Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
# Home page:
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
# Home page:
# SIDEKIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU LLesser General Public License as 
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, 
# or (at your option) any later version.
# SIDEKIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SIDEKIT.  If not, see <>.

Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher

:mod:`frontend` provides methods to process an audio signal in order to extract
useful parameters for speaker verification.
import audioop
import decimal
import h5py
import logging
import math
import numpy
import os
import struct
import warnings
import wave
import scipy.signal
from scipy.signal import lfilter
from scipy.signal import decimate
from sidekit.sidekit_wrappers import check_path_existance, process_parallel_lists

__author__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher"
__license__ = "LGPL"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

# HTK parameters
LPC = 1
MFCC = 6
USER = 9
PLP = 11
ANON = 12

_E = 0o000100  # has energy
_N = 0o000200  # absolute energy supressed
_D = 0o000400  # has delta coefficients
_A = 0o001000  # has acceleration coefficients
_C = 0o002000  # is compressed
_Z = 0o004000  # has zero mean static coef.
_K = 0o010000  # has CRC checksum
_0 = 0o020000  # has 0th cepstral coef.
_V = 0o040000  # has VQ data
_T = 0o100000  # has third differential coef.


def write_pcm(data, output_file_name):
    """Write signal to single channel PCM 16 bits
    :param data: audio signal to write in a RAW PCM file.
    :param output_file_name: name of the file to write
    with open(output_file_name, 'wb') as of:
        if numpy.abs(data).max() < 1.:
            data = numpy.around(numpy.array(data) * 16384, decimals=0).astype('int16')
        of.write(struct.pack('<' + 'h' * data.shape[0], *data))

def write_wav(data, output_file_name, fs):
    if data.dtype != numpy.int16:
        if data.dtype == numpy.float32:
            data /= numpy.abs(data).max()
            data *= 0.9
        data = numpy.array(data * 2 ** 15, dtype=numpy.int16)
    if numpy.any(data > numpy.iinfo(numpy.int16).max) or numpy.any(data < numpy.iinfo(numpy.int16).min):
        warnings.warn('Warning: clipping detected when writing {}'.format(output_file_name)), fs, data)

[docs]def read_pcm(input_file_name): """Read signal from single channel PCM 16 bits :param input_file_name: name of the PCM file to read. :return: the audio signal read from the file in a ndarray encoded on 16 bits, None and 2 (depth of the encoding in bytes) """ with open(input_file_name, 'rb') as f:, 2) # Go to te end of the file # get the sample count sample_count = int(f.tell() / 2), 0) # got to the begining of the file data = numpy.asarray(struct.unpack('<' + 'h' * sample_count, return data.astype(numpy.float32), None, 2
[docs]def read_wav(input_file_name): """ :param input_file_name: :return: """ with, "r") as wfh: (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname) = wfh.getparams() raw = wfh.readframes(nframes * nchannels) out = struct.unpack_from("%dh" % nframes * nchannels, raw) sig = numpy.reshape(numpy.array(out), (-1, nchannels)).squeeze() return sig.astype(numpy.float32), framerate, sampwidth
[docs]def pcmu2lin(p, s=4004.189931): """Convert Mu-law PCM to linear X=(P,S) lin = pcmu2lin(pcmu) where pcmu contains a vector of mu-law values in the range 0 to 255. No checking is performed to see that numbers are in this range. Output values are divided by the scale factor s: s Output Range 1 +-8031 (integer values) 4004.2 +-2.005649 (default) 8031 +-1 8159 +-0.9843118 (+-1 nominal full scale) The default scaling factor 4004.189931 is equal to sqrt((2207^2 + 5215^2)/2) this follows ITU standard G.711. The sine wave with PCM-Mu values [158 139 139 158 30 11 11 30] has a mean square value of unity corresponding to 0 dBm0. :param p: input signal encoded in PCM mu-law to convert :param s: conversion value from mu-scale oto linear scale """ t = 4 / s m = 15 - (p % 16) q = numpy.floor(p // 128) e = (127 - p - m + 128 * q) / 16 x = (m + 16.5) * numpy.power(2, e) - 16.5 z = (q - 0.5) * x * t return z
[docs]def read_sph(input_file_name, mode='p'): """ Read a SPHERE audio file :param input_file_name: name of the file to read :param mode: specifies the following (\* =default) .. note:: - Scaling: - 's' Auto scale to make data peak = +-1 (use with caution if reading in chunks) - 'r' Raw unscaled data (integer values) - 'p' Scaled to make +-1 equal full scale - 'o' Scale to bin centre rather than bin edge (e.g. 127 rather than 127.5 for 8 bit values, can be combined with n+p,r,s modes) - 'n' Scale to negative peak rather than positive peak (e.g. 128.5 rather than 127.5 for 8 bit values, can be combined with o+p,r,s modes) - Format - 'l' Little endian data (Intel,DEC) (overrides indication in file) - 'b' Big endian data (non Intel/DEC) (overrides indication in file) - File I/O - 'f' Do not close file on exit - 'd' Look in data directory: voicebox('dir_data') - 'w' Also read the annotation file \*.wrd if present (as in TIMIT) - 't' Also read the phonetic transcription file \*.phn if present (as in TIMIT) - NMAX maximum number of samples to read (or -1 for unlimited [default]) - NSKIP number of samples to skip from start of file (or -1 to continue from previous read when FFX is given instead of FILENAME [default]) :return: a tupple such that (Y, FS) .. note:: - Y data matrix of dimension (samples,channels) - FS sample frequency in Hz - WRD{\*,2} cell array with word annotations: WRD{\*,:)={[t_start t_end],'text'} where times are in seconds only present if 'w' option is given - PHN{\*,2} cell array with phoneme annotations: PHN{\*,:)={[t_start t_end],'phoneme'} where times are in seconds only present if 't' option is present - FFX Cell array containing 1. filename 2. header information 1. first header field name 2. first header field value 3. format string (e.g. NIST_1A) 4. 