.shape tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, self.invcov.size) self.invcov = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) self.invcov = self.invcov.reshape(sh) sh = self.cov_var_ctl.shape tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, self.cov_var_ctl.size) self.cov_var_ctl = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) self.cov_var_ctl = self.cov_var_ctl.reshape(sh) sh = self.cst.shape tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, self.cst.size) self.cst = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) self.cst = self.cst.reshape(sh) sh = self.det.shape tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, self.det.size) self.det = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) self.det = self.det.reshape(sh)
[docs] def get_distrib_nb(self): """ Return the number of Gaussian distributions in the mixture :return: then number of distributions """ return self.w.shape[0]
[docs] def read(self, mixture_file_name, prefix=''): """Read a Mixture in hdf5 format :param mixture_file_name: name of the file to read from :param prefix: """ with h5py.File(mixture_file_name, 'r') as f: self.w = f.get(prefix+'w')[()] self.w.resize(numpy.max(self.w.shape)) = f.get(prefix+'mu')[()] self.invcov = f.get(prefix+'invcov')[()] self.invchol = f.get(prefix+'invchol')[()] self.cov_var_ctl = f.get(prefix+'cov_var_ctl')[()] self.cst = f.get(prefix+'cst')[()] self.det = f.get(prefix+'det')[()] self.A = f.get(prefix+'a')[()]
@check_path_existance def write_alize(self, mixture_file_name): """Save a mixture in alize raw format :param mixture_file_name: name of the file to write in """ with open(mixture_file_name, 'wb') as of: # write the number of distributions per state of.write(struct.pack("<I", self.distrib_nb())) # Write the dimension of the features of.write(struct.pack("<I", self.dim())) # Weights of.write(struct.pack("<" + "d" * self.w.shape[0], *self.w)) # For each distribution for d in range(self.distrib_nb()): # Write the constant of.write(struct.pack("<d", self.cst[d])) # Write the determinant of.write(struct.pack("<d", self.det[d])) # write a meaningless char for compatibility purpose of.write(struct.pack("<c", bytes(1))) # Covariance of.write( struct.pack("<" + "d" * self.dim(), *self.invcov[d, :])) # Means of.write(struct.pack("<" + "d" * self.dim(), *[d, :])) @check_path_existance def write(self, mixture_file_name, prefix='', mode='w'): """Save a Mixture in hdf5 format :param mixture_file_name: the name of the file to write in :param prefix: prefix of the group in the HDF5 file :param mode: mode of the opening, default is "w" """ f = h5py.File(mixture_file_name, mode) f.create_dataset(prefix+'w', self.w.shape, "d", self.w, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+'mu',, "d",, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+'invcov', self.invcov.shape, "d", self.invcov, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+'invchol', self.invchol.shape, "d", self.invchol, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+'cov_var_ctl', self.cov_var_ctl.shape, "d", self.cov_var_ctl, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+'cst', self.cst.shape, "d", self.cst, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+'det', self.det.shape, "d", self.det, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.create_dataset(prefix+'a', self.A.shape, "d", self.A, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) f.close()
[docs] def distrib_nb(self): """Return the number of distribution of the Mixture :return: the number of distribution in the Mixture """ return self.w.shape[0]
[docs] def dim(self): """Return the dimension of distributions of the Mixture :return: an integer, size of the acoustic vectors """ return[1]
[docs] def sv_size(self): """Return the dimension of the super-vector :return: an integer, size of the mean super-vector """ return[1] * self.w.shape[0]
