Source code for factor_analyser

# -* coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of SIDEKIT.
# SIDEKIT is a python package for speaker verification.
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Copyright 2014-2019 Sylvain Meignier and Anthony Larcher

    :mod:`factor_analyser` provides methods to train different types of factor analysers

import copy
import numpy
import multiprocessing
import logging
import h5py
import scipy
import warnings
import ctypes
from sidekit.sv_utils import serialize
from sidekit.statserver import StatServer
from sidekit.mixture import Mixture
from sidekit.sidekit_wrappers import process_parallel_lists, deprecated, check_path_existance
from sidekit import STAT_TYPE

__license__ = "LGPL"
__author__ = "Anthony Larcher & Sylvain Meignier"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2019 Anthony Larcher"
__maintainer__ = "Anthony Larcher"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

def e_on_batch(stat0, stat1, ubm, F):
    Compute statistics for the Expectation step on a batch of data

    :param stat0: matrix of zero-order statistics (1 session per line)
    :param stat1: matrix of first-order statistics (1 session per line)
    :param ubm: Mixture object
    :param F: factor loading matrix
    :return: first and second order statistics
    tv_rank = F.shape[1]
    nb_distrib = stat0.shape[1]
    feature_size =[1]
    index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(nb_distrib), feature_size)
    upper_triangle_indices = numpy.triu_indices(tv_rank)

    gmm_covariance = "diag" if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2 else "full"

    # Allocate the memory to save
    session_nb = stat0.shape[0]
    e_h = numpy.zeros((session_nb, tv_rank), dtype=STAT_TYPE)
    e_hh = numpy.zeros((session_nb, tv_rank * (tv_rank + 1) // 2), dtype=STAT_TYPE)

    # Whiten the statistics for diagonal or full models
    stat1 -= stat0[:, index_map] * ubm.get_mean_super_vector()
    if gmm_covariance == "diag":
        stat1 *= numpy.sqrt(ubm.get_invcov_super_vector())
    elif gmm_covariance == "full":
        stat1 = numpy.einsum("ikj,ikl->ilj",
                             stat1.T.reshape(-1, nb_distrib, session_nb),
                             ).reshape(-1, session_nb).T

    for idx in range(session_nb):
        inv_lambda = scipy.linalg.inv(numpy.eye(tv_rank) + (F.T * stat0[idx, index_map]).dot(F))
        aux =[idx, :])
        e_h[idx] =, inv_lambda)
        e_hh[idx] = (inv_lambda + numpy.outer(e_h[idx], e_h[idx]))[upper_triangle_indices]

    return e_h, e_hh

def e_worker(arg, q):
    Encapsulates the method that compute statistics for expectation step

    :param arg: a tuple that should include
        a matrix of zero-order statistics (1 session per line)
        a matrix of first-order statistics (1 session per line)
        a Mixture object
        a factor loading matrix
    :param q: output queue (a multiprocessing.Queue object)
    q.put(arg[:2] + e_on_batch(*arg))

def e_gather(arg, q):
    Consumer that sums accumulators stored in the memory

    :param arg: a tuple of input parameters including three accumulators for the estimation of Factor Analysis matrix
    :param q: input queue that is filled by the producers and emptied in this function (a multiprocessing.Queue object)
    :return: the three accumulators
    _A, _C, _R = arg

    while True:

        stat0, stat1, e_h, e_hh = q.get()
        if e_h is None:
        _A +=
        _C +=
        _R += numpy.sum(e_hh, axis=0)

    return _A, _C, _R

def iv_extract_on_batch(arg, q):
    Extract i-vectors for a batch of sessions (shows)

    :param arg: a tuple of inputs that includes a list of batch_indices, a matrix of zero-order statistics
        a matrix of first order statistics, a Mixture model and loading factor matrix
    :param q: the output queue to fill (a multiprocessing.Queue object)
    batch_indices, stat0, stat1, ubm, F = arg
    E_h, E_hh = e_on_batch(stat0, stat1, ubm, F)
    tv_rank = E_h.shape[1]
    q.put((batch_indices,) + (E_h, E_hh[:, numpy.array([i * tv_rank-((i*(i-1))//2) for i in range(tv_rank)])]))

def iv_collect(arg, q):
    Consumer method that takes inputs from a queue and fill matrices with i-vectors
    and uncertainty matrices (diagonal version only)