1. file id 2. current position in file 3. dataoff byte offset in file to start of data 4. order byte order (l or b) 5. nsamp number of samples 6. number of channels 7. nbytes bytes per data value 8. bits number of bits of precision 9. fs sample frequency 10. min value 11. max value 12. coding 0=PCM,1=uLAW + 0=no compression, 0=shorten,20=wavpack,30=shortpack 13. file not yet decompressed 5. temporary filename If no output parameters are specified, header information will be printed. The code to decode shorten-encoded files, is not yet released with this toolkit. """ codings = dict([('pcm', 1), ('ulaw', 2)]) compressions = dict([(',embedded-shorten-', 1), (',embedded-wavpack-', 2), (',embedded-shortpack-', 3)]) byteorder = 'l' endianess = dict([('l', '<'), ('b', '>')]) if not mode == 'p': mode = [mode, 'p'] k = list((m >= 'p') & (m <= 's') for m in mode) # scale to input limits not output limits mno = all([m != 'o' for m in mode]) sc = '' if k[0]: sc = mode[0] # Get byte order (little/big endian) if any([m == 'l' for m in mode]): byteorder = 'l' elif any([m == 'b' for m in mode]): byteorder = 'b' ffx = ['', '', '', '', ''] if isinstance(input_file_name, str): if os.path.exists(input_file_name): fid = open(input_file_name, 'rb') elif os.path.exists("".join((input_file_name, '.sph'))): input_file_name = "".join((input_file_name, '.sph')) fid = open(input_file_name, 'rb') else: raise Exception('Cannot find file {}'.format(input_file_name)) ffx[0] = input_file_name elif not isinstance(input_file_name, str): ffx = input_file_name else: fid = input_file_name # Read the header if ffx[3] == '':, 0) # go to the begining of the file l1 = fid.readline().decode("utf-8") l2 = fid.readline().decode("utf-8") if not (l1 == 'NIST_1A\n') & (l2 == ' 1024\n'): logging.warning('File does not begin with a SPHERE header') ffx[2] = l1.rstrip() hlen = int(l2[3:7]) hdr = {} while True: # Read the header and fill a dictionary st = fid.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip() if st[0] != ';': elt = st.split(' ') if elt[0] == 'end_head': break if elt[1][0] != '-': logging.warning('Missing ''-'' in SPHERE header') break if elt[1][1] == 's': hdr[elt[0]] = elt[2] elif elt[1][1] == 'i': hdr[elt[0]] = int(elt[2]) else: hdr[elt[0]] = float(elt[2]) if 'sample_byte_format' in list(hdr.keys()): if hdr['sample_byte_format'][0] == '0': bord = 'l' else: bord = 'b' if (bord != byteorder) & all([m != 'b' for m in mode]) \ & all([m != 'l' for m in mode]): byteorder = bord icode = 0 # Get encoding, default is PCM if 'sample_coding' in list(hdr.keys()): icode = -1 # unknown code for coding in list(codings.keys()): if hdr['sample_coding'].startswith(coding): # is the signal compressed # if len(hdr['sample_coding']) > codings[coding]: if len(hdr['sample_coding']) > len(coding): for compression in list(compressions.keys()): if hdr['sample_coding'].endswith(compression): icode = 10 * compressions[compression] \ + codings[coding] - 1 break else: # if the signal is not compressed icode = codings[coding] - 1 break # initialize info of the files with default values info = [fid, 0, hlen, ord(byteorder), 0, 1, 2, 16, 1, 1, -1, icode] # Get existing info from the header if 'sample_count' in list(hdr.keys()): info[4] = hdr['sample_count'] if not info[4]: # if no info sample_count or zero # go to the end of the file, 2) # Go to te end of the file # get the sample count info[4] = int(math.floor((fid.tell() - info[2]) / (info[5] * info[6]))) # get the sample_count if 'channel_count' in list(hdr.keys()): info[5] = hdr['channel_count'] if 'sample_n_bytes' in list(hdr.keys()): info[6] = hdr['sample_n_bytes'] if 'sample_sig_bits' in list(hdr.keys()): info[7] = hdr['sample_sig_bits'] if 'sample_rate' in list(hdr.keys()): info[8] = hdr['sample_rate'] if 'sample_min' in list(hdr.keys()): info[9] = hdr['sample_min'] if 'sample_max' in list(hdr.keys()): info[10] = hdr['sample_max'] ffx[1] = hdr ffx[3] = info info = ffx[3] ksamples = info[4] if ksamples > 0: fid = info[0] if (icode >= 10) & (ffx[4] == ''): # read compressed signal # need to use a script with SHORTEN raise Exception('compressed signal, need to unpack in a script with SHORTEN') info[1] = ksamples # use modes o and n to determine effective peak pk = 2 ** (8 * info[6] - 1) * (1 + (float(mno) / 2 - int(all([m != 'b' for m in mode]))) / 2 ** info[7]) # jump after the header nsamples = info[5] * ksamples if info[6] < 3: if info[6] < 2: logging.debug('Sphere i1 PCM') y = numpy.fromfile(fid, endianess[byteorder]+"i1", -1) if info[11] % 10 == 1: if y.shape[0] % 2: y = numpy.frombuffer(audioop.ulaw2lin( numpy.concatenate((y, numpy.zeros(1, 'int8'))), 2), numpy.int16)[:-1]/32768. else: y = numpy.frombuffer(audioop.ulaw2lin(y, 2), numpy.int16)/32768. pk = 1. else: y = y - 128 else: logging.debug('Sphere i2') y = numpy.fromfile(fid, endianess[byteorder]+"i2", -1) else: # non verifie if info[6] < 4: y = numpy.fromfile(fid, endianess[byteorder]+"i1", -1) y = y.reshape(nsamples, 3).transpose() y = ([1, 256, 65536]), y) - ([2, :], 2 ** (-7)).astype(int) * 2 ** 24)) else: y = numpy.fromfile(fid, endianess[byteorder]+"i4", -1) if sc != 'r': if sc == 's': if info[9] > info[10]: info[9] = numpy.min(y) info[10] = numpy.max(y) sf = 1 / numpy.max(list(list(map(abs, info[9:11]))), axis=0) else: sf = 1 / pk y = sf * y if info[5] > 1: y = y.reshape(ksamples, info[5]) else: y = numpy.array([]) if mode != 'f': fid.close() info[0] = -1 if not ffx[4] == '': pass # VERIFY SCRIPT, WHICH CASE IS HANDLED HERE return y.astype(numpy.float32), int(info[8]), int(info[6])