def _compute_all(self): """Compute determinant and constant values for each distribution""" if self.invcov.ndim == 2: # for Diagonal covariance only self.det = 1.0 /, axis=1) elif self.invcov.ndim == 3: # For full covariance dstributions for gg in range([0]): self.det[gg] = 1./numpy.linalg.det(self.invcov[gg]) self.invchol[gg] = numpy.linalg.cholesky(self.invcov[gg]) self.cst = 1.0 / (numpy.sqrt(self.det) * (2.0 * numpy.pi) ** (self.dim() / 2.0)) if self.invcov.ndim == 2: self.A = (numpy.square( * self.invcov).sum(1) - 2.0 * (numpy.log(self.w) + numpy.log(self.cst)) elif self.invcov.ndim == 3: self.A = numpy.zeros(self.cst.shape)
[docs] def validate(self): """Verify the format of the Mixture :return: a boolean giving the status of the Mixture """ cov = 'diag' ok = (self.w.ndim == 1) ok &= (self.det.ndim == 1) ok &= (self.cst.ndim == 1) ok &= ( == 2) if self.invcov.ndim == 3: cov = 'full' else: ok &= (self.invcov.ndim == 2) ok &= (self.w.shape[0] ==[0]) ok &= (self.w.shape[0] == self.cst.shape[0]) ok &= (self.w.shape[0] == self.det.shape[0]) if cov == 'diag': ok &= (self.invcov.shape == else: ok &= (self.w.shape[0] == self.invcov.shape[0]) ok &= ([1] == self.invcov.shape[1]) ok &= ([1] == self.invcov.shape[2]) return ok
[docs] def get_mean_super_vector(self): """Return mean super-vector :return: an array, super-vector of the mean coefficients """ sv = return sv
[docs] def get_invcov_super_vector(self): """Return Inverse covariance super-vector :return: an array, super-vector of the inverse co-variance coefficients """ assert self.invcov.ndim == 2, 'Must be diagonal co-variance.' sv = self.invcov.flatten() return sv
[docs] def compute_log_posterior_probabilities_full(self, cep, mu=None): """ Compute log posterior probabilities for a set of feature frames. :param cep: a set of feature frames in a ndarray, one feature per row :param mu: a mean super-vector to replace the ubm's one. If it is an empty vector, use the UBM :return: A ndarray of log-posterior probabilities corresponding to the input feature set. """ if cep.ndim == 1: cep = cep[:, numpy.newaxis] if mu is None: mu = tmp = (cep - mu[:, numpy.newaxis, :]) a = numpy.einsum('ijk,imk->ijm', tmp, self.invchol) lp = numpy.log(self.w[:, numpy.newaxis]) + numpy.log(self.cst[:, numpy.newaxis]) - 0.5 * (a * a).sum(-1) return lp.T
[docs] def compute_log_posterior_probabilities(self, cep, mu=None): """ Compute log posterior probabilities for a set of feature frames. :param cep: a set of feature frames in a ndarray, one feature per row :param mu: a mean super-vector to replace the ubm's one. If it is an empty vector, use the UBM :return: A ndarray of log-posterior probabilities corresponding to the input feature set. """ if cep.ndim == 1: cep = cep[numpy.newaxis, :] A = self.A if mu is None: mu = else: # for MAP, Compute the data independent term A = (numpy.square(mu.reshape( * self.invcov).sum(1) \ - 2.0 * (numpy.log(self.w) + numpy.log(self.cst)) # Compute the data independent term B =, self.invcov.T) \ - 2.0 *, numpy.transpose(mu.reshape( * self.invcov)) # Compute the exponential term lp = -0.5 * (B + A) return lp
[docs] @staticmethod def variance_control(cov, flooring, ceiling, cov_ctl): """variance_control for Mixture (florring and ceiling) :param cov: covariance to control :param flooring: float, florring value :param ceiling: float, ceiling value :param cov_ctl: co-variance to consider for flooring and ceiling """ floor = flooring * cov_ctl ceil = ceiling * cov_ctl to_floor = numpy.less_equal(cov, floor) to_ceil = numpy.greater_equal(cov, ceil) cov[to_floor] = floor[to_floor] cov[to_ceil] = ceil[to_ceil] return cov
def _reset(self): """Set all the Mixture values to ZERO""" self.cst.fill(0.0) self.det.fill(0.0) self.w.fill(0.0) self.invcov.fill(0.0) self.A = 0.0 def _split_ditribution(self): """Split each distribution into two depending on the principal axis of variance.""" sigma = 1.0 / self.invcov sig_max = numpy.max(sigma, axis=1) arg_max = numpy.argmax(sigma, axis=1) shift = numpy.zeros( for x, y, z in zip(range(arg_max.shape[0]), arg_max, sig_max): shift[x, y] = numpy.sqrt(z) = numpy.vstack(( - shift, + shift)) self.invcov = numpy.vstack((self.invcov, self.invcov)) self.w = numpy.concatenate([self.w, self.w]) * 0.5 self.cst = numpy.zeros(self.w.shape) self.det = numpy.zeros(self.w.shape) self.cov_var_ctl = numpy.vstack((self.cov_var_ctl, self.cov_var_ctl)) self._compute_all() def _expectation(self, accum, cep): """Expectation step of