# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
# Home page: http://www-lium.univ-lemans.fr/sidekit/
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
# Home page: http://www-lium.univ-lemans.fr/sidekit/
# SIDEKIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU LLesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# SIDEKIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SIDEKIT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher and Sylvain Meignier
:mod:`frontend` provides methods to process an audio signal in order to extract
useful parameters for speaker verification.
import copy
import logging
import numpy
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
from scipy import ndimage
__author__ = "Anthony Larcher and Sylvain Meignier"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher and Sylvain Meignier"
__license__ = "LGPL"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = "anthony.larcher@univ-lemans.fr"
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
[docs]def pre_emphasis(input_sig, pre):
"""Pre-emphasis of an audio signal.
:param input_sig: the input vector of signal to pre emphasize
:param pre: value that defines the pre-emphasis filter.
if input_sig.ndim == 1:
return (input_sig - numpy.c_[input_sig[numpy.newaxis, :][..., :1],
input_sig[numpy.newaxis, :][..., :-1]].squeeze() * pre)
return input_sig - numpy.c_[input_sig[..., :1], input_sig[..., :-1]] * pre
[docs]def segment_axis(a, length, overlap=0, axis=None, end='cut', endvalue=0):
"""Generate a new array that chops the given array along the given axis
into overlapping frames.
This method has been implemented by Anne Archibald,
as part of the talk box toolkit
segment_axis(arange(10), 4, 2)
array([[0, 1, 2, 3],
( [2, 3, 4, 5],
[4, 5, 6, 7],
[6, 7, 8, 9]])
:param a: the array to segment
:param length: the length of each frame
:param overlap: the number of array elements by which the frames should overlap
:param axis: the axis to operate on; if None, act on the flattened array
:param end: what to do with the last frame, if the array is not evenly
divisible into pieces. Options are:
- 'cut' Simply discard the extra values
- 'wrap' Copy values from the beginning of the array
- 'pad' Pad with a constant value
:param endvalue: the value to use for end='pad'
:return: a ndarray
The array is not copied unless necessary (either because it is unevenly
strided and being flattened or because end is set to 'pad' or 'wrap').
if axis is None:
a = numpy.ravel(a) # may copy
axis = 0
l = a.shape[axis]
if overlap >= length:
raise ValueError("frames cannot overlap by more than 100%")
if overlap < 0 or length <= 0:
raise ValueError("overlap must be nonnegative and length must" +
"be positive")
if l < length or (l - length) % (length - overlap):
if l > length:
roundup = length + (1 + (l - length) // (length - overlap)) * (length - overlap)
rounddown = length + ((l - length) // (length - overlap)) * (length - overlap)
roundup = length
rounddown = 0
assert rounddown < l < roundup
assert roundup == rounddown + (length - overlap) or (roundup == length and rounddown == 0)
a = a.swapaxes(-1, axis)
if end == 'cut':
a = a[..., :rounddown]
l = a.shape[0]
elif end in ['pad', 'wrap']: # copying will be necessary
s = list(a.shape)
s[-1] = roundup
b = numpy.empty(s, dtype=a.dtype)
b[..., :l] = a
if end == 'pad':
b[..., l:] = endvalue
elif end == 'wrap':
b[..., l:] = a[..., :roundup - l]
a = b
a = a.swapaxes(-1, axis)
if l == 0:
raise ValueError("Not enough data points to segment array " +
"in 'cut' mode; try 'pad' or 'wrap'")
assert l >= length
assert (l - length) % (length - overlap) == 0
n = 1 + (l - length) // (length - overlap)
s = a.strides[axis]
new_shape = a.shape[:axis] + (n, length) + a.shape[axis + 1:]
new_strides = a.strides[:axis] + ((length - overlap) * s, s) + a.strides[axis + 1:]
return numpy.ndarray.__new__(numpy.ndarray, strides=new_strides,
shape=new_shape, buffer=a, dtype=a.dtype)
except TypeError:
logging.debug("Problem with ndarray creation forces copy.")
a = a.copy()
# Shape doesn't change but strides does
new_strides = a.strides[:axis] + ((length - overlap) * s, s) + a.strides[axis + 1:]
return numpy.ndarray.__new__(numpy.ndarray, strides=new_strides,
shape=new_shape, buffer=a, dtype=a.dtype)
[docs]def speech_enhancement(X, Gain, NN):
"""This program is only to process the single file seperated by the silence
section if the silence section is detected, then a counter to number of
buffer is set and pre-processing is required.
Usage: SpeechENhance(wavefilename, Gain, Noise_floor)
:param X: input audio signal
:param Gain: default value is 0.9, suggestion range 0.6 to 1.4,
higher value means more subtraction or noise redcution
:param NN:
:return: a 1-dimensional array of boolean that
is True for high energy frames.