[docs]def read_audio(input_file_name, framerate=None): """ Read a 1 or 2-channel audio file in SPHERE, WAVE or RAW PCM format. The format is determined from the file extension. If the sample rate read from the file is a multiple of the one given as parameter, we apply a decimation function to subsample the signal. :param input_file_name: name of the file to read from :param framerate: frame rate, optional, if lower than the one read from the file, subsampling is applied :return: the signal as a numpy array and the sampling frequency """ if framerate is None: raise TypeError("Expected sampling frequency required in") ext = os.path.splitext(input_file_name)[-1] if ext.lower() == '.sph': sig, read_framerate, sampwidth = read_sph(input_file_name, 'p') elif ext.lower() == '.wav' or ext.lower() == '.wave': try: sig, read_framerate, sampwidth = read_wav(input_file_name) except: import pydub audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_wav(input_file_name) read_framerate = audio.frame_rate sampwidth = audio.sample_width sig = numpy.array(audio.split_to_mono()[0].get_array_of_samples()) elif ext.lower() == '.pcm' or ext.lower() == '.raw': sig, read_framerate, sampwidth = read_pcm(input_file_name) read_framerate = framerate else: raise TypeError("Unknown extension of audio file") # Convert to 16 bit encoding if needed #if not sampwidth == 2: # sig *= (2**(15-sampwidth)) if framerate > read_framerate: print("Warning in read_audio, up-sampling function is not implemented yet!") elif read_framerate % float(framerate) == 0 and not framerate == read_framerate: print("downsample {}".format(input_file_name)) sig = scipy.signal.decimate(sig, int(read_framerate / float(framerate)), n=None, ftype='iir', axis=0) return sig.astype(numpy.float32), framerate
@check_path_existance def write_label(label, output_file_name, selected_label='speech', frame_per_second=100): """Save labels in ALIZE format :param output_file_name: name of the file to write to :param label: label to write in the file given as a ndarray of boolean :param selected_label: label to write to the file. Default is 'speech'. :param frame_per_second: number of frame per seconds. Used to convert the frame number into time. Default is 100. """ if label.shape[0] > 0: bits = label[:-1] ^ label[1:] # convert true value into a list of feature indexes # append 0 at the beginning of the list, append the last index to the list idx = [0] + (numpy.arange(len(bits))[bits] + 1).tolist() + [len(label)] framerate = decimal.Decimal(1) / decimal.Decimal(frame_per_second) # for each pair of indexes (idx[i] and idx[i+1]), create a segment with open(output_file_name, 'w') as fid: for i in range(~label[0], len(idx) - 1, 2): fid.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(str(idx[i]*framerate), str(idx[i + 1]*framerate), selected_label))
[docs]def read_label(input_file_name, selected_label='speech', frame_per_second=100): """Read label file in ALIZE format :param input_file_name: the label file name :param selected_label: the label to return. Default is 'speech'. :param frame_per_second: number of frame per seconds. Used to convert the frame number into time. Default is 100. :return: a logical array """ with open(input_file_name) as f: segments = f.readlines() if len(segments) == 0: lbl = numpy.zeros(0).astype(bool) else: # initialize the length from the last segment's end foo1, stop, foo2 = segments[-1].rstrip().split() lbl = numpy.zeros(int(float(stop) * 100)).astype(bool) begin = numpy.zeros(len(segments)) end = numpy.zeros(len(segments)) for s in range(len(segments)): start, stop, label = segments[s].rstrip().split() if label == selected_label: begin[s] = int(round(float(start) * frame_per_second)) end[s] = int(round(float(stop) * frame_per_second)) lbl[begin[s]:end[s]] = True return lbl
[docs]def read_spro4(input_file_name, label_file_name="", selected_label="", frame_per_second=100): """Read a feature stream in SPRO4 format :param input_file_name: name of the feature file to read from :param label_file_name: name of the label file to read if required. By Default, the method assumes no label to read from. :param selected_label: label to select in the label file. Default is none. :param frame_per_second: number of frame per seconds. Used to convert the frame number into time. Default is 0. :return: a sequence of features in a numpy array """ with open(input_file_name, 'rb') as f: tmp_s = struct.unpack("8c", s = () for i in range(len(tmp_s)): s += (tmp_s[i].decode("utf-8"),), 2) # Go to te end of the file size = f.tell() # get the position, 0) # go back to the begining of the file head_size = 0 if "".join(s) == '<header>': # swap empty header for general header the code need changing struct.unpack("19b", head_size = 19 dim = struct.unpack("H",[0] struct.unpack("4b", struct.unpack("f", n_frames = int(math.floor((size - 10 - head_size) / (4 * dim))) features = numpy.asarray(struct.unpack('f' * n_frames * dim, * n_frames * dim))) features.resize((n_frames, dim)) lbl = numpy.ones(numpy.shape(features)[0]).astype(bool) if not label_file_name == "": lbl = read_label(label_file_name, selected_label, frame_per_second) features = features[lbl, :] return features.astype(numpy.float32)
[docs]def read_hdf5_segment(file_handler, show, dataset_list, label, start=None, stop=None, global_cmvn=False): """Read a segment from a stream in HDF5 format. Return the features in the range start:end In case the start and end cannot be reached, the first or last feature are copied so that the length of the returned segment is always end-start :param file_name: name of the file to open :param dataset: identifier of the dataset in the HDF5 file :param mask: :param start: :param end: :return:read_hdf5_segment """ h5f = file_handler compression_type = {0: 'none', 1: 'htk', 2: 'percentile'} if "compression" not in h5f: compression = 'none' print("Warning, default feature storage mode is now using compression") else: if isinstance(h5f["compression"], h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset): compression = compression_type[h5f["compression"][()]] else: compression = compression_type[h5f["compression"]] if show not in h5f: raise Exception('show {} is not in the HDF5 file'.format(show)) # Get the selected segment dataset_length = h5f[show + "/" + next(h5f[show].