Source code for diar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of S4D.
# SD4 is a python package for speaker diarization based on SIDEKIT.
# S4D home page:
# SIDEKIT home page:
# S4D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# S4D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SIDEKIT.  If not, see <>.

Diar is a class describing an audio/video segmentation file. A diarization
contains a list of segments. Where each row is segment composed of n values
identified by a attribut names.
The diarization file is the most important file in the toolkit. All programs
are driven by a diarization file and most of them generate a diarization
file (trainer generate gmm).

A diarization stores a list of ''segments'' composed of attributes.

A diarization could draw data from several shows. It is very useful in a batch
mode context (training of GMM, computing log likelihood ratio, cross-show
diarization, etc.).

>>> diarization[0] //get the first segment
['20041006_0700_0800_CLASSIQUE', 'Emmanuel_Cugny', 'speaker', 164, 1170]
>>> diarization[0]['show']
>>> diarization[0]['cluster']
>>> diarization[0]['start']
>>> diarization[0]['stop']

  * attribut 0 named ''show'': ''20041006_0700_0800_CLASSIQUE'' = the show speaker
  * attribut 1 named ''cluster'' : ''Emmanuel_Cugny'' the speaker speaker
  * attribut 2 named ''type'' : ''speaker'' contains the cluster type (speaker or head)
  * attribut 3 named ''start'': ''164'' is the index of the first feature of the segment
  * attribut 4 named ''stop'': ''1170'' is the index of the last feature of the segment

How to
* Read a diarization:

        from s4d.diarization import Diar
        diarization = Diar.read_seg('foo.seg') //LIUM Spk Diarization format
        diarization = Diar.read_mdtm('foo.seg') //MDTM format
        diarization = Diar.read_rttm('foo.seg') //RTTM format
        diarization = Diar.read_uem('foo.seg') //UEM format

* Get a segment:

        seg = diarization[0]

* Get a attribut of a segment


* Write a diarization:

        diarization = Diar.write_seg('foo.seg', diarization) //LIUM format

* Add or remove an attribut:

        diarization.add_attribut(speaker='gender', default=None) // add an attribut named 'gender, the default value is None
        diarization.del_attribut('gender') // remove the attribut

* Sort a diarization:


* Create a new segment:

        diarization.append(show='foo', cluster='speaker', start=0, stop=100)

Add all the segments of diar2 into diar1:




from sidekit.sidekit_wrappers import *
import re as regexp
import copy
import re
import logging
import os
from sidekit.bosaris.idmap import IdMap
import sys
from six import string_types
from s4d.utils import str2str_normalize
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict as dict