    :param arg:a tuple of inputs including a matrix to store i-vectors and a matrix to store uncertainty matrices
    :param q: the input queue (a multiprocessing.Queue object)
    :return: the matrices of i-vectors and uncertainty matrices
    iv, iv_sigma = arg

    while True:

        batch_idx, e_h, e_hh = q.get()
        if e_h is None:
        iv[batch_idx, :] = e_h
        iv_sigma[batch_idx, :] = e_hh

    return iv, iv_sigma

def fa_model_loop(batch_start,
    Methods that is called for PLDA estimation for parallelization on classes

    :param batch_start: index to start at in the list
    :param mini_batch_indices: indices of the elements in the list (should start at zero)
    :param factor_analyser: FactorAnalyser object
    :param stat0: matrix of zero order statistics
    :param stat1: matrix of first order statistics
    :param e_h: accumulator
    :param e_hh: accumulator
    :param num_thread: number of parallel process to run
    rank = factor_analyser.F.shape[1]
    if factor_analyser.Sigma.ndim == 2:
        A =
        inv_lambda_unique = dict()
        for sess in numpy.unique(stat0[:, 0]):
            inv_lambda_unique[sess] = scipy.linalg.inv(sess * A + numpy.eye(A.shape[0]))

    tmp = numpy.zeros((factor_analyser.F.shape[1], factor_analyser.F.shape[1]), dtype=STAT_TYPE)

    for idx in mini_batch_indices:
        if factor_analyser.Sigma.ndim == 1:
            inv_lambda = scipy.linalg.inv(numpy.eye(rank) +
                                          (factor_analyser.F.T * stat0[idx + batch_start, :]).dot(factor_analyser.F))
            inv_lambda = inv_lambda_unique[stat0[idx + batch_start, 0]]

        aux =[idx + batch_start, :]), inv_lambda, out=e_h[idx])
        e_hh[idx] = inv_lambda + numpy.outer(e_h[idx], e_h[idx], tmp)

