Source code for frontend.normfeat

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
# Home page:
# SIDEKIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU LLesser General Public License as 
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, 
# or (at your option) any later version.
# SIDEKIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher and Sylvain Meignier

:mod:`frontend` provides methods to process an audio signal in order to extract
useful parameters for speaker verification.
import numpy
import pandas
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.signal import lfilter

__author__ = "Anthony Larcher and Sylvain Meignier"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher and Sylvain Meignier"
__license__ = "LGPL"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

[docs]def rasta_filt(x): """Apply RASTA filtering to the input signal. :param x: the input audio signal to filter. cols of x = critical bands, rows of x = frame same for y but after filtering default filter is single pole at 0.94 """ x = x.T numerator = numpy.arange(.2, -.3, -.1) denominator = numpy.array([1, -0.94]) # Initialize the state. This avoids a big spike at the beginning # resulting from the dc offset level in each band. # (this is effectively what rasta/rasta_filt.c does). # Because Matlab uses a DF2Trans implementation, we have to # specify the FIR part to get the state right (but not the IIR part) y = numpy.zeros(x.shape) zf = numpy.zeros((x.shape[0], 4)) for i in range(y.shape[0]): y[i, :4], zf[i, :4] = lfilter(numerator, 1, x[i, :4], axis=-1, zi=[0, 0, 0, 0]) # .. but don't keep any of these values, just output zero at the beginning y = numpy.zeros(x.shape) # Apply the full filter to the rest of the signal, append it for i in range(y.shape[0]): y[i, 4:] = lfilter(numerator, denominator, x[i, 4:], axis=-1, zi=zf[i, :])[0] return y.T
[docs]def cms(features, label=None, global_mean=None): """Performs cepstral mean subtraction :param features: a feature stream of dimension dim x nframes where dim is the dimension of the acoustic features and nframes the number of frames in the stream :param label: a logical vector :param global_mean: pre-computed mean to use for feature normalization if given :return: a feature stream """ # If no label file as input: all speech are speech if label is None: label = numpy.ones(features.shape[0]).astype(bool) if label.sum() == 0: mu = numpy.zeros((features.shape[1])) if global_mean is not None: mu = global_mean else: mu = numpy.mean(features[label, :], axis=0) features -= mu
[docs]def cmvn(features, label=None, global_mean=None, global_std=None): """Performs mean and variance normalization :param features: a feature stream of dimension dim x nframes where dim is the dimension of the acoustic features and nframes the number of frames in the stream :param global_mean: pre-computed mean to use for feature normalization if given :param global_std: pre-computed standard deviation to use for feature normalization if given :param label: a logical verctor :return: a sequence of features """ # If no label file as input: all speech are speech if label is None: label = numpy.ones(features.shape[0]).astype(bool) if global_mean is not None and global_std is not None: mu = global_mean stdev = global_std features -= mu features /= stdev elif not label.sum() == 0: mu = numpy.mean(features[label, :], axis=0) stdev = numpy.std(features[label, :], axis=0) features -= mu features /= stdev
[docs]def stg(features, label=None, win=301): """Performs feature warping on a sliding window :param features: a feature stream of dimension dim x nframes where dim is the dimension of the acoustic features and nframes the number of frames in the stream :param label: label of selected frames to compute the Short Term Gaussianization, by default, al frames are used :param win: size of the frame window to consider, must be an odd number to get a symetric context on left and right :return: a sequence of features """ # If no label file as input: all speech are speech if label is None: label = numpy.ones(features.shape[0]).astype(bool) speech_features = features[label, :] add_a_feature = False if win % 2 == 1: # one feature per line nframes, dim = numpy.shape(speech_features) # If the number of frames is not enough for one window if nframes < win: # if the number of frames is not odd, duplicate the last frame # if nframes % 2 == 1: if not nframes % 2 == 1: nframes += 1 add_a_feature = True speech_features = numpy.concatenate((speech_features, [speech_features[-1, ]])) win = nframes # create the output feature stream stg_features = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(speech_features)) # Process first window r = numpy.argsort(speech_features[:win, ], axis=0) r = numpy.argsort(r, axis=0) arg = (r[: (win - 1) // 2] + 0.5) / win stg_features[: (win - 1) // 2, :] = stats.norm.ppf(arg, 0, 1) # process all following windows except the last one for m in range(int((win - 1) / 2), int(nframes - (win - 1) / 2)): idx = list(range(int(m - (win - 1) / 2), int(m + (win - 1) / 2 + 1))) foo = speech_features[idx, :] r = numpy.sum(foo < foo[(win - 1) // 2], axis=0) + 1 arg = (r - 0.5) / win stg_features[m, :] = stats.norm.ppf(arg, 0, 1) # Process the last window r = numpy.argsort(speech_features[list(range(nframes - win, nframes)), ], axis=0) r = numpy.argsort(r, axis=0) arg = (r[(win + 1) // 2: win, :] + 0.5) / win stg_features[list(range(int(nframes - (win - 1) / 2), nframes)), ] = stats.norm.ppf(arg, 0, 1) else: # Raise an exception raise Exception('Sliding window should have an odd length') # wrapFeatures = np.copy(features) if add_a_feature: stg_features = stg_features[:-1] features[label, :] = stg_features
[docs]def cep_sliding_norm(features, win=301, label=None, center=True, reduce=False): """ Performs a cepstal mean substitution and standard deviation normalization in a sliding windows. MFCC is modified. :param features: the MFCC, a numpy array :param win: the size of the sliding windows :param label: vad label if available :param center: performs mean subtraction :param reduce: performs standard deviation division """ if label is None: label = numpy.ones(features.shape[0]).astype(bool) if numpy.sum(label) <= win: if reduce: cmvn(features, label) else: cms(features, label) else: d_win = win // 2 df = pandas.DataFrame(features[label, :]) r = df.rolling(window=win, center=True) mean = r.mean().values std = r.std().values mean[0:d_win, :] = mean[d_win, :] mean[-d_win:, :] = mean[-d_win-1, :] std[0:d_win, :] = std[d_win, :] std[-d_win:, :] = std[-d_win-1, :] if center: features[label, :] -= mean if reduce: features[label, :] /= std