Copyright 2014 Sun Han Wu and Anthony Larcher
if X.shape[0] < 512: # creer une exception
return X
num1 = 40 # dsiable buffer number
Alpha = 0.75 # original value is 0.9
FrameSize = 32 * 2 # 256*2
FrameShift = int(FrameSize / NN) # FrameSize/2=128
nfft = FrameSize # = FrameSize
Fmax = int(numpy.floor(nfft / 2) + 1) # 128+1 = 129
# arising hamming windows
Hamm = 1.08 * (0.54 - 0.46 * numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * numpy.arange(FrameSize) / (FrameSize - 1)))
y0 = numpy.zeros(FrameSize - FrameShift) # 128 zeros
Eabsn = numpy.zeros(Fmax)
Eta1 = Eabsn
# initial parameter for noise min
mb = numpy.ones((1 + FrameSize // 2, 4)) * FrameSize / 2 # 129x4 set four buffer * FrameSize/2
im = 0
Beta1 = 0.9024 # seems that small value is better;
pxn = numpy.zeros(1 + FrameSize // 2) # 1+FrameSize/2=129 zeros vector
old_absx = Eabsn
x = numpy.zeros(FrameSize)
x[FrameSize - FrameShift:FrameSize] = X[
numpy.arange(numpy.min((int(FrameShift), X.shape[0])))]
if x.shape[0] < FrameSize:
EOF = 1
return X
EOF = 0
Frame = 0
# add the pre-noise estimates
for i in range(200):
Frame += 1
fftn = fft(x * Hamm) # get its spectrum
absn = numpy.abs(fftn[0:Fmax]) # get its amplitude
# add the following part from noise estimation algorithm
pxn = Beta1 * pxn + (1 - Beta1) * absn # Beta=0.9231 recursive pxn
im = (im + 1) % 40 # noise_memory=47; im=0 (init) for noise level estimation
if im:
mb[:, 0] = numpy.minimum(mb[:, 0], pxn) # 129 by 4 im<>0 update the first vector from PXN
mb[:, 1:] = mb[:, :3] # im==0 every 47 time shift pxn to first vector of mb
mb[:, 0] = pxn
# 0-2 vector shifted to 1 to 3
pn = 2 * numpy.min(mb, axis=1) # pn = 129x1po(9)=1.5 noise level estimate compensation
# over_sub_noise= oversubtraction factor
# end of noise detection algotihm
x[:FrameSize - FrameShift] = x[FrameShift:FrameSize]
index1 = numpy.arange(FrameShift * Frame, numpy.min((FrameShift * (Frame + 1), X.shape[0])))
In_data = X[index1] # fread(ifp, FrameShift, 'short');
if In_data.shape[0] < FrameShift: # to check file is out
EOF = 1
x[FrameSize - FrameShift:FrameSize] = In_data # shift new 128 to position 129 to FrameSize location
# end of for loop for noise estimation
# end of prenoise estimation ************************
x = numpy.zeros(FrameSize)
x[FrameSize - FrameShift:FrameSize] = X[numpy.arange(numpy.min((int(FrameShift), X.shape[0])))]
if x.shape[0] < FrameSize:
EOF = 1
return X
EOF = 0
Frame = 0
X1 = numpy.zeros(X.shape)
Frame = 0
while EOF == 0:
Frame += 1
xwin = x * Hamm
fftx = fft(xwin, nfft) # FrameSize FFT
absx = numpy.abs(fftx[0:Fmax]) # Fmax=129,get amplitude of x
argx = fftx[:Fmax] / (absx + numpy.spacing(1)) # normalize x spectrum phase
absn = absx
# add the following part from rainer algorithm
pxn = Beta1 * pxn + (1 - Beta1) * absn # s Beta=0.9231 recursive pxn
im = int((im + 1) % (num1 * NN / 2)) # original =40 noise_memory=47; im=0 (init) for noise level estimation
if im:
mb[:, 0] = numpy.minimum(mb[:, 0], pxn) # 129 by 4 im<>0 update the first vector from PXN
mb[:, 1:] = mb[:, :3] # im==0 every 47 time shift pxn to first vector of mb
mb[:, 0] = pxn
pn = 2 * numpy.min(mb, axis=1) # pn = 129x1po(9)=1.5 noise level estimate compensation
Eabsn = pn
Gaina = Gain
temp1 = Eabsn * Gaina
Eta1 = Alpha * old_absx + (1 - Alpha) * numpy.maximum(absx - temp1, 0)
new_absx = (absx * Eta1) / (Eta1 + temp1) # wiener filter
old_absx = new_absx
ffty = new_absx * argx # multiply amplitude with its normalized spectrum
#y = numpy.real(numpy.fft.fftpack.ifft(numpy.concatenate((ffty,
# numpy.conj(ffty[numpy.arange(Fmax - 2, 0, -1)])))))
y = numpy.real(ifft(numpy.concatenate((ffty, numpy.conj(ffty[numpy.arange(Fmax - 2, 0, -1)])))))
y[:FrameSize - FrameShift] = y[:FrameSize - FrameShift] + y0