__iter__())].shape[0] # Deal with the case where start < 0 or stop > feat.shape[0] if start is None: start = 0 pad_begining = -start if start < 0 else 0 start = max(start, 0) if stop is None: stop = dataset_length pad_end = stop - dataset_length if stop > dataset_length else 0 stop = min(stop, dataset_length) global_cmvn = global_cmvn and not (start is None or stop is None) # Get the data between start and stop # Concatenate all required datasets feat = [] global_mean = [] global_std = [] feat = [] for data_id in ['energy', 'cep', 'fb', 'bnf']: if data_id in dataset_list: if "/".join((show, data_id)) in h5f: dataset_id = show + '/{}'.format(data_id) if compression == 'none': data = _read_segment(h5f, dataset_id, start, stop) if data.ndim ==1: data = data[:, numpy.newaxis] feat.append(data) elif compression == 'htk': feat.append(_read_segment_htk(h5f, dataset_id, start, stop)) else: feat.append(_read_segment_percentile(h5f, dataset_id, start, stop)) global_mean.append(h5f["/".join((show, "{}_mean".format(data_id)))][()]) global_std.append(h5f["/".join((show, "{}_std".format(data_id)))][()]) else: raise Exception('{} is not in the HDF5 file'.format(data_id)) feat = numpy.hstack(feat) global_mean = numpy.hstack(global_mean) global_std = numpy.hstack(global_std) if label is None: if "/".join((show, "vad")) in h5f: label = h5f.get("/".join((show, "vad")))[()].astype('bool').squeeze()[start:stop] else: label = numpy.ones(feat.shape[0], dtype='bool') # Pad the segment if needed feat = numpy.pad(feat, ((pad_begining, pad_end), (0, 0)), mode='edge') label = numpy.pad(label, (pad_begining, pad_end), mode='edge') #stop += pad_begining + pad_end return feat, label, global_mean, global_std, global_cmvn
[docs]def read_spro4_segment(input_file_name, start=0, end=None): """Read a segment from a stream in SPRO4 format. Return the features in the range start:end In case the start and end cannot be reached, the first or last feature are copied so that the length of the returned segment is always end-start :param input_file_name: name of the feature file to read from :param start: index of the first frame to read (start at zero) :param end: index of the last frame following the segment to read. end < 0 means that end is the value of the right_context to add at the end of the file :return: a sequence of features in a ndarray of length end-start """ with open(input_file_name, 'rb') as f: tmpS = struct.unpack("8c", s = () for i in range(len(tmpS)): s += (tmpS[i].decode("utf-8"),), 2) # Go to te end of the file size = f.tell() # get the position, 0) # go back to the begining of the file head_size = 0 if "".join(s) == '<header>': # swap empty header for general header the code need changing struct.unpack("19b", head_size = 19 dim = struct.unpack("H",[0] struct.unpack("4b", struct.unpack("f", n_frames = int(math.floor((size - 10 - head_size) / (4 * dim))) if end is None: end = n_frames elif end < 0: end = n_frames - end s, e = max(0, start), min(n_frames, end) + 4 + 4 + dim * 4 * s, 0) features = numpy.fromfile(f, '<f', (e-s) * dim) features.resize(e-s, dim) if start != s or end != e: # repeat first or/and last frame as required features = numpy.r_[numpy.repeat(features[[0]], s-start, axis=0), features, numpy.repeat(features[[-1]], end-e, axis=0)] return features.astype(numpy.float32)
@check_path_existance def write_spro4(features, output_file_name): """Write a feature stream in SPRO4 format. :param features: sequence of features to write :param output_file_name: name of the file to write to """ _, dim = numpy.shape(features) # get feature stream's dimensions f = open(output_file_name, 'wb') # open outputFile f.write(struct.pack("H", dim)) # write feature dimension f.write(struct.pack("4b", 25, 0, 0, 0)) # write flag (not important) f.write(struct.pack("f", 100.0)) # write frequency of feature extraciton data = features.flatten() # Write the data f.write(struct.pack('f' * len(data), *data)) f.close() @check_path_existance def write_htk(features, output_file_name, framerate=100, dt=9): """ Write htk feature file 0. WAVEFORM Acoustic waveform 1. LPC Linear prediction coefficients 2. LPREFC LPC Reflection coefficients: -lpcar2rf([1 LPC]);LPREFC(1)=[]; 3. LPCEPSTRA LPC Cepstral coefficients 4. LPDELCEP LPC cepstral+delta coefficients (obsolete) 5. IREFC LPC Reflection coefficients (16 bit fixed point) 6. MFCC Mel frequency cepstral coefficients 7. FBANK Log Fliter bank energies 8. MELSPEC linear Mel-scaled spectrum 9. USER User defined features 10. DISCRETE Vector quantised codebook 11. PLP Perceptual Linear prediction :param features: vector for waveforms, one row per frame for other types :param output_file_name: name of the file to write to :param framerate: feature sample in Hz :param dt: data type (also includes Voicebox code for generating data) 0. WAVEFORM Acoustic waveform 1. LPC Linear prediction coefficients 2. LPREFC LPC Reflection coefficients: -lpcar2rf([1 LPC]);LPREFC(1)=[]; 3. LPCEPSTRA LPC Cepstral coefficients 4. LPDELCEP LPC cepstral+delta coefficients (obsolete) 5. IREFC LPC Reflection coefficients (16 bit fixed point) 6. MFCC Mel frequency cepstral coefficients 7. FBANK Log Fliter bank energies 8. MELSPEC linear Mel-scaled spectrum 9. USER User defined features 10. DISCRETE Vector quantised codebook 11. PLP Perceptual Linear prediction 12. ANON """ sampling_period = 1./framerate pk = dt & 0x3f dt &= ~_K # clear unsupported CRC bit features = numpy.atleast_2d(features) if pk == 0: features = features.reshape(-1, 1) with open(output_file_name, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(struct.pack(">IIHH", len(features)+(4 if dt & _C else 0), sampling_period*1e7, features.shape[1] * (2 if (pk in parms16bit or dt & _C) else 4), dt)) if pk == 5: features *= 32767.0 if pk in parms16bit: features = features.astype('>h') elif dt & _C: mmax, mmin = features.max(axis=0), features.min(axis=0) mmax[mmax == mmin] += 32767 mmin[mmax == mmin] -= 32767 # to avoid division by zero for constant coefficients scale = 2 * 32767. / (mmax - mmin) bias = 0.5 * scale * (mmax + mmin) features = features * scale - bias numpy.array([scale]).astype('>f').tofile(fh) numpy.array([bias]).astype('>f').tofile(fh) features = features.astype('>h') else: features = features.astype('>f') features.tofile(fh)