the EM algorithm. Calculate the expected value of the log likelihood function, with respect to the conditional distribution. :param accum: a Mixture object to store the accumulated statistics :param cep: a set of input feature frames :return loglk: float, the log-likelihood computed over the input set of feature frames. """ if cep.ndim == 1: cep = cep[:, numpy.newaxis] if self.invcov.ndim == 2: lp = self.compute_log_posterior_probabilities(cep) elif self.invcov.ndim == 3: lp = self.compute_log_posterior_probabilities_full(cep) pp, loglk = sum_log_probabilities(lp) # zero order statistics accum.w += pp.sum(0) # first order statistics +=, pp).T # second order statistics if self.invcov.ndim == 2: accum.invcov +=, pp).T # version for diagonal covariance elif self.invcov.ndim == 3: tmp = numpy.einsum('ijk,ilk->ijl', cep[:, :, numpy.newaxis], cep[:, :, numpy.newaxis]) accum.invcov += numpy.einsum('ijk,im->mjk', tmp, pp) # return the log-likelihood return loglk @process_parallel_lists def _expectation_list(self, stat_acc, feature_list, feature_server, llk_acc=numpy.zeros(1), num_thread=1): """ Expectation step of the EM algorithm. Calculate the expected value of the log likelihood function, with respect to the conditional distribution. :param stat_acc: :param feature_list: :param feature_server: :param llk_acc: :param num_thread: :return: """ stat_acc._reset() feature_server.keep_all_features = False for feat in feature_list: cep = feature_server.load(feat)[0] llk_acc[0] += self._expectation(stat_acc, cep) @process_parallel_lists def _expectation_list_idmap(self, stat_acc, feature_list, start_list, stop_list, feature_server, llk_acc=numpy.zeros(1), num_thread=1): """ Expectation step of the EM algorithm. Calculate the expected value of the log likelihood function, with respect to the conditional distribution. :param stat_acc: :param feature_list: :param feature_server: :param llk_acc: :param num_thread: :return: """ stat_acc._reset() feature_server.keep_all_features = False for feat, start, stop in zip(feature_list, start_list, stop_list): cep = feature_server.load(feat, start=start, stop=stop)[0] llk_acc[0] += self._expectation(stat_acc, cep) def _maximization(self, accum, ceil_cov=10, floor_cov=1e-2): """Re-estimate the parmeters of the model which maximize the likelihood on the data. :param accum: a Mixture in which statistics computed during the E step are stored :param floor_cov: a constant; minimum bound to consider, default is 1e-200 """ self.w = accum.w / numpy.sum(accum.w) = / accum.w[:, numpy.newaxis] if accum.invcov.ndim == 2: cov = accum.invcov / accum.w[:, numpy.newaxis] - numpy.square( cov = Mixture.variance_control(cov, floor_cov, ceil_cov, self.cov_var_ctl) self.invcov = 1.0 / cov elif accum.invcov.ndim == 3: cov = accum.invcov / accum.w[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis] \ - numpy.einsum('ijk,ilk->ijl',[:, :, numpy.newaxis],[:, :, numpy.newaxis]) # ADD VARIANCE CONTROL for gg in range(self.w.shape[0]): self.invcov[gg] = numpy.linalg.inv(cov[gg]) self.invchol[gg] = numpy.linalg.cholesky(self.invcov[gg]).T self._compute_all() def _init(self, features_server, feature_list, start_list=None, stop_list=None, num_thread=1): """ Initialize a Mixture as a single Gaussian distribution which mean and covariance are computed on a set of feature frames :param features_server: :param feature_list: :param num_thread: :return: """ # Init using all data if num_thread == 1: features = features_server.stack_features(feature_list, start_list=start_list, stop_list=stop_list) else: features = features_server.stack_features_parallel(feature_list, start_list=start_list, stop_list=stop_list, num_thread=num_thread) n_frames = features.shape[0] mu = features.mean(0) cov = (features**2).mean(0) #n_frames, mu, cov = mean_std_many(features_server, feature_list, in_context=False, num_thread=num_thread) = mu[None] self.invcov = 1./cov[None] self.w = numpy.asarray([1.0]) self.cst = numpy.zeros(self.w.shape) self.det = numpy.zeros(self.w.shape) self.cov_var_ctl = 1.0 / copy.deepcopy(self.invcov) self._compute_all()