y0 = y[FrameShift:FrameSize] # keep 129 to FrameSize point samples
x[:FrameSize - FrameShift] = x[FrameShift:FrameSize]
index1 = numpy.arange(FrameShift * Frame, numpy.min((FrameShift * (Frame + 1), X.shape[0])))
In_data = X[index1] # fread(ifp, FrameShift, 'short');
z = 2 / NN * y[:FrameShift] # left channel is the original signal
z /= 1.15
z = numpy.minimum(z, 32767)
z = numpy.maximum(z, -32768)
index0 = numpy.arange(FrameShift * (Frame - 1), FrameShift * Frame)
if not all(index0 < X1.shape[0]):
idx = 0
while (index0[idx] < X1.shape[0]) & (idx < index0.shape[0]):
X1[index0[idx]] = z[idx]
idx += 1
X1[index0] = z
if In_data.shape[0] == 0:
EOF = 1
x[numpy.arange(FrameSize - FrameShift, FrameSize + In_data.shape[0] - FrameShift)] = In_data
X1 = X1[X1.shape[0] - X.shape[0]:]
# }
# catch{
# }
return X1
[docs]def vad_percentil(log_energy, percent):
:param log_energy:
:param percent:
thr = numpy.percentile(log_energy, percent)
return log_energy > thr, thr
[docs]def vad_energy(log_energy,
flooring=0.0001, ceiling=1.0,
:param log_energy:
:param distrib_nb:
:param nb_train_it:
:param flooring:
:param ceiling:
:param alpha:
# center and normalize the energy
log_energy = (log_energy - numpy.mean(log_energy)) / numpy.std(log_energy)
# Initialize a Mixture with 2 or 3 distributions
world = Mixture()
# set the covariance of each component to 1.0 and the mean to mu + meanIncrement
world.cst = numpy.ones(distrib_nb) / (numpy.pi / 2.0)
world.det = numpy.ones(distrib_nb)
world.mu = -2 + 4.0 * numpy.arange(distrib_nb) / (distrib_nb - 1)
world.mu = world.mu[:, numpy.newaxis]
world.invcov = numpy.ones((distrib_nb, 1))
# set equal weights for each component
world.w = numpy.ones(distrib_nb) / distrib_nb
world.cov_var_ctl = copy.deepcopy(world.invcov)
# Initialize the accumulator
accum = copy.deepcopy(world)
# Perform nbTrainIt iterations of EM
for it in range(nb_train_it):
# E-step
world._expectation(accum, log_energy)
# M-step
world._maximization(accum, ceiling, flooring)
# Compute threshold
threshold = world.mu.max() - alpha * numpy.sqrt(1.0 / world.invcov[world.mu.argmax(), 0])
# Apply frame selection with the current threshold
label = log_energy > threshold
return label, threshold
[docs]def vad_snr(sig, snr, fs=16000, shift=0.01, nwin=256):
"""Select high energy frames based on the Signal to Noise Ratio
of the signal.
Input signal is expected encoded on 16 bits
:param sig: the input audio signal
:param snr: Signal to noise ratio to consider
:param fs: sampling frequency of the input signal in Hz. Default is 16000.
:param shift: shift between two frames in seconds. Default is 0.01
:param nwin: number of samples of the sliding window. Default is 256.
overlap = nwin - int(shift * fs)
sig /= 32768.
sig = speech_enhancement(numpy.squeeze(sig), 1.2, 2)
# Compute Standard deviation
sig += 0.1 * numpy.random.randn(sig.shape[0])
std2 = segment_axis(sig, nwin, overlap, axis=None, end='cut', endvalue=0).T
std2 = numpy.std(std2, axis=0)
std2 = 20 * numpy.log10(std2) # convert the dB
label = (std2 > numpy.max(std2) - snr) & (std2 > -75)
return label
[docs]def label_fusion(label, win=3):
"""Apply a morphological filtering on the label to remove isolated labels.
In case the input is a two channel label (2D ndarray of boolean of same
length) the labels of two channels are fused to remove
overlaping segments of speech.
:param label: input labels given in a 1D or 2D ndarray
:param win: parameter or the morphological filters
channel_nb = len(label)
if channel_nb == 2:
overlap_label = numpy.logical_and(label[0], label[1])
label[0] = numpy.logical_and(label[0], ~overlap_label)
label[1] = numpy.logical_and(label[1], ~overlap_label)
for idx, lbl in enumerate(label):
cl = ndimage.grey_closing(lbl, size=win)
label[idx] = ndimage.grey_opening(cl, size=win)
return label