[docs]def read_htk(input_file_name, label_file_name="", selected_label="", frame_per_second=100): """Read a sequence of features in HTK format :param input_file_name: name of the file to read from :param label_file_name: name of the label file to read from :param selected_label: label to select :param frame_per_second: number of frames per second :return: a tupple (d, fp, dt, tc, t) described below .. note:: - d = data: column vector for waveforms, 1 row per frame for other types - fp = frame period in seconds - dt = data type (also includes Voicebox code for generating data) 0. WAVEFORM Acoustic waveform 1. LPC Linear prediction coefficients 2. LPREFC LPC Reflection coefficients: -lpcar2rf([1 LPC]);LPREFC(1)=[]; 3. LPCEPSTRA LPC Cepstral coefficients 4. LPDELCEP LPC cepstral+delta coefficients (obsolete) 5. IREFC LPC Reflection coefficients (16 bit fixed point) 6. MFCC Mel frequency cepstral coefficients 7. FBANK Log Fliter bank energies 8. MELSPEC linear Mel-scaled spectrum 9. USER User defined features 10. DISCRETE Vector quantised codebook 11. PLP Perceptual Linear prediction 12. ANON - tc = full type code = dt plus (optionally) one or more of the following modifiers - 64 _E Includes energy terms - 128 _N Suppress absolute energy - 256 _D Include delta coefs - 512 _A Include acceleration coefs - 1024 _C Compressed - 2048 _Z Zero mean static coefs - 4096 _K CRC checksum (not implemented yet) - 8192 _0 Include 0'th cepstral coef - 16384 _V Attach VQ index - 32768 _T Attach delta-delta-delta index - t = text version of type code e.g. LPC_C_K This function is a translation of the Matlab code from VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing. by Mike Brookes Home page: `VOICEBOX <>` """ kinds = ['WAVEFORM', 'LPC', 'LPREFC', 'LPCEPSTRA', 'LPDELCEP', 'IREFC', 'MFCC', 'FBANK', 'MELSPEC', 'USER', 'DISCRETE', 'PLP', 'ANON', '???'] with open(input_file_name, 'rb') as fid: nf = struct.unpack(">l",[0] # number of frames # frame interval (in seconds) fp = struct.unpack(">l",[0] * 1.e-7 by = struct.unpack(">h",[0] # bytes per frame tc = struct.unpack(">h",[0] # type code tc += 65536 * (tc < 0) cc = 'ENDACZK0VT' # list of suffix codes nhb = len(cc) # number of suffix codes ndt = 6 # number of bits for base type hb = list(int(math.floor(tc * 2 ** x)) for x in range(- (ndt + nhb), -ndt + 1)) # extract bits from type code hd = list(hb[x] - 2 * hb[x - 1] for x in range(nhb, 0, -1)) # low six bits of tc represent data type dt = tc - hb[-1] * 2 ** ndt # hd(7)=1 CRC check # hd(5)=1 compressed data if dt == 5:, 2) # Go to te end of the file flen = fid.tell() # get the position, 0) # go back to the begining of the file if flen > 14 + by * nf: # if file too long dt = 2 # change type to LPRFEC hd[4] = 1 # set compressed flag nf += 4 # frame count doesn't include # compression constants in this case # 16 bit data for waveforms, IREFC and DISCRETE if any([dt == x for x in [0, 5, 10]]): n_dim = int(by * nf / 2) data = numpy.asarray(struct.unpack(">" + "h" * n_dim, * n_dim))) d = data.reshape(nf, by / 2) if dt == 5: d /= 32767 # scale IREFC else: if hd[4]: # compressed data - first read scales nf -= 4 # frame count includes compression constants n_col = int(by / 2) scales = numpy.asarray(struct.unpack(">" + "f" * n_col, * n_col))) biases = numpy.asarray(struct.unpack(">" + "f" * n_col, * n_col))) data = numpy.asarray(struct.unpack(">" + "h" * n_col * nf, * n_col * nf))) d = data.reshape(nf, n_col) d = d + biases d = d / scales else: data = numpy.asarray(struct.unpack(">" + "f" * int(by / 4) * nf, * nf))) d = data.reshape(nf, by / 4) t = kinds[min(dt, len(kinds) - 1)] lbl = numpy.ones(numpy.shape(d)[0]).astype(bool) if not label_file_name == "": lbl = read_label(label_file_name, selected_label, frame_per_second) d = d[lbl, :] return d.astype(numpy.float32), fp, dt, tc, t
[docs]def read_htk_segment(input_file_name, start=0, stop=None): """Read a segment from a stream in SPRO4 format. Return the features in the range start:end In case the start and end cannot be reached, the first or last feature are copied so that the length of the returned segment is always end-start :param input_file_name: name of the feature file to read from or file-like object alowing to seek in the file :param start: index of the first frame to read (start at zero) :param stop: index of the last frame following the segment to read. end < 0 means that end is the value of the right_context to add at the end of the file :return: a sequence of features in a ndarray of length end-start """ try: fh = open(input_file_name, 'rb') except TypeError: fh = input_file_name try: n_samples, _, sample_size, parm_kind = struct.unpack(">IIHH", pk = parm_kind & 0x3f if parm_kind & _C: scale, bias = numpy.fromfile(fh, '>f', sample_size).reshape(2, sample_size/2) n_samples -= 4 s, e = max(0, start), min(n_samples, stop)*sample_size, 1) dtype, _bytes = ('>h', 2) if parm_kind & _C or pk in parms16bit else ('>f', 4) m = numpy.fromfile(fh, dtype, (e - s) * sample_size / _bytes).reshape(e - s, sample_size / _bytes) if parm_kind & _C: m = (m + bias) / scale if pk == IREFC: m /= 32767.0 if pk == WAVEFORM: m = m.ravel() finally: if fh is not input_file_name: fh.close() if start != s or stop != e: # repeat first or/and last frame as required m = numpy.r_[numpy.repeat(m[[0]], s-start, axis=0), m, numpy.repeat(m[[-1]], stop-e, axis=0)] return m.astype(numpy.float32)
def _add_dataset_header(fh, dataset_id, _min_val, _range, _header): """ Create a dataset in the HDF5 file and write the data after compressing float to int """ _c_header = (_header - _min_val) / _range numpy.clip(_c_header, 0., 1.) _c_header = (_c_header * 65535 + 0.499).astype(int) fh.create_dataset(dataset_id + '_header', data=_c_header, maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) fh.create_dataset(dataset_id + '_min_range', data=numpy.array([_min_val, _range]).astype('float32'), maxshape=(2,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) def _add_percentile_dataset(fh, dataset_id, data): """ Create the dataset in the HDF5 file, write the data compressed in int8 format and the header compressed in int format """ _min_val = data.min() _range = data.ptp() if data.ndim == 1: data = data[:, numpy.newaxis] # First write the compression information in the dataset header _header = numpy.zeros((data.shape[1], 4)) for j, p in enumerate([0, 25, 75, 100]): _header[:, j] = numpy.percentile(data, p, axis=0, interpolation='lower') _add_dataset_header(fh, dataset_id, _min_val, _range, _header) # now write the compressed data c_data = numpy.zeros(data.