[docs] def EM_split(self, features_server, feature_list, distrib_nb, iterations=(1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8), num_thread=1, llk_gain=0.01, save_partial=False, output_file_name="ubm", ceil_cov=10, floor_cov=1e-2): """Expectation-Maximization estimation of the Mixture parameters. :param features_server: sidekit.FeaturesServer used to load data :param feature_list: list of feature files to train the GMM :param distrib_nb: final number of distributions :param iterations: list of iteration number for each step of the learning process :param num_thread: number of thread to launch for parallel computing :param llk_gain: limit of the training gain. Stop the training when gain between two iterations is less than this value :param save_partial: name of the file to save intermediate mixtures, if True, save before each split of the distributions :param ceil_cov: :param floor_cov: :return llk: a list of log-likelihoods obtained after each iteration """ llk = [] process_idmap = isinstance(feature_list, IdMap) start_list = None stop_list = None if process_idmap: start_list = feature_list.start stop_list = feature_list.stop session_list = feature_list.rightids else: session_list = feature_list self._init(features_server, session_list, start_list=start_list, stop_list=stop_list, num_thread=num_thread) # for N iterations: for it in iterations[:int(numpy.log2(distrib_nb))]: # Save current model before spliting if save_partial: self.write('{}_{}g.h5'.format(output_file_name, self.get_distrib_nb()), prefix='') self._split_ditribution() # initialize the accumulator accum = copy.deepcopy(self) for i in range(it): accum._reset() # serialize the accum accum._serialize() llk_acc = numpy.zeros(1) sh = llk_acc.shape with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, llk_acc.size) llk_acc = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) llk_acc = llk_acc.reshape(sh) logging.debug('Expectation') # E step if process_idmap: self._expectation_list_idmap(stat_acc=accum, feature_list=session_list, start_list=start_list, stop_list=stop_list, feature_server=features_server, llk_acc=llk_acc, num_thread=num_thread) else: self._expectation_list(stat_acc=accum, feature_list=session_list, feature_server=features_server, llk_acc=llk_acc, num_thread=num_thread) llk.append(llk_acc[0] / numpy.sum(accum.w)) # M step logging.debug('Maximisation') self._maximization(accum, ceil_cov=ceil_cov, floor_cov=floor_cov) if i > 0: # gain = llk[-1] - llk[-2] # if gain < llk_gain: # logging.debug( # 'EM (break) distrib_nb: %d %i/%d gain: %f -- %s, %d', #[0], i + 1, it, gain,, # len(cep)) # break # else: # logging.debug( # 'EM (continu) distrib_nb: %d %i/%d gain: %f -- %s, %d', #[0], i + 1, it, gain,, # len(cep)) # break pass else: # logging.debug( # 'EM (start) distrib_nb: %d %i/%i llk: %f -- %s, %d', #[0], i + 1, it, llk[-1], #, len(cep)) pass return llk
[docs] def EM_uniform(self, cep, distrib_nb, iteration_min=3, iteration_max=10, llk_gain=0.01, do_init=True): """Expectation-Maximization estimation of the Mixture parameters. :param cep: set of feature frames to consider :param cep: set of feature frames to consider :param distrib_nb: number of distributions :param iteration_min: minimum number of iterations to perform :param iteration_max: maximum number of iterations to perform :param llk_gain: gain in term of likelihood, stop the training when the gain is less than this value :param do_init: boolean, if True initialize the GMM from the training data :return llk: a list of log-likelihoods obtained after each iteration """ llk = [] if do_init: self._init_uniform(cep, distrib_nb) accum = copy.deepcopy(self) for i in range(0, iteration_max): accum._reset() # serialize the accum accum._serialize() llk_acc = numpy.zeros(1) sh = llk_acc.shape with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, llk_acc.size) llk_acc = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) llk_acc = llk_acc.reshape(sh) # E step # llk.append(self._expectation_parallel(accum, cep, num_thread) / cep.shape[0]) # self._expectation(accum,cep) llk.append(self._expectation(accum, cep) / cep.shape[0]) # M step self._maximization(accum) if i > 0: gain = llk[-1] - llk[-2] if gain < llk_gain and i >= iteration_min: logging.debug( 'EM (break) distrib_nb: %d %i/%d gain: %f -- %s, %d',[0], i + 1, iteration_max, gain,, len(cep)) break else: logging.debug( 'EM (continu) distrib_nb: %d %i/%d gain: %f -- %s, %d',[0], i + 1, iteration_max, gain,, len(cep)) else: logging.debug( 'EM (start) distrib_nb: %d %i/%i llk: %f -- %s, %d',[0], i + 1, iteration_max, llk[-1],, len(cep)) return llk