#    from sortedcontainers import SortedDict as dict
#except ImportError:
#    pass

[docs]class Diar(): """ The diarization class. :attr _attributes: a AttributeNames object storing the attribut definitions :attr cluster_types: a list object :attr segments: a list of Segment object """ def __init__(self): self._attributes = AttributeNames() self._attributes.initialize({'show': 0, 'cluster': 1, 'cluster_type': 2, 'start': 3, 'stop': 4}, ['empty', 'empty', 'speaker', 0, 0]) self.cluster_types = ['speaker', 'head'] self.segments = list()
[docs] def copy_structure(self): """ Copy the internal structure of the diarization, ie the attribut names and the cluster types. The data is not copy. :return: a Diar object """ tmp_diarization = Diar() tmp_diarization._attributes = copy.deepcopy(self._attributes) tmp_diarization.cluster_types = copy.deepcopy(self.cluster_types) return tmp_diarization
[docs] def del_all(self, attribute, value): """ Delete all segments satisfing the boolean expression [attribute = value] :param attribute: speaker of the attribute to delete :param value: :return: """ lst = list() for segment in self.segments: if segment[attribute] != value: lst.append(segment) self.segments = lst
[docs] def remove_overlap(self): """ remove overlap zone :return: a new diarization without overlap """ diarization_out = self.copy_structure() #shows = self.unique('show') shows = self.make_index(['show']) for show in shows:'rm overlap show: '+show) diar_show = shows[show] length = diar_show.last_feature_index() cluster_list = diar_show.unique('cluster') mat = numpy.zeros(length) features_index = diar_show.features_by_cluster() for i, cluster in enumerate(cluster_list): mat[features_index[cluster]] += 1 uem = set(numpy.where(mat == 1)[0].tolist()) diar_tmp = self.copy_structure() for i, cluster in enumerate(cluster_list): lst = sorted(uem.intersection(set(features_index[cluster]))) if len(lst) > 0: c = lst[0]; diar_tmp.append(show=show, start=c, stop=c+1, cluster=cluster) l = 0 for j in range(1, len(lst)): p = c c = lst[j] if c == p + 1: l += 1 else: diar_tmp[-1]['stop'] += l diar_tmp.append(show=show, start=c, stop=c+1, cluster=cluster) l = 0 if l > 0: diar_tmp[-1]['stop'] += l diarization_out.segments += diar_tmp.segments return diarization_out
[docs] def filter(self, attribute, operator, value): """ build a new diarization whose segments satisfy the boolean expression [attribute operator value] :param attribute: a attribute speaker (str) :param operator: a comperator opertor (> < >= <= in == !=) :param value: the value (int, float, str, list...) :return: a Diar object """ tmp_diarization = self.copy_structure() tmp_diarization.segments = list() if attribute == "length" or attribute == "duration": str = "seg.duration() {:s} {}".format(operator, value) elif isinstance(value, string_types): str = "seg['{:s}'] {:s} '{:s}'".format(attribute, operator, value) else: str = "seg['{:s}'] {:s} {} ".format(attribute, operator, value) # print(ch) logging.debug(str) for seg in self.segments: # print(ch, seg.length()) if eval(str): tmp_diarization.segments.append(copy.deepcopy(seg)) return tmp_diarization
[docs] def rename(self, attribute, old_values, new_value): """ Rename all values in list old_values into the new value new_value :param attribute: speaker of the attribute :param old_values: list of old values :param new_value: new value """ for segment in self.segments: if segment[attribute] in old_values or len(old_values) == 0 : segment[attribute] = new_value
def _iofi(self, index, attributes, segment): """ recursive fonction to add a segment into the n level keys dictionary :param index: dict object of level n :param attributes: list of attribut attributes :param segment: a segment :return: a dictornary of level n that contains sub diarization. Segments are not copy. """ # removes and gets the last attribut speaker attribut = attributes.pop() # takes the values of this attribut speaker value = segment[attribut] # if there is no more attribut attributes if len(attributes) <= 0: if value in index: # add the segment to the list index[value].append_seg(segment) else: # create a list and add the segment ldiar = self.copy_structure() ldiar.append_seg(segment) index[value] = ldiar return index else: # recursion to the level n-1 until attributes is empty self._iofi(index[value], attributes, segment)
[docs] def make_index(self, attributes): """ Build a n level key dictionary (dictionary of dictionaries of dictionaries...) based on Index. Index is an implementation of perl's autovivification feature. The values contains a list of row. example : d = make_index(['show', 'gender', 'cluster']) print(d['show1']['M']['speaker']) :param attributes: a list of attribut _attributes corresponding to the key indexes :return: a dictionary of sub diarization. Segments are not copy. """ index = Index() for segment in self.segments: self._iofi(index, attributes[::-1], segment) return index
[docs] def unique(self, attibute): """ :param attibute: the attibute of the attribut :return: a list object of unique value of the attribut """ dic = dict() lst = list() for seg in self.segments: dic[seg[attibute]] = 0 for value in dic.keys(): lst.append(value) return lst
[docs] def sort(self, attributes=['show', 'start'], reverse=False): """ Sort the segments :param attributes: a list of attribut names :param reverse: if true, make a reverse sort """ attributes.reverse() for attribute in attributes: if attribute not in self._attributes: raise Exception("This attribut don't exits : " + attribute) self.segments = sorted(self.segments, key=lambda x: x[self._attributes[attribute]], reverse=reverse)
[docs] def clear(self): """ remove all the segments :return: """ self.segments = list()
[docs] def add_attribut(self, new_attribut, default=''): """ Add a attribut :param new_attribut: the speaker of the new attribut :param default: the default value of the attribut """ self._attributes.add(new_attribut, default) for seg in self.segments: seg.append(default)