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8) for i in range(data.shape[1]): p0, p25, p75, p100 = _header[i] mat1 = numpy.uint8((((data[:, i] - p0) / (p25 - p0)) * 64 + 0.5)) mat1 = numpy.clip(mat1, 0, 64) * (data[:, i] < p25) mat2 = (numpy.uint8(((data[:, i] - p25) / (p75 - p25)) * 128 + 0.5) + 64) mat2 = numpy.clip(mat2, 64, 192) * ((data[:, i] >= p25) & (data[:, i] < p75)) mat3 = (numpy.uint8(((data[:, i] - p75) / (p100 - p75)) * 63 + 0.5) + 192) mat3 = numpy.clip(mat3, 192, 255) * (data[:, i] >= p75) c_data[:, i] = mat1 + mat2 + mat3 fh.create_dataset(dataset_id, data=c_data, maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) def _read_dataset(h5f, dataset_id): data = h5f[dataset_id][()] if data.ndim == 1: data = data[:, numpy.newaxis] return data def _read_segment(h5f, dataset_id, s, e): data = h5f[dataset_id][s:e] return data def _read_dataset_htk(h5f, dataset_id): (A, B) = h5f[dataset_id + "comp"][()] data = (h5f[dataset_id][()] + B) / A if data.ndim == 1: data = data[:, numpy.newaxis] return data def _read_segment_htk(h5f, dataset_id, e, s): (A, B) = h5f[dataset_id + "comp"][()] data = (h5f[dataset_id][s:e, :] + B) / A return data def read_dataset_percentile(h5f, dataset_id): # read the header (_min_val, _range) = h5f[dataset_id + "_min_range"][()] c_header = h5f[dataset_id + "_header"][()] _header = numpy.full(c_header.shape, _min_val) _header += c_header * _range * 1.52590218966964e-05 # decompress the data c_data = h5f[dataset_id][()] mat1 = (_header[:,[0]] + (_header[:,[1]] - _header[:,[0]]) * c_data.T * (1/64)) * (c_data.T <= 64) mat2 = (_header[:,[1]] + (_header[:,[2]] - _header[:,[1]]) * (c_data.T - 64) * (1/128)) * ((c_data.T > 64) & (c_data.T<=192)) mat3 = (_header[:,[2]] + (_header[:,[3]] - _header[:,[2]]) * (c_data.T - 192) * (1/63)) * (c_data.T > 192) return (mat1+mat2+mat3).T def _read_segment_percentile(h5f, dataset_id, s, e): # read the header (_min_val, _range) = h5f[dataset_id + "_min_range"][()] c_header = h5f[dataset_id + "_header"][()] _header = numpy.full(c_header.shape, _min_val) _header += c_header * _range * 1.52590218966964e-05 c_data = h5f[dataset_id][()][s:e, :] mat1 = (_header[:,[0]] + (_header[:,[1]] - _header[:,[0]]) * c_data.T * (1/64)) * (c_data.T <= 64) mat2 = (_header[:,[1]] + (_header[:,[2]] - _header[:,[1]]) * (c_data.T - 64) * (1/128)) * ((c_data.T > 64) & (c_data.T<=192)) mat3 = (_header[:,[2]] + (_header[:,[3]] - _header[:,[2]]) * (c_data.T - 192) * (1/63)) * (c_data.T > 192) return (mat1+mat2+mat3).T def _write_show(show, fh, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label): if cep is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep', data=cep.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if cep_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep_mean', data=cep_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if cep_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep_std', data=cep_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if energy is not None: energy = energy.squeeze() fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy', data=energy.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if energy_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy_mean', data=energy_mean) if energy_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy_std', data=energy_std) if fb is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb', data=fb.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if fb_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb_mean', data=fb_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if fb_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb_std', data=fb_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf', data=bnf.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf_mean', data=bnf_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf_std', data=bnf_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if label is not None and not show + "/vad" in fh: fh.create_dataset(show + '/' + "vad", data=label.astype('int8'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) def _write_show_htk(show, fh, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label): if cep is not None: A_cep = 2 * 32767. / (cep.max() - cep.min()) B_cep = (cep.max() + cep.min()) * 32767. / (cep.max() - cep.min()) fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep_comp', data=numpy.array([A_cep, B_cep]).astype('float32'), maxshape=(2,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep', data=(A_cep*cep - B_cep).astype("short"), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if energy is not None: A_energy = 2 * 32767. / (energy.max() - energy.min()) B_energy = (energy.max() + energy.min()) * 32767. / (energy.max() - energy.min()) fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy_comp', data=numpy.array([A_energy, B_energy]).astype('float32'), maxshape=(2,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy', data=(A_energy * energy - B_energy).astype("short"), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if fb is not None: A_fb = 2 * 32767. / (fb.max() - fb.min()) B_fb = (fb.max() + fb.min()) * 32767. / (fb.max() - fb.min()) fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb_comp', data=numpy.array([A_fb, B_fb]).astype('float32'), maxshape=(2,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb', data=(A_fb * fb - B_fb).astype("short"), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf is not None: A_bnf = 2 * 32767. / (bnf.max() - bnf.min()) B_bnf = (bnf.max() + bnf.min()) * 32767. / (bnf.max() - bnf.min()) fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf_comp', data=numpy.array([A_bnf, B_bnf]).astype('float32'), maxshape=(2,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf', data=(A_bnf * bnf - B_bnf).astype("short"), maxshape=(None, None), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if energy_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy_mean', data=energy_mean) if energy_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy_std', data=energy_std) if cep_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep_mean', data=cep_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if cep_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep_std', data=cep_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if