[docs]class FactorAnalyser: """ A class to train factor analyser such as total variability models and Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA). :attr mean: mean vector :attr F: between class matrix :attr G: within class matrix :attr H: MAP covariance matrix (for Joint Factor Analysis only) :attr Sigma: residual covariance matrix """ def __init__(self, input_file_name=None, mean=None, F=None, G=None, H=None, Sigma=None): """ Initialize a Factor Analyser object to None or by reading from an HDF5 file. When loading from a file, other parameters can be provided to overwrite each of the component. :param input_file_name: name of the HDF5 file to read from, default is nNone :param mean: the mean vector :param F: between class matrix :param G: within class matrix :param H: MAP covariance matrix :param Sigma: residual covariance matrix """ if input_file_name is not None: fa = self.mean = fa.mean self.F = fa.F self.G = fa.G self.H = fa.H self.Sigma = fa.Sigma else: self.mean = None self.F = None self.G = None self.H = None self.Sigma = None if mean is not None: self.mean = mean if F is not None: self.F = F if G is not None: self.G = G if H is not None: self.H = H if Sigma is not None: self.Sigma = Sigma @check_path_existance def write(self, output_file_name): """ Write a FactorAnalyser object into HDF5 file :param output_file_name: the name of the file to write to """ with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as fh: kind = numpy.zeros(5, dtype="int16") # FA with 5 matrix if self.mean is not None: kind[0] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/mean", data=self.mean, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if self.F is not None: kind[1] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/f", data=self.F, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if self.G is not None: kind[2] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/g", data=self.G, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if self.H is not None: kind[3] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/h", data=self.H, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) if self.Sigma is not None: kind[4] = 1 fh.create_dataset("fa/sigma", data=self.Sigma, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True) fh.create_dataset("fa/kind", data=kind, compression="gzip", fletcher32=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(input_filename): """ Read a generic FactorAnalyser model from a HDF5 file :param input_filename: the name of the file to read from :return: a FactorAnalyser object """ fa = FactorAnalyser() with h5py.File(input_filename, "r") as fh: kind = fh.get("fa/kind")[()] if kind[0] != 0: fa.mean = fh.get("fa/mean")[()] if kind[1] != 0: fa.F = fh.get("fa/f")[()] if kind[2] != 0: fa.G = fh.get("fa/g")[()] if kind[3] != 0: fa.H = fh.get("fa/h")[()] if kind[4] != 0: fa.Sigma = fh.get("fa/sigma")[()] return fa
[docs] def total_variability_raw(self, stat_server, ubm, tv_rank, nb_iter=20, min_div=True, tv_init=None, save_init=False, output_file_name=None): """ Train a total variability model using a single process on a single node. This method is provided for didactic purpose and should not be used as it uses to much memory and is to slow. If you want to use a single process run: "total_variability_single" :param stat_server: the StatServer containing data to train the model :param ubm: a Mixture object :param tv_rank: rank of the total variability model :param nb_iter: number of EM iteration :param min_div: boolean, if True, apply minimum divergence re-estimation :param tv_init: initial matrix to start the EM iterations with :param save_init: boolean, if True, save the initial matrix :param output_file_name: name of the file where to save the matrix """ assert(isinstance(stat_server, StatServer) and stat_server.validate()), \ "First argument must be a proper StatServer" assert(isinstance(ubm, Mixture) and ubm.validate()), "Second argument must be a proper Mixture" assert(isinstance(tv_rank, int) and (0 < tv_rank <= min(stat_server.stat1.shape))), \ "tv_rank must be a positive integer less than the dimension of the statistics" assert(isinstance(nb_iter, int) and (0 < nb_iter)), "nb_iter must be a positive integer" gmm_covariance = "diag" if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2 else "full" # Set useful variables nb_sessions, sv_size = stat_server.stat1.shape feature_size =[1] nb_distrib = ubm.w.shape[0] # Whiten the statistics for diagonal or full models if gmm_covariance == "diag": stat_server.whiten_stat1(ubm.get_mean_super_vector(), 1. / ubm.get_invcov_super_vector()) elif gmm_covariance == "full": stat_server.whiten_stat1(ubm.get_mean_super_vector(), ubm.invchol) # mean and Sigma are initialized at ZEROS as statistics are centered