Source code for features_extractor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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# SIDEKIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU LLesser General Public License as
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Copyright 2014-2020 Sylvain Meignier and Anthony Larcher

    :mod:`features_server` provides methods to manage features

import copy
import h5py
import logging
import numpy
import os

from sidekit import PARAM_TYPE
from sidekit.frontend.features import mfcc, plp
from import read_audio, read_label, write_hdf5, _add_reverb, _add_noise
from sidekit.frontend.vad import vad_snr, vad_percentil
from sidekit.mixture import vad_energy
from sidekit.sidekit_wrappers import process_parallel_lists
from sidekit.bosaris import IdMap

__license__ = "LGPL"
__author__ = "Anthony Larcher & Sylvain Meignier"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2020 Anthony Larcher"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

[docs]class FeaturesExtractor(object): """ A FeaturesExtractor process an audio file in SPHERE, WAVE or RAW PCM format and extract filter-banks, cepstral coefficients, bottle-neck features (in the future), log-energy and perform a speech activity detection. """ def __init__(self, audio_filename_structure=None, feature_filename_structure=None, sampling_frequency=None, lower_frequency=None, higher_frequency=None, filter_bank=None, filter_bank_size=None, window_size=None, shift=None, ceps_number=None, vad=None, snr=None, pre_emphasis=None, save_param=None, keep_all_features=None, feature_type=None, rasta_plp=None, compressed='percentile'): """ :param audio_filename_structure: a string that gives the structure of the input file to process :param feature_filename_structure: a string that gives the structure of the output file to write :param sampling_frequency: optional, only required if processing RAW PCM. For other formats, this information is read from the file :param lower_frequency: lower frequency (in Herz) of the filter bank :param higher_frequency: higher frequency of the filter bank :param filter_bank: type of fiter scale to use, can be "lin" or "log" (for linear of log-scale) :param filter_bank_size: number of filters banks :param window_size: size of the sliding window to process (in seconds) :param shift: time shift of the sliding window (in seconds) :param ceps_number: number of cepstral coefficients to extract :param vad: type of voice actovoty detection algorithm to use. Can be "energy", "snr", "percentil" or "lbl" to read from a file :param snr: signal to noise ratio used for "snr" vad algorithm :param pre_emphasis: value given for the pre-emphasis filter (default is 0.97) :param save_param: list of strings that indicate which parameters to save. The strings can be: "cep" for cepstral coefficients, "fb" for filter-banks, "energy" for the log-energy, "bnf" for bottle-neck features and "vad" for the frame selection labels. In the resulting files, parameters are always concatenated in the following order: (energy,fb, cep, bnf, vad_label). Default keeps all. :param keep_all_features: boolean, if True, all frames are writen; if False, keep only frames according to the vad label """ # Set the default values self.audio_filename_structure = None self.feature_filename_structure = '{}' self.sampling_frequency = 8000 self.lower_frequency = None self.higher_frequency = None self.filter_bank = None self.filter_bank_size = None self.window_size = None self.shift = None self.ceps_number = None self.vad = None self.snr = None self.pre_emphasis = 0.97 self.save_param = ["energy", "cep", "fb", "bnf", "vad"] self.keep_all_features = None self.feature_type = 'mfcc' self.rasta_plp = True if audio_filename_structure is not None: self.audio_filename_structure = audio_filename_structure if feature_filename_structure is not None: self.feature_filename_structure = feature_filename_structure if sampling_frequency is not None: self.sampling_frequency = sampling_frequency if lower_frequency is not None: self.lower_frequency = lower_frequency if higher_frequency is not None: self.higher_frequency = higher_frequency if filter_bank is not None: self.filter_bank = filter_bank if filter_bank_size is not None: self.filter_bank_size = filter_bank_size if window_size is not None: self.window_size = window_size if shift is not None: self.shift = shift if ceps_number is not None: self.ceps_number = ceps_number if vad is not None: self.vad = vad if snr is not None: self.snr = snr if pre_emphasis is not None: self.pre_emphasis = pre_emphasis if save_param is not None: self.save_param = save_param if keep_all_features is not None: self.keep_all_features = keep_all_features if feature_type is not None: self.feature_type = feature_type if rasta_plp is not None: self.rasta_plp = rasta_plp if compressed is not None: self.compressed = compressed self.window_sample = None if not (self.window_size is None or self.sampling_frequency is None): self.window_sample = int(self.window_size * self.sampling_frequency) self.shift_sample = None if not (self.shift is None or self.sampling_frequency is None): self.shift_sample = int(self.shift * self.sampling_frequency) = 'empty' def __repr__(self): ch = '\t show: {} keep_all_features: {}\n'.format(, self.keep_all_features) ch += '\t audio_filename_structure: {} \n'.format(self.audio_filename_structure) ch += '\t feature_filename_structure: {} \n'.format(self.feature_filename_structure) ch += '\t pre-emphasis: {} \n'.format(self.pre_emphasis) ch += '\t lower_frequency: {} higher_frequency: {} \n'.format( self.lower_frequency, self.higher_frequency) ch += '\t sampling_frequency: {} \n'.format(self.sampling_frequency) ch += '\t filter bank: {} filters of type {}\n'.format( self.filter_bank_size, self.filter_bank) ch += '\t ceps_number: {} \n\t window_size: {} shift: {} \n'.format( self.ceps_number, self.window_size, self.shift) ch += '\t vad: {} snr: {} \n'.format(self.vad, self.snr) return ch
[docs] def extract(self, show, channel, input_audio_filename=None, output_feature_filename=None, backing_store=False, noise_file_name=None, snr=10, reverb_file_name=None, reverb_level=-26.): """ Compute the acoustic parameters (filter banks, cepstral coefficients, log-energy and bottleneck features for a single channel from a given audio file. :param show: ID if the show :param channel: channel number (0 if mono file) :param input_audio_filename: name of the input audio file to consider if the name of the audio file is independent from the ID of the show :param output_feature_filename: name of the output feature file to consider if the name of the feature file is independent from the ID of the show :param backing_store: boolean, if False, nothing is writen to disk, if True, the file is writen to disk when closed :param rasta: boolean, only for PLP parameters, if True, perform RASTA filtering :return: an hdf5 file handler """ # Create the filename to load # If the input audio file name does not include the ID of the show # (i.e., if the audio_filename_structure does not include {}) # the audio_filename_structure is updated to use the input_audio_filename if input_audio_filename is not None: self.audio_filename_structure = input_audio_filename audio_filename = self.audio_filename_structure.format(show) # If the output file name does not include the ID of the show, # (i.e., if the feature_filename_structure does not include {}) # the feature_filename_structure is updated to use the output_feature_filename if output_feature_filename is not None: self.feature_filename_structure = output_feature_filename feature_filename = self.feature_filename_structure.format(show) # Open audio file, get the signal and possibly the sampling frequency signal, sample_rate = read_audio(audio_filename, self.sampling_frequency) if signal.ndim == 1: signal = signal[:, numpy.newaxis] # AJOUTER LE BRUITAGE ET REVERB DU SIGNAL SI NECESSAIRE if noise_file_name is not None: signal[:, channel] = _add_noise(signal[:, channel], noise_file_name, snr, sample_rate) if reverb_file_name is not None: signal[:, channel] = _add_reverb(signal[:, channel], reverb_file_name, sample_rate, reverb_level) # Process the target channel to return Filter-Banks, Cepstral coefficients and BNF if required length, chan = signal.shape # If the size of the signal is not enough for one frame, return zero features if length < self.window_sample: cep = numpy.empty((0, self.ceps_number), dtype=PARAM_TYPE) energy = numpy.empty((0, 1), dtype=PARAM_TYPE) fb = numpy.empty((0, self.filter_bank_size), dtype=PARAM_TYPE) label = numpy.empty((0, 1), dtype='int8') else: # Random noise is added to the input signal to avoid zero frames. numpy.random.seed(0) signal[:, channel] += 0.0001 * numpy.random.randn(signal.shape[0]) dec = self.shift_sample * 250 * 25000 + self.window_sample dec2 = self.window_sample - self.shift_sample start = 0 end = min(dec, length) # Process the signal by batch to avoid problems for very long signals while start < (length - dec2):'process part : %f %f %f', start / self.sampling_frequency, end / self.sampling_frequency, length / self.sampling_frequency) if