[docs] def del_attribut(self, attribut): """ Delete a attribut :param attribut: the speaker of the attribut to detele """ if attribut not in self._attributes: raise Exception("This attribut don't exits : " + attribut) else: i = self._attributes[attribut] for seg in self.segments: del seg[i] self._attributes.delete(attribut)
def _new_row(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new segment initialized with kwargs :param kwargs: the values :return: """ seg = Segment(self._attributes.defaults, self._attributes) for key, value in kwargs.items(): seg[self._attributes[key]] = value return seg
[docs] def append(self, **kwargs): """ Transforme a list of values into a segment and append the segmnt into the existing segment list. :param kwargs: the values :return: """ self.segments.append(self._new_row(**kwargs))
[docs] def append_seg(self, segment): """ Append a Segment object into the existing segment list. :param segment: a Segment object """ self.segments.append(segment)
[docs] def append_list(self, segment_lst): """ Append a list of segments into the existing segment segment_lst. :param segment_lst: a list of segments """ self.segments += segment_lst
[docs] def append_diar(self, out_diarization): """ Append a diarization. :param out_diarization: a diarization object """ self.segments += out_diarization.segments
[docs] def insert(self, i, **kwargs): """ Insert values into the list at offset index :param i: This is the Index where the object obj need to be inserted. :param kwargs: the values """ self.segments.insert(i, self._new_row(**kwargs))
def __iter__(self): """ This method is called when an iterator is required for a container. :return: an iterator """ return self.segments.__iter__() def __reversed__(self): """ Called (if present) by the reversed() built-in to implement reverse iteration. :return: a Diar object """ return self.segments.__reversed__() def __delitem__(self, index): """ Called to implement deletion of self[index] :param index: a int """ del self.segments[index] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Called to implement evaluation of self[index] :param index: a int :return: a Segment object """ return self.segments[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): """ Called to implement evaluation of self[index] = value :param index: a int :param value: a Segment object """ self.segments[index] = value def __len__(self): """ :return: the number of segments """ return len(self.segments) def __eq__(self, diarization): # real signature unknown if len(self.segments) != len(diarization.segments): return False self.sort(attributes=['show', 'start', 'stop']) diarization.sort(attributes=['show', 'start', 'stop']) for i in range(len(self.segments)): if self[i] != diarization[i]: return False return True def __ne__(self, diarization): # real signature unknown return not self.__eq__(diarization) def __repr__(self): """ :return: a string version of the diarization """ string = ' attribut definition : [' index = 0 lst = self._attributes.sorted() #print(lst) for attribute in lst: string += "'" + attribute[0] + "', " string = regexp.sub(', $', '', string) + ']\n' for segment in self.segments: line = '' for attribute in segment: line += attribute.__repr__() + ', ' string += ' row ' + string(index) + ': [' + regexp.sub(', $', '', line) + ']\n' index += 1 return '[\n' + string + ']' def __add__(self, diarization): diarization_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) diarization_copy.segments += diarization.segments return diarization_copy def __iadd__(self, diarization): self.segments += diarization.segments return self
[docs] def id_map(self, id_attribut='cluster', show_attribut='show', prefix_id_attrubut=None, suffix_show_attribut=None): """ Generate a IdMap object for the StatServer :param id_attribut: speaker id_attribut attribut :param show_attribut: show_attribut attribut :param prefix_id_attrubut: prefix string of id_attribut :param suffix_show_attribut: suffix string of id_attribut :param out_diarization: a diarization object :return: a IdMap object """ id_map = IdMap() id_map.leftids = numpy.empty(len(self.segments), dtype="|O") id_map.rightids = numpy.empty(len(self.segments), dtype="|O") id_map.start = numpy.empty(len(self.segments), dtype="|O") id_map.stop = numpy.empty(len(self.segments), dtype="|O") i = 0 for segment in self.segments: if prefix_id_attrubut is not None: id_map.leftids[i] = segment[prefix_id_attrubut] + '/' + segment[id_attribut] else: id_map.leftids[i] = segment[id_attribut] if suffix_show_attribut is not None: id_map.rightids[i] = segment[show_attribut] + '/' + segment[suffix_show_attribut] else: id_map.rightids[i] = segment[show_attribut] id_map.start[i] = segment['start'] id_map.stop[i] = segment['stop'] i += 1 return id_map
[docs] def features_by_cluster(self, show=None, maximum_length=None): """ Generate the indexes of a show :param show: the speaker of the show :param maximum_length: maximum length of the show :return: a dict object (keys are the cluster_list) """ if show == None: l = self.unique('show') if len(l) > 1: raise Exception('diarization address sevreal shows, set show parameter') else: show = l[0] dic = dict() for segment in self.segments: if show == segment['show']: cluster = segment['cluster'] start = segment['start'] stop = segment['stop'] if maximum_length is not None: start = min(segment['start'], maximum_length) stop = min(segment['stop'], maximum_length) if cluster not in dic: dic[cluster] = [] dic[cluster] += [i for i in range(start, stop)] return dic
[docs] def features(self, show=None, maximum_length=None): """ Generate the index features of a show :param show: a string corresponding to the speaker of the show :param maximum_length: maximum length of the show :return: a list object of indexes """ if show is None: lst = self.unique('show') if len(lst) > 1: raise Exception('diarization address sevreal shows, set show parameter') else: show = lst[0] lst = list() for segment in self.segments: if show == segment['show']: start = segment['start'] stop = segment['stop'] if maximum_length is not None: start = min(segment['start'], maximum_length) stop = min(segment['stop'], maximum_length) lst += [i for i in range(start, stop)] return lst