self.mean = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape) self.Sigma = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape) # Initialize TV from given data or randomly # mean and Sigma are initialized at ZEROS as statistics are centered self.mean = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape) self.F = numpy.random.randn(sv_size, tv_rank) if tv_init is None else tv_init self.Sigma = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape) # Save init if required if save_init: if output_file_name is None: self.write(output_file_name + "temporary_factor_analyser_init.h5") else: self.write(output_file_name + "_init.h5") # Estimate TV iteratively for it in range(nb_iter): # Create accumulators for the list of models to process _A = numpy.zeros((nb_distrib, tv_rank, tv_rank), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _C = numpy.zeros((tv_rank, feature_size * nb_distrib), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _R = numpy.zeros((tv_rank, tv_rank), dtype=STAT_TYPE) # E-step: index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(nb_distrib), feature_size) for sess in range(stat_server.segset.shape[0]): inv_lambda = scipy.linalg.inv(numpy.eye(tv_rank) + (self.F.T * stat_server.stat0[sess, index_map]).dot(self.F)) Aux =[sess, :]) e_h = e_hh = inv_lambda + numpy.outer(e_h, e_h) # Accumulate for minimum divergence step _R += e_hh # Accumulate for M-step _C += numpy.outer(e_h, stat_server.stat1[sess, :]) _A += e_hh * stat_server.stat0[sess][:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis] _R /= nb_sessions # M-step ( + MinDiv si _R n'est pas None) for g in range(nb_distrib): distrib_idx = range(g * feature_size, (g + 1) * feature_size) self.F[distrib_idx, :] = scipy.linalg.solve(_A[g], _C[:, distrib_idx]).T # MINIMUM DIVERGENCE STEP if min_div: ch = scipy.linalg.cholesky(_R) self.F = # Save the FactorAnalyser if output_file_name is not None if output_file_name is not None: if it < nb_iter - 1: self.write(output_file_name + "_it-{}.h5".format(it)) else: self.write(output_file_name + ".h5")
[docs] def total_variability_single(self, stat_server_filename, ubm, tv_rank, nb_iter=20, min_div=True, tv_init=None, batch_size=300, save_init=False, output_file_name=None): """ Train a total variability model using a single process on a single node. Use this method to run a single process on a single node with optimized code. Optimization: Only half of symmetric matrices are stored here process sessions per batch in order to control the memory footprint :param stat_server_filename: the name of the file for StatServer, containing data to train the model :param ubm: a Mixture object :param tv_rank: rank of the total variability model :param nb_iter: number of EM iteration :param min_div: boolean, if True, apply minimum divergence re-estimation :param tv_init: initial matrix to start the EM iterations with :param batch_size: number of sessions to process at once to reduce memory footprint :param save_init: boolean, if True, save the initial matrix :param output_file_name: name of the file where to save the matrix """ assert (isinstance(ubm, Mixture) and ubm.validate()), "Second argument must be a proper Mixture" assert (isinstance(nb_iter, int) and (0 < nb_iter)), "nb_iter must be a positive integer" gmm_covariance = "diag" if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2 else "full" # Set useful variables with h5py.File(stat_server_filename, 'r') as fh: nb_sessions, sv_size = fh["stat1"].shape feature_size =[1] nb_distrib = ubm.w.shape[0] sv_size = nb_distrib * feature_size # Initialize TV from given data or randomly # mean and Sigma are initialized at ZEROS as statistics are centered self.mean = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape) self.F = numpy.random.randn(sv_size, tv_rank) if tv_init is None else tv_init self.Sigma = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape) # Save init if required if save_init: if output_file_name is None: self.write(output_file_name + "temporary_factor_analyser_init.h5") else: self.write(output_file_name + "_init.h5") # Create index to replicate self.stat0 and save only upper triangular coefficients of symmetric matrices index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(nb_distrib), feature_size) upper_triangle_indices = numpy.triu_indices(tv_rank) # Open the StatServer file with h5py.File(stat_server_filename, 'r') as fh: nb_sessions, sv_size = fh['stat1'].shape batch_nb = int(numpy.floor(fh['segset'].shape[0] / float(batch_size) + 0.999)) batch_indices = numpy.array_split(numpy.arange(nb_sessions), batch_nb) # Estimate TV iteratively for it in range(nb_iter): # Create accumulators for the list of models to process _A = numpy.zeros((nb_distrib, tv_rank * (tv_rank + 1) // 2), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _C = numpy.zeros((tv_rank, feature_size * nb_distrib), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _R = numpy.zeros((tv_rank * (tv_rank + 1) // 2), dtype=STAT_TYPE) # Load data per batch to reduce the memory footprint for batch_idx in batch_indices: stat0 = fh['stat0'][batch_idx, :] stat1 = fh['stat1'][batch_idx, :] e_h, e_hh = e_on_batch(stat0, stat1, ubm, self.F) _R += numpy.sum(e_hh, axis=0) _C += _A += _R /= nb_sessions # M-step _A_tmp = numpy.zeros((tv_rank, tv_rank), dtype=STAT_TYPE) for c in range(nb_distrib): distrib_idx = range(c * feature_size, (c + 1) * feature_size) _A_tmp[upper_triangle_indices] = _A_tmp.T[upper_triangle_indices] = _A[c, :] self.F[distrib_idx, :] = scipy.linalg.solve(_A_tmp, _C[:, distrib_idx]).T # Minimum divergence if min_div: _R_tmp = numpy.zeros((tv_rank, tv_rank), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _R_tmp[upper_triangle_indices] = _R_tmp.T[upper_triangle_indices] = _R ch = scipy.linalg.cholesky(_R_tmp) self.F = # Save the FactorAnalyser if output_file_name is not None if output_file_name is not None: if it < nb_iter - 1: self.write(output_file_name + "_it-{}.h5".format(it)) else: self.write(output_file_name + ".h5")
[docs] def total_variability(self, stat_server_filename, ubm, tv_rank, nb_iter=20, min_div=True, tv_init=None, batch_size=300, save_init=False, output_file_name=None, num_thread=1): """ Train a total variability model using multiple process on a single node. this method is the recommended one to train a Total Variability matrix. Optimization: Only half of symmetric matrices are stored here process sessions per batch in order to control the memory footprint Batches are processed by a pool of workers running in different process The implementation is based on a multiple producers / single consumer approach :param stat_server_filename: a list of StatServer file names to process :param ubm: a Mixture object :param tv_rank: rank of the total variability model :param nb_iter: number of EM iteration :param min_div: boolean, if True, apply minimum divergence re-estimation :param tv_init: initial matrix to start the EM iterations with :param batch_size: size of batch to load in memory for each worker :param save_init: boolean, if True, save the initial matrix :param output_file_name: name of the file where to save the matrix :param num_thread: number of process to run in parallel """ if not isinstance(stat_server_filename, list): stat_server_filename = [stat_server_filename] assert (isinstance(ubm, Mixture) and ubm.validate()), "Second argument must be a proper Mixture" assert (isinstance(nb_iter, int) and (0 < nb_iter)), "nb_iter must be a positive integer" gmm_covariance = "diag" if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2 else "full" # Set useful variables if not isinstance(stat_server_filename[0], h5py._hl.files.File): with h5py.File(stat_server_filename[0], 'r') as fh: # open the first StatServer to get size _, sv_size = fh['stat1'].shape feature_size = fh['stat1'].shape[1] // fh['stat0'].shape[1] distrib_nb = fh['stat0'].shape[1] else: _, sv_size = stat_server_filename[0]['stat1'].shape feature_size = stat_server_filename[0]['stat1'].shape[1] // stat_server_filename[0]['stat0'].shape[1] distrib_nb = stat_server_filename[0]['stat0'].shape[1] upper_triangle_indices = numpy.triu_indices(tv_rank) # mean and Sigma are initialized at ZEROS as statistics are centered self.mean = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape, dtype=STAT_TYPE) self.F = serialize(numpy.zeros((sv_size, tv_rank)).astype(STAT_TYPE)) if tv_init is None: self.F = numpy.random.randn(sv_size, tv_rank).astype(STAT_TYPE) else: self.F = tv_init self.Sigma = numpy.zeros(ubm.get_mean_super_vector().shape, dtype=STAT_TYPE) # Save init if required if save_init: if output_file_name is None: self.write(output_file_name + "temporary_factor_analyser_init.h5") else: self.write(output_file_name + "_init.h5") # Estimate TV iteratively for it in range(nb_iter): # Create serialized accumulators for the list of models to process with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) _A = serialize(numpy.zeros((distrib_nb, tv_rank * (tv_rank + 1) // 2), dtype=STAT_TYPE)) _C = serialize(numpy.zeros((tv_rank, sv_size), dtype=STAT_TYPE)) _R = serialize(numpy.zeros((tv_rank * (tv_rank + 1) // 2), dtype=STAT_TYPE)) total_session_nb = 0 # E-step # Accumulate statistics for each StatServer from the list for stat_server_file in stat_server_filename: # get info from the current StatServer if not isinstance(stat_server_file, h5py._hl.files.File): fh = h5py.File(stat_server_file, 'r') else: fh = stat_server_file nb_sessions = fh["modelset"].shape[0] total_session_nb += nb_sessions batch_nb = int(numpy.floor(nb_sessions / float(batch_size) + 0.999)) batch_indices = numpy.array_split(numpy.arange(nb_sessions), batch_nb) manager = multiprocessing.Manager() q = manager.Queue() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_thread + 2) # put Consumer to work first watcher = pool.apply_async(e_gather, ((_A, _C, _R), q)) # fire off workers jobs = [] # Load data per batch to reduce the memory footprint for batch_idx in batch_indices: # Create list of argument for a process arg = fh["stat0"][batch_idx, :], fh["stat1"][batch_idx, :], ubm, self.F job = pool.apply_async(e_worker, (arg, q)) jobs.append(job) # collect results from the workers through the pool result queue for job in jobs: job.get() # now we are done, kill the consumer q.put((None, None, None, None)) pool.close() _A, _C, _R = watcher.get() if not isinstance(stat_server_file, h5py._hl.files.File): fh.close() _R /= total_session_nb # M-step _A_tmp = numpy.zeros((tv_rank, tv_rank), dtype=STAT_TYPE) for c in range(distrib_nb): distrib_idx = range(c * feature_size, (c + 1) * feature_size) _A_tmp[upper_triangle_indices] = _A_tmp.T[upper_triangle_indices] = _A[c, :] self.F[distrib_idx, :] = scipy.linalg.solve(_A_tmp, _C[:, distrib_idx]).T # Minimum divergence if min_div: _R_tmp = numpy.zeros((tv_rank, tv_rank), dtype=STAT_TYPE) _R_tmp[upper_triangle_indices] = _R_tmp.T[upper_triangle_indices] = _R ch = scipy.linalg.cholesky(_R_tmp) self.F = # Save the FactorAnalyser if output_file_name is not None if output_file_name is not None: if it < nb_iter - 1: self.write(output_file_name + "_it-{}.h5".format(it)) else: self.write(output_file_name + ".h5")
[docs] def extract_ivectors_single(self, ubm, stat_server, uncertainty=False): """ Estimate i-vectors for a given StatServer using single process on a single node. :param stat_server: sufficient statistics stored in a StatServer :param ubm: Mixture object (the UBM) :param uncertainty: boolean, if True, return an additional matrix with uncertainty matrices (diagonal of the matrices) :return: a StatServer with i-vectors in the stat1 attribute and a matrix of uncertainty matrices (optional) """ assert(isinstance(stat_server, StatServer) and stat_server.validate()), \ "First argument must be a proper StatServer" assert(isinstance(ubm, Mixture) and ubm.validate()), "Second argument must be a proper Mixture" gmm_covariance = "diag" if ubm.invcov.ndim == 2 else "full" # Set useful variables tv_rank = self.F.shape[1] feature_size =[1] nb_distrib = ubm.w.shape[0] # Whiten the statistics for diagonal or full models if gmm_covariance == "diag": stat_server.whiten_stat1(ubm.get_mean_super_vector(), 1. / ubm.get_invcov_super_vector()) elif gmm_covariance == "full": stat_server.whiten_stat1(ubm.get_mean_super_vector(), ubm.invchol) # Extract i-vectors iv_stat_server = StatServer() iv_stat_server.modelset = copy.deepcopy(stat_server.modelset) iv_stat_server.segset = copy.deepcopy(stat_server.segset) iv_stat_server.start = copy.deepcopy(stat_server.start) iv_stat_server.stop = copy.deepcopy(stat_server.stop) iv_stat_server.stat0 = numpy.ones((stat_server.modelset.shape[0], 1)) iv_stat_server.stat1 = numpy.ones((stat_server.modelset.shape[0], tv_rank)) iv_sigma = numpy.ones((stat_server.modelset.shape[0], tv_rank)) # Replicate self.stat0 index_map = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(nb_distrib), feature_size) for sess in range(stat_server.segset.shape[0]): inv_lambda = scipy.linalg.inv(numpy.eye(tv_rank) + (self.F.T * stat_server.stat0[sess, index_map]).dot(self.F)) Aux =[sess, :]) iv_stat_server.stat1[sess, :] = iv_sigma[sess, :] = numpy.diag(inv_lambda + numpy.outer(iv_stat_server.stat1[sess, :], iv_stat_server.stat1[sess, :])) if uncertainty: return iv_stat_server, iv_sigma else: return iv_stat_server
[docs] def extract_ivectors(self, ubm, stat_server_filename, prefix='', batch_size=300, uncertainty=False, num_thread=1): """ Parallel extraction of i-vectors using multiprocessing module :param ubm: Mixture object (the UBM) :param stat_server_filename: name of the file from which the input StatServer is read :param prefix: prefix used to store the StatServer in its file :param batch_size: number of sessions to process in a batch :param uncertainty: a boolean, if True, return the diagonal of the uncertainty matrices :param num_thread: number of process to run in parallel :return: a StatServer with i-vectors in the stat1 attribute and a matrix of uncertainty matrices (optional) """ assert (isinstance(ubm, Mixture) and ubm.validate()), "Second argument must be a proper Mixture" tv_rank = self.F.shape[1] # Set useful variables with h5py.File(stat_server_filename, 'r') as fh: # open the first statserver to get size _, sv_size = fh[prefix + 'stat1'].shape nb_sessions = fh[prefix + "modelset"].shape[0] iv_server = StatServer() iv_server.modelset = fh.get(prefix + 'modelset')[()] iv_server.segset = fh.get(prefix + 'segset')[()] tmpstart = fh.get(prefix+"start")[()] tmpstop = fh.get(prefix+"stop")[()] iv_server.start = numpy.empty(fh[prefix+"start"].shape, '|O') iv_server.stop = numpy.empty(fh[prefix+"stop"].shape, '|O') iv_server.start[tmpstart != -1] = tmpstart[tmpstart != -1] iv_server.stop[tmpstop != -1] = tmpstop[tmpstop != -1] iv_server.stat0 = numpy.ones((nb_sessions, 1), dtype=STAT_TYPE) with warnings.catch_warnings(): iv_server.stat1 = serialize(numpy.zeros((nb_sessions, tv_rank))) iv_sigma = serialize(numpy.zeros((nb_sessions, tv_rank))) nb_sessions = iv_server.modelset.shape[0] batch_nb = int(numpy.floor(nb_sessions / float(batch_size) + 0.999)) batch_indices = numpy.array_split(numpy.arange(nb_sessions), batch_nb) manager = multiprocessing.Manager() q = manager.Queue() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_thread + 2) # put listener to work first watcher = pool.apply_async(iv_collect, ((iv_server.stat1, iv_sigma), q)) # fire off workers jobs = [] # Load data per batch to reduce the memory footprint for batch_idx in batch_indices: # Create list of argument for a process arg = batch_idx, fh["stat0"][batch_idx, :], fh["stat1"][batch_idx, :], ubm, self.F job = pool.apply_async(iv_extract_on_batch, (arg, q)) jobs.append(job) # collect results from the workers through the pool result queue for job in jobs: job.get() # now we are done, kill the listener q.put((None, None, None)) pool.close() iv_server.stat1, iv_sigma = watcher.get() if uncertainty: return iv_server, iv_sigma else: return iv_server
[docs] def plda(self, stat_server, rank_f, nb_iter=10, scaling_factor=1., output_file_name=None, save_partial=False, save_final=True): """ Train a simplified Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis model (no within class covariance matrix but full residual covariance matrix) :param stat_server: StatServer object with training statistics :param rank_f: rank of the between class covariance matrix :param nb_iter: number of iterations to run :param scaling_factor: scaling factor to downscale statistics (value bewteen 0 and 1) :param output_file_name: name of the output file where to store PLDA model :param save_partial: boolean, if True, save PLDA model after each iteration """ vect_size = stat_server.stat1.shape[1] # Initialize mean and residual covariance from the training data self.mean = stat_server.get_mean_stat1() self.Sigma = stat_server.get_total_covariance_stat1() # Sum stat per model model_shifted_stat, session_per_model = stat_server.sum_stat_per_model() class_nb = model_shifted_stat.modelset.shape[0] # Multiply statistics by scaling_factor model_shifted_stat.stat0 *= scaling_factor model_shifted_stat.stat1 *= scaling_factor session_per_model *= scaling_factor # Compute Eigen Decomposition of Sigma in order to initialize the EigenVoice matrix sigma_obs = stat_server.get_total_covariance_stat1() evals, evecs = scipy.linalg.eigh(sigma_obs) idx = numpy.argsort(evals)[::-1] evecs = evecs.real[:, idx[:rank_f]] self.F = evecs[:, :rank_f] # Estimate PLDA model by iterating the EM algorithm for it in range(nb_iter):'Estimate between class covariance, it %d / %d', it + 1, nb_iter) # E-step print("E_step") # Copy stats as they will be whitened with a different Sigma for each iteration local_stat = copy.deepcopy(model_shifted_stat) # Whiten statistics (with the new mean and Sigma) local_stat.whiten_stat1(self.mean, self.Sigma) # Whiten the EigenVoice matrix eigen_values, eigen_vectors = scipy.linalg.eigh(self.Sigma) ind = eigen_values.real.argsort()[::-1] eigen_values = eigen_values.real[ind] eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors.real[:, ind] sqr_inv_eval_sigma = 1 / numpy.sqrt(eigen_values.real) sqr_inv_sigma =, numpy.diag(sqr_inv_eval_sigma)) self.F = # Replicate self.stat0 index_map = numpy.zeros(vect_size, dtype=int) _stat0 = local_stat.stat0[:, index_map] e_h = numpy.zeros((class_nb, rank_f)) e_hh = numpy.zeros((class_nb, rank_f, rank_f)) # loop on model id's fa_model_loop(batch_start=0, mini_batch_indices=numpy.arange(class_nb), factor_analyser=self, stat0=_stat0, stat1=local_stat.stat1, e_h=e_h, e_hh=e_hh, num_thread=1) # Accumulate for minimum divergence step _R = numpy.sum(e_hh, axis=0) / session_per_model.shape[0] _C = _A = numpy.einsum('ijk,i->jk', e_hh, local_stat.stat0.squeeze()) # M-step self.F = scipy.linalg.solve(_A, _C).T # Update the residual covariance self.Sigma = sigma_obs - / session_per_model.sum() # Minimum Divergence step self.F = if output_file_name is None: output_file_name = "plda" if save_partial and it < nb_iter - 1: self.write(output_file_name + "_it-{}.h5".format(it)) elif it == nb_iter - 1 and save_final: self.write(output_file_name + ".h5")