def _init_uniform(self, cep, distrib_nb): """ :param cep: matrix of acoustic frames :param distrib_nb: number of distributions """ # Load data to initialize the mixture # self._init(fs, cep) cov_tmp = copy.deepcopy(self.invcov) nb = cep.shape[0] self.w = numpy.full(distrib_nb, 1.0 / distrib_nb, "d") self.cst = numpy.zeros(distrib_nb, "d") self.det = numpy.zeros(distrib_nb, "d") for i in range(0, distrib_nb): start = nb // distrib_nb * i end = max(start + 10, nb) mean = numpy.mean(cep[start:end, :], axis=0) cov = (cep[start:end, :]**2).mean(0) if i == 0: = mean self.invcov = 1./cov[None] else: = numpy.vstack((, mean)) self.invcov = numpy.vstack((self.invcov, cov)) self.cov_var_ctl = 1.0 / copy.deepcopy(self.invcov) self._compute_all()
[docs] def EM_diag2full(self, diagonal_mixture, features_server, featureList, iterations=2, num_thread=1): """Expectation-Maximization estimation of the Mixture parameters. :param features_server: sidekit.FeaturesServer used to load data :param featureList: list of feature files to train the GMM :param iterations: list of iteration number for each step of the learning process :param num_thread: number of thread to launch for parallel computing :return llk: a list of log-likelihoods obtained after each iteration """ llk = [] # Convert the covariance matrices into full ones distrib_nb = diagonal_mixture.w.shape[0] dim =[1] self.w = diagonal_mixture.w self.cst = diagonal_mixture.cst self.det = diagonal_mixture.det = self.invcov = numpy.empty((distrib_nb, dim, dim)) self.invchol = numpy.empty((distrib_nb, dim, dim)) for gg in range(distrib_nb): self.invcov[gg] = numpy.diag(diagonal_mixture.invcov[gg, :]) self.invchol[gg] = numpy.linalg.cholesky(self.invcov[gg]) self.cov_var_ctl = numpy.diag(diagonal_mixture.cov_var_ctl) = self.A = numpy.zeros(self.cst.shape) # we keep zero here as it is not used for full covariance distributions # Create Accumulator accum = copy.deepcopy(self) # Run iterations of EM for it in range(iterations): logging.debug('EM convert full it: %d', it) accum._reset() # serialize the accum accum._serialize() llk_acc = numpy.zeros(1) sh = llk_acc.shape with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) tmp = multiprocessing.Array(ctypes.c_double, llk_acc.size) llk_acc = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(tmp.get_obj()) llk_acc = llk_acc.reshape(sh) logging.debug('Expectation') # E step self._expectation_list(stat_acc=accum, feature_list=featureList, feature_server=features_server, llk_acc=llk_acc, num_thread=num_thread) llk.append(llk_acc[0] / numpy.sum(accum.w)) # M step logging.debug('Maximisation') self._maximization(accum) if it > 0: # gain = llk[-1] - llk[-2] # if gain < llk_gain: # logging.debug( # 'EM (break) distrib_nb: %d %i/%d gain: %f -- %s, %d', #[0], i + 1, it, gain,, # len(cep)) # break # else: # logging.debug( # 'EM (continu) distrib_nb: %d %i/%d gain: %f -- %s, %d', #[0], i + 1, it, gain,, # len(cep)) # break pass else: # logging.debug( # 'EM (start) distrib_nb: %d %i/%i llk: %f -- %s, %d', #[0], i + 1, it, llk[-1], #, len(cep)) pass return llk
[docs] def merge(self, model_list): """ Merge a list of Mixtures into a new one. Weights are normalized uniformly :param model_list: a list of Mixture objects to merge """ self.w = numpy.hstack(([mod.w for mod in model_list])) self.w /= self.w.sum() = numpy.vstack(([ for mod in model_list])) self.invcov = numpy.vstack(([mod.invcov for mod in model_list])) self.invchol = numpy.vstack(([mod.invchol for mod in model_list])) self.cov_var_ctl = numpy.vstack(([mod.cov_var_ctl for mod in model_list])) self.cst = numpy.hstack(([mod.cst for mod in model_list])) self.det = numpy.hstack(([mod.det for mod in model_list])) = "_".join([ for mod in model_list]) self.A = numpy.hstack(([mod.A for mod in model_list])) self._compute_all() assert self.validate(), "Error while merging models"