fb_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb_mean', data=fb_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if fb_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb_std', data=fb_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf_mean', data=bnf_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf_std', data=bnf_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if label is not None and not show + "/vad" in fh: fh.create_dataset(show + '/' + "vad", data=label.astype('int8'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) def _write_show_percentile(show, fh, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label): if cep is not None: _add_percentile_dataset(fh, show + '/cep', cep) if energy is not None: _add_percentile_dataset(fh, show + '/energy', energy) if fb is not None: _add_percentile_dataset(fh, show + '/fb', fb) if bnf is not None: _add_percentile_dataset(fh, show + '/bnf', bnf) if cep_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep_mean', data=cep_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if cep_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/cep_std', data=cep_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if energy_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy_mean', data=energy_mean) if energy_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/energy_std', data=energy_std) if fb_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb_mean', data=fb_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if fb_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/fb_std', data=fb_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf_mean is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf_mean', data=bnf_mean.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if bnf_std is not None: fh.create_dataset(show + '/bnf_std', data=bnf_std.astype('float32'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if label is not None and not show + "/vad" in fh: fh.create_dataset(show + '/' + "vad", data=label.astype('int8'), maxshape=(None,), compression="gzip", fletcher32=True)
[docs]def write_hdf5(show, fh, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label, compression='percentile'): """ :param show: identifier of the show to write :param fh: HDF5 file handler :param cep: cepstral coefficients to store :param cep_mean: pre-computed mean of the cepstral coefficient :param cep_std: pre-computed standard deviation of the cepstral coefficient :param energy: energy coefficients to store :param energy_mean: pre-computed mean of the energy :param energy_std: pre-computed standard deviation of the energy :param fb: filter-banks coefficients to store :param fb_mean: pre-computed mean of the filter bank coefficient :param fb_std: pre-computed standard deviation of the filter bank coefficient :param bnf: bottle-neck features to store :param bnf_mean: pre-computed mean of the bottleneck features :param bnf_std: pre-computed standard deviation of the bottleneck features :param label: vad labels to store :param compressed: boolean, default is False :return: """ #write the the type of compression: could be: # 0 = no compression # 1 HTK'style compression # 2 compression percentile compression_type = {'none':0, 'htk':1, 'percentile':2} if "compression" not in fh: fh.create_dataset('compression', data=compression_type[compression]) else: assert(fh['compression'][()] == compression_type[compression]) if compression == 'none': _write_show(show, fh, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label) elif compression == 'htk': _write_show_htk(show, fh, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label) else: # Default: use percentile compression _write_show_percentile(show, fh, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label)
[docs]def read_hdf5(h5f, show, dataset_list=("cep", "fb", "energy", "vad", "bnf")): """ :param h5f: HDF5 file handler to read from :param show: identifier of the show to read :param dataset_list: list of datasets to read and concatenate :return: """ compression_type = {0:'none', 1:'htk', 2:'percentile'} if "compression" not in h5f: compression = 'none' print("Warning, default feature storage mode is now using compression") else: compression = compression_type[h5f["compression"][()]] if show not in h5f: raise Exception('show {} is not in the HDF5 file'.format(show)) # initialize the list of features to concatenate feat = [] if "energy" in dataset_list: if "/".join((show, "energy")) in h5f: dataset_id = show + '/energy' if compression == 'none': feat.append(_read_dataset(h5f, dataset_id)) elif compression == 'htk': feat.append(_read_dataset_htk(h5f, dataset_id)) else: feat.append(read_dataset_percentile(h5f, dataset_id)) else: raise Exception('energy is not in the HDF5 file') if "cep" in dataset_list: if "/".join((show, "cep")) in h5f: dataset_id = show + '/cep' if compression == 'none': feat.append(_read_dataset(h5f, dataset_id)) elif compression == 'htk': feat.append(_read_dataset_htk(h5f, dataset_id)) else: feat.append(read_dataset_percentile(h5f, dataset_id)) else: raise Exception('cep) is not in the HDF5 file') if "fb" in dataset_list: if "/".join((show, "fb")) in h5f: dataset_id = show + '/fb' if compression == 'none': feat.append(_read_dataset(h5f, dataset_id)) elif compression == 'htk': feat.append(_read_dataset_htk(h5f, dataset_id)) else: feat.append(read_dataset_percentile(h5f, dataset_id)) else: raise Exception('cep) is not in the HDF5 file') if "bnf" in dataset_list: if "/".join((show, "bnf")) in h5f: dataset_id = show + '/bnf' if compression == 'none': feat.append(_read_dataset(h5f, dataset_id)) elif compression == 'htk': feat.append(_read_dataset_htk(h5f, dataset_id)) else: feat.append(read_dataset_percentile(h5f, dataset_id)) else: raise Exception('cep) is not in the HDF5 file') feat = numpy.hstack(feat) label = None if "vad" in dataset_list: if "/".join((show, "vad")) in h5f: label = h5f.get("/".join((show, "vad")))[()].astype('bool').squeeze() else: warnings.warn(" VAD in this HDF5 file") label = numpy.ones(feat.shape[0], dtype='bool') return feat.astype(numpy.float32), label