[docs] def pack(self, epsilon=0): """ merge segments with a gap less than epsilon :param epsilon: a int value """ index = self.make_index(['show', 'cluster']) lst = list() for show in index: for cluster in index[show]: index[show][cluster].sort(['start']) diar = index[show][cluster] i = 0 while i < len(diar.segments) - 1: l =[i], diar.segments[i + 1]).duration() if l <= epsilon: diar.segments[i]['stop'] = max(diar.segments[i]['stop'], diar.segments[i + 1]['stop']) del diar.segments[i + 1] else: i += 1 lst += diar.segments self.segments = lst
[docs] def pad(self, epsilon=0): """ Add epsilon frames to the start and stop of each segment :param epsilon: the int value to remove :return: """ self.sort(['start']) i = 0 if len(self.segments) > 1: self.segments[i]['stop'] = min(max(self.segments[i + 1]['start'] - (epsilon // 2), 0), self.segments[i]['stop'] + epsilon) i += 1 while i < len(self.segments)-1: self.segments[i]['start'] = max(self.segments[i - 1]['stop'], self.segments[i]['start'] - epsilon, 0) self.segments[i]['stop'] = min(max(self.segments[i + 1]['start'] - (epsilon // 2), 0), self.segments[i]['stop'] + epsilon) i += 1
[docs] def collar(self, epsilon=0, warning=False): """ Apply a collar on each segment. A collar is the no-score zone around reference speaker segment boundaries. (Speaker Diarization output is not evaluated within +/- collar seconds of a reference speaker segment boundary.) :param epsilon: the int value to add """ self.sort(['start']) rm = False for segment in self.segments: segment['stop'] -= epsilon segment['start'] += epsilon if segment['start'] < 0: segment['start'] = 0 if segment['start'] > segment['stop']: segment['start'] = segment['stop'] rm = True if warning: logging.warning('no more segment: '+str(segment['start']-epsilon)) if rm: self.segments = [seg for seg in self.segments if seg.duration() > 0]
[docs] def duration(self): """ :return: the sum of the segment duration """ l = 0 for segment in self.segments: l += segment.duration() return l
def last_feature_index(self): last = 0 for segment in self.segments: if segment['stop'] > last: last = segment['stop'] return last @classmethod
[docs] def read_seg(cls, filename, normalize_cluster=False): """ Read a segmentation file :param filename: the str input filename :param normalize_cluster: normalize the cluster speaker by removing upper case and accents :return: a diarization object """ fic = open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") diarization = Diar() if not diarization._attributes.exist('gender'): diarization.add_attribut(new_attribut='gender', default='U') if not diarization._attributes.exist('env'): diarization.add_attribut(new_attribut='env', default='U') if not diarization._attributes.exist('channel'): diarization.add_attribut(new_attribut='channel', default='U') try: for line in fic: line = re.sub('\s+',' ',line) line = line.strip() # logging.debug(line) if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith(';;'): continue # split line into fields show, tmp, start, length, gender, channel, environment, name = line.split() if normalize_cluster: name = str2str_normalize(name) # print(show, tmp, start, length, gender, channel, env, speaker) diarization.append(show=show, cluster=name, start=int(start), stop=int(length) + int(start), env=environment, channel=channel, gender=gender) except Exception as e: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) # logging.error(line) fic.close() return diarization
[docs] def read_ctm(cls, filename, normalize_cluster=False): """ Read a segmentation file :param filename: the str input filename :param normalize_cluster: normalize the cluster by removing upper case and accents :return: a diarization object """ fic = open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") diarization = Diar() try: for line in fic: line = re.sub('\s+',' ',line) line = line.strip() # logging.debug(line) if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith(';;'): continue # split line into fields show, tmp, start, length, word = line.split() if normalize_cluster: word = str2str_normalize(word) # print(show, tmp, start, length, gender, channel, env, speaker) diarization.append(show=show, cluster=word, start=int(start), stop=int(length) + int(start)) except Exception as e: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) # logging.error(line) fic.close() return diarization
[docs] def read_mdtm(cls, filename, normalize_cluster=False): """ Read a MDTM file :param filename: the str input filename :param normalize_cluster: normalize the cluster by removing upper case and accents :return: a diarization object """ fic = open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") diarization = Diar() if not diarization._attributes.exist('gender'): diarization.add_attribut(new_attribut='gender', default='U') try: for line in fic: line = line.strip() line = re.sub('\s+',' ',line) logging.debug(line) if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith(';;'): continue # split line into fields show, tmp, start_str, length, t, score, gender, cluster = line.split() start = int(round(float(start_str)*100, 0)) l = float(start_str)+float(length) stop = int(round(l*100, 0)) if normalize_cluster: cluster = str2str_normalize(cluster) # print(show, tmp, start, length, gender, channel, env, speaker) diarization.append(show=show, cluster=cluster, start=start, stop=stop, gender=gender) except Exception as e: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) logging.error(line+' nb:'+str(len(line.split()))) fic.close() return diarization
[docs] def read_uem(cls, filename): """ Read a UEM file :param filename: the str input filename :return: a diarization object """ fic = open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") diarization = Diar() if not diarization._attributes.exist('gender'): diarization.add_attribut(new_attribut='gender', default='U') try