self.feature_type == 'mfcc': # Extract cepstral coefficients, energy and filter banks cep, energy, _, fb = mfcc(signal[start:end, channel], fs=self.sampling_frequency, lowfreq=self.lower_frequency, maxfreq=self.higher_frequency, nlinfilt=self.filter_bank_size if self.filter_bank == "lin" else 0, nlogfilt=self.filter_bank_size if self.filter_bank == "log" else 0, nwin=self.window_size, shift=self.shift, nceps=self.ceps_number, get_spec=False, get_mspec=True, prefac=self.pre_emphasis) elif self.feature_type == 'plp': cep, energy, _, fb = plp(signal[start:end, channel], nwin=self.window_size, fs=self.sampling_frequency, plp_order=self.ceps_number, shift=self.shift, get_spec=False, get_mspec=True, prefac=self.pre_emphasis, rasta=self.rasta_plp) # Perform feature selection label, threshold = self._vad(cep, energy, fb, signal[start:end, channel]) if len(label) < len(energy): label = numpy.hstack((label, numpy.zeros(len(energy)-len(label), dtype='bool'))) start = end - dec2 end = min(end + dec, length) if cep.shape[0] > 0:'!! size of signal cep: %f len %d type size %d', cep[-1].nbytes/1024/1024, len(cep[-1]), cep[-1].nbytes/len(cep[-1])) # Compute the mean and std of fb and cepstral coefficient computed for all selected frames energy_mean = energy[label].mean(axis=0) energy_std = energy[label].std(axis=0) fb_mean = fb[label, :].mean(axis=0) fb_std = fb[label, :].std(axis=0) cep_mean = cep[label, :].mean(axis=0) cep_std = cep[label, :].std(axis=0) # bnf_mean = bnf[label, :].mean(axis=0) # bnf_std = bnf[label, :].std(axis=0) # Create the HDF5 file # Create the directory if it dosn't exist dir_name = os.path.dirname(feature_filename) # get the path if not os.path.exists(dir_name) and (dir_name is not ''): os.makedirs(dir_name) h5f = h5py.File(feature_filename, 'a', backing_store=backing_store, driver='core') if "cep" not in self.save_param: cep = None cep_mean = None cep_std = None if "energy" not in self.save_param: energy = None energy_mean = None energy_std = None if "fb" not in self.save_param: fb = None fb_mean = None fb_std = None if "bnf" not in self.save_param: bnf = None bnf_mean = None bnf_std = None if "vad" not in self.save_param: label = None write_hdf5(show, h5f, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label, self.compressed) return h5f
[docs] def extract_from_signal(self, signal, sample_rate, noise_file_name=None, snr=10, reverb_file_name=None, reverb_level=-26.): """ Compute the acoustic parameters (filter banks, cepstral coefficients, log-energy and bottleneck features for a single channel from a given audio file. :param show: ID if the show :param channel: channel number (0 if mono file) :param input_audio_filename: name of the input audio file to consider if the name of the audio file is independent from the ID of the show :param output_feature_filename: name of the output feature file to consider if the name of the feature file is independent from the ID of the show :param backing_store: boolean, if False, nothing is writen to disk, if True, the file is writen to disk when closed :param rasta: boolean, only for PLP parameters, if True, perform RASTA filtering :return: an hdf5 file handler """ if signal.ndim == 1: signal = signal[:, numpy.newaxis] # AJOUTER LE BRUITAGE ET REVERB DU SIGNAL SI NECESSAIRE if noise_file_name is not None: signal[:, 0] = _add_noise(signal[:, 0], noise_file_name, snr, sample_rate) if reverb_file_name is not None: signal[:, 0] = _add_reverb(signal[:, 0], reverb_file_name, sample_rate, reverb_level) # Process the target channel to return Filter-Banks, Cepstral coefficients and BNF if required length, chan = signal.shape # If the size of the signal is not enough for one frame, return zero features if length < self.window_sample: cep = numpy.empty((0, self.ceps_number), dtype=PARAM_TYPE) energy = numpy.empty((0, 1), dtype=PARAM_TYPE) fb = numpy.empty((0, self.filter_bank_size), dtype=PARAM_TYPE) label = numpy.empty((0, 1), dtype='int8') else: # Random noise is added to the input signal to avoid zero frames. numpy.random.seed(0) signal[:, 0] += 0.0001 * numpy.random.randn(signal.shape[0]) dec = self.shift_sample * 250 * 25000 + self.window_sample dec2 = self.window_sample - self.shift_sample start = 0 end = min(dec, length) # Process the signal by batch to avoid problems for very long signals while start < (length - dec2):'process part : %f %f %f', start / self.sampling_frequency, end / self.sampling_frequency, length / self.sampling_frequency) if self.feature_type == 'mfcc': # Extract cepstral coefficients, energy and filter banks cep, energy, _, fb = mfcc(signal[start:end, 0], fs=self.sampling_frequency, lowfreq=self.lower_frequency, maxfreq=self.higher_frequency, nlinfilt=self.filter_bank_size if self.filter_bank == "lin" else 0, nlogfilt=self.filter_bank_size if self.filter_bank == "log" else 0, nwin=self.window_size, shift=self.shift, nceps=self.ceps_number, get_spec=False, get_mspec=True, prefac=self.pre_emphasis) elif self.feature_type == 'plp': cep, energy, _, fb = plp(signal[start:end, 0], nwin=self.window_size, fs=self.sampling_frequency, plp_order=self.ceps_number, shift=self.shift, get_spec=False, get_mspec=True, prefac=self.pre_emphasis, rasta=self.rasta_plp) # Perform feature selection label, threshold = self._vad(cep, energy, fb, signal[start:end, 0]) if len(label) < len(energy): label = numpy.hstack((label, numpy.zeros(len(energy) - len(label), dtype='bool'))) start = end - dec2 end = min(end + dec, length) if cep.shape[0] > 0:'!! size of signal cep: %f len %d type size %d', cep[-1].nbytes / 1024 / 1024, len(cep[-1]), cep[-1].nbytes / len(cep[-1])) return label, energy, cep, fb
[docs] def save(self, show, channel=0, input_audio_filename=None, output_feature_filename=None, noise_file_name=None, snr=10, reverb_file_name=None, reverb_level=-26.): """ Compute the acoustic parameters (filter banks, cepstral coefficients, log-energy and bottleneck features for a single channel from a given audio file and save them to disk in a HDF5 format :param show: :param channel: :param input_audio_filename: :param output_feature_filename: :return: """ # Load the cepstral coefficients, energy, filter-banks, bnf and vad labels h5f = self.extract(show, channel, input_audio_filename, output_feature_filename, backing_store=True, noise_file_name=noise_file_name, snr=snr, reverb_file_name=reverb_file_name, reverb_level=reverb_level) # Write the hdf5 file to disk h5f.close()
@staticmethod def _save(show, feature_filename_structure, save_param, cep, energy, fb, bnf, label, compressed='percentile'): """ :param show: :param feature_filename_structure: :param save_param: :param cep: :param energy: :param fb: :param bnf: :param label: :return: """ feature_filename = feature_filename_structure.format(show)'output finename: '+feature_filename) dir_name = os.path.dirname(feature_filename) # get the path if not os.path.exists(dir_name) and (dir_name is not ''): os.makedirs(dir_name) h5f = h5py.File(feature_filename, 'a', backing_store=True, driver='core') if "cep" not in save_param: cep = None cep_mean = None cep_std = None else: cep_mean = cep[label, :].mean(axis=0) cep_std = cep[label, :].std(axis=0) if "energy" not in save_param: energy = None energy_mean = None energy_std = None else: energy_mean = energy[label].mean(axis=0) energy_std = energy[label].std(axis=0) if "fb" not in save_param: fb = None fb_mean = None fb_std = None else: fb_mean = fb[label, :].mean(axis=0) fb_std = fb[label, :].std(axis=0) if "bnf" not in save_param: bnf = None bnf_mean = None bnf_std = None if "vad" not in save_param: label = None write_hdf5(show, h5f, cep, cep_mean, cep_std, energy, energy_mean, energy_std, fb, fb_mean, fb_std, bnf, bnf_mean, bnf_std, label, compressed) h5f.close()
[docs] def save_multispeakers(self, idmap, channel=0, input_audio_filename=None, output_feature_filename=None, keep_all=True, skip_existing_file=False, compressed='percentile'): """ :param idmap: :param channel: :param input_audio_filename: :param output_feature_filename: :param keep_all: :param skip_existing_file: :return: """ param_vad = self.vad save_param = copy.deepcopy(self.save_param) self.save_param = ["energy", "cep", "fb", "vad"] self.vad = None if output_feature_filename is None: output_feature_filename = self.feature_filename_structure tmp_dict = dict() nb = 0 for show, _id, start, stop in zip(idmap.rightids, idmap.leftids, idmap.start, idmap.stop): if skip_existing_file: if keep_all: file_name = output_feature_filename.format(show) else: file_name = output_feature_filename.format(show+'/' + _id) if os.path.isfile(file_name):'existing file: SKIP '+file_name) continue if show not in tmp_dict: tmp_dict[show] = dict() if _id not in tmp_dict[show]: tmp_dict[show][_id] = numpy.arange(start, stop-1) nb += 1 else: tmp_dict[show][_id] = numpy.concatenate((tmp_dict[show][_id], numpy.arange(start, stop-1)), axis=0) output_show = list() output_id = list() output_start = list() output_stop = list() global_compression = 'none' if self.compressed == 'percentile': global_compression = 'percentile' self.compressed = 'none' for show in tmp_dict: # temp_file_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name #'tmp file name: '+temp_file_name) self.vad = None h5f = self.extract(show, channel, input_audio_filename, backing_store=False) energy = h5f.get(show + '/energy')[()] label = h5f.get(show + '/vad')[()] fb = h5f.get(show + '/fb')[()] cep = h5f.get(show + '/cep')[()] h5f.close() self.vad = param_vad l = energy.shape[0] for _id in tmp_dict[show]: idx = tmp_dict[show][_id] idx = idx[idx < l] _, threshold_id = self._vad(None, energy[idx], None, None)'show: ' + show + ' cluster: ' + _id + ' thr:' + str(threshold_id)) label_id = energy > threshold_id label[idx] = label_id[idx].flatten() if not keep_all: output_show.append(show + '/' + _id) output_id.append(_id) output_start.append(0) output_stop.append(idx.shape[0])'keep_all id: ' + show + ' show: ' + show + '/' + _id + ' start: 0 stop: ' + str(idx.shape[0])) self._save(show+'/' + _id, output_feature_filename, save_param, cep[idx], energy[idx], fb[idx], None, label[idx], global_compression) if keep_all: self._save(show, output_feature_filename, save_param, cep, energy, fb, None, label, global_compression) self.vad = param_vad self.save_param = save_param self.compressed = global_compression if keep_all: return copy.deepcopy(idmap) out_idmap = IdMap() out_idmap.set(numpy.array(output_id), numpy.array(output_show), start=numpy.array(output_start, dtype='int32'), stop=numpy.array(output_stop, dtype='int32')) return out_idmap
def _vad(self, cep, log_energy, fb, x, label_file_name=None): """ Apply Voice Activity Detection. :param cep: cepstral coefficient (for future VAD) :param log_energy: logarithm of the energy :param fb: filter bank coefficients (for future VAD) :param x: signal :return: """ threshold = -numpy.inf label = None if self.vad is None:'no vad') label = numpy.array([True] * log_energy.shape[0]) elif self.vad == 'snr':'vad : snr') window_sample = int(self.window_size * self.sampling_frequency) label = vad_snr(x, self.snr, fs=self.sampling_frequency, shift=self.shift, nwin=window_sample) elif self.vad == 'energy':'vad : energy') label, threshold = vad_energy(log_energy, distrib_nb=3, nb_train_it=8, flooring=0.0001, ceiling=1.5, alpha=0.2) elif self.vad == 'percentil': label, threshold = vad_percentil(log_energy, 10)'percentil '+str(threshold)) elif self.vad == 'dnn': pass # TO DO elif self.vad == 'lbl': # load existing labels as reference'vad : lbl') label = read_label(label_file_name) else: logging.warning('Wrong VAD type') return label, threshold @process_parallel_lists def save_list(self, show_list, channel_list, audio_file_list=None, feature_file_list=None, noise_file_list=None, snr_list=None, reverb_file_list=None, reverb_levels=None, num_thread=1): """ Compute the acoustic parameters (filter banks, cepstral coefficients, log-energy and bottleneck features for a list of audio files and save them to disk in a HDF5 format The process is parallelized if num_thread is higher than 1 :param show_list: list of IDs of the show to process :param channel_list: list of channel indices corresponding to each show :param audio_file_list: list of input audio files if the name is independent from the ID of the show :param feature_file_list: list of output audio files if the name is independent from the ID of the show :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run :return: """ """ TO DO: manage multi-processing when writting in a single file (use a queue but can we still use @process_parallel_lists ???) """ # get the length of the longest list max_length = max([len(l) for l in [show_list, channel_list, audio_file_list, feature_file_list] if l is not None]) if show_list is None: show_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') if audio_file_list is None: audio_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') if feature_file_list is None: feature_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') if noise_file_list is None: noise_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') snr_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') elif snr_list is None: snr_list = numpy.full(int(max_length), 5.) if reverb_file_list is None: reverb_file_list = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') reverb_levels = numpy.empty(int(max_length), dtype='|O') elif reverb_levels is None: reverb_levels = numpy.full(int(max_length), -26.) for show, channel, audio_file, feature_file, noise_file, snr, reverb_file, reverb_level in zip(show_list, channel_list, audio_file_list, feature_file_list, noise_file_list, snr_list, reverb_file_list, reverb_levels):, channel, audio_file, feature_file, noise_file, snr, reverb_file, reverb_level)