def _rms_energy(x): return 10*numpy.log10((1e-12 + def _add_noise(signal, noise_file_name, snr, sample_rate): """ :param signal: :param noise_file_name: :param snr: :return: """ # Open noise file if isinstance(noise_file_name, numpy.ndarray): noise = noise_file_name else: noise, fs_noise = read_audio(noise_file_name, sample_rate) # Generate random section of masker if len(noise) < len(signal): dup_factor = len(signal) // len(noise) + 1 noise = numpy.tile(noise, dup_factor) if len(noise) != len(signal): idx = numpy.random.randint(0, len(noise) - len(signal)) noise = noise[idx:idx + len(signal)] # Compute energy of both signals N_dB = _rms_energy(noise) S_dB = _rms_energy(signal) # Rescale N N_new = S_dB - snr noise_scaled = 10 ** (N_new / 20) * noise / 10 ** (N_dB / 20) noisy = signal + noise_scaled return (noisy - noisy.mean()) / noisy.std() def bin_interp(upcount, lwcount, upthr, lwthr, margin, tol=0.1): n_iter = 1 if abs(upcount - upthr - margin) < tol: midcount = upcount elif abs(lwcount - lwthr - margin) < tol: midcount = lwcount else: midcount = (upcount + lwcount)/2 midthr = (upthr + lwthr)/2 diff = midcount - midthr - margin while abs(diff) > tol: n_iter += 1 if n_iter > 20: tol *= 1.1 if diff > tol: midcount = (upcount + midcount)/2 midthr = (upthr + midthr)/2 elif diff < -tol: midcount = (lwcount + midcount)/2 midthr = (lwthr + midthr)/2 diff = midcount - midthr - margin return midcount
[docs]def asl_meter(x, fs, nbits=16): '''Measure the Active Speech Level (ASR) of x following ITU-T P.56. If x is integer, it will be scaled to (-1, 1) according to nbits. ''' if numpy.issubdtype(x.dtype, numpy.integer): x = x / 2**(nbits-1) # Constants MIN_LOG_OFFSET = 1e-20 T = 0.03 # Time constant of smoothing in seconds g = numpy.exp(-1/(T*fs)) H = 0.20 # Time of handover in seconds I = int(numpy.ceil(H*fs)) M = 15.9 # Margin between threshold and ASL in dB a = numpy.zeros(nbits-1) # Activity count c = 0.5**numpy.arange(nbits-1, 0, step=-1) # Threshold level h = numpy.ones(nbits)*I # Hangover count s = 0 sq = 0 p = 0 q = 0 asl = -100 L = len(x) s = sum(abs(x)) sq = sum(x**2) dclevel = s/numpy.arange(1, L+1) lond_term_level = 10*numpy.log10(sq/numpy.arange(1, L+1) + MIN_LOG_OFFSET) c_dB = 20*numpy.log10(c) for i in range(L): p = g * p + (1-g) * abs(x[i]) q = g * q + (1-g) * p for j in range(nbits-1): if q >= c[j]: a[j] += 1 h[j] = 0 elif h[j] < I: a[j] += 1; h[j] += 1 a_dB = -100 * numpy.ones(nbits-1) for i in range(nbits-1): if a[i] != 0: a_dB[i] = 10*numpy.log10(sq/a[i]) delta = a_dB - c_dB idx = numpy.where(delta <= M)[0] if len(idx) != 0: idx = idx[0] if idx > 1: asl = bin_interp(a_dB[idx], a_dB[idx-1], c_dB[idx], c_dB[idx-1], M) else: asl = a_dB[idx] return asl
def _add_reverb(signal, reverb_file_name, sample_rate, reverb_level=-26.0, ): '''Adds reverb (convolutive noise) to a speech signal. The output speech level is normalized to asl_level. ''' if isinstance(reverb_file_name, numpy.ndarray): reverb = reverb_file_name else: reverb, _ = read_audio(reverb_file_name, sample_rate) y = lfilter(reverb, 1, signal) y = y/10**(asl_meter(y, sample_rate)/20) * 10**(reverb_level/20) return (y - y.mean()) / y.std()
[docs]def degrade_audio(input_path, input_extension, output_path, output_extension, input_filename, output_filename, sampling_frequency=16000, noise_file_name=None, snr=-10, reverb_file_name=None, reverb_level=-26.): """ :param input_filename: :param output_filename: :return: """ # Open audio file, get the signal and possibly the sampling frequency signal, sample_rate = read_audio(input_filename, sampling_frequency) if signal.ndim == 1: signal = signal[:, numpy.newaxis] for channel in range(signal.shape[1]): if noise_file_name is not None: signal[:, channel] = _add_noise(signal[:, channel], noise_file_name, snr, sampling_frequency) if reverb_file_name is not None: signal[:, channel] = _add_reverb(signal[:, channel], reverb_file_name, sampling_frequency, reverb_level) write_wav(signal, output_filename, sample_rate)
@process_parallel_lists def augment_list(input_path, input_extension, output_path, output_extension, sampling_frequency, show_list, channel_list, audio_file_list=None, feature_file_list=None, noise_file_list=None, snr_list=None, reverb_file_list=None, reverb_levels=None, num_thread=1): """ Compute the acoustic parameters (filter banks, cepstral coefficients, log-energy and bottleneck features for a list of audio files and save them to disk in a HDF5 format The process is parallelized if num_thread is higher than 1 :param show_list: list of IDs of the show to process :param channel_list: list of channel indices corresponding to each show :param audio_file_list: list of input audio files if the name is independent from the ID of the show :param feature_file_list: list of output audio files if the name is independent from the ID of the show :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run :return: """ # get the length of the longest list max_length = max([len(l) for l in [show_list, channel_list, audio_file_list, feature_file_list] if l is not None]) if show_list is None: show_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') if audio_file_list is None: audio_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') if feature_file_list is None: feature_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') if noise_file_list is None: noise_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') snr_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') elif snr_list is None: snr_list = numpy.full(int(max_length), 5.) if reverb_file_list is None: reverb_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') reverb_levels = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') elif reverb_levels is None: reverb_levels = numpy.full(int(max_length), -26.) for show, channel, input_file, output_file, noise_file, snr, reverb_file, reverb_level in zip(show_list, channel_list, audio_file_list, feature_file_list, noise_file_list, snr_list, reverb_file_list, reverb_levels): degrade_audio(input_path, input_extension, output_path, output_extension, show, input_file, output_file, sampling_frequency, noise_file, snr, reverb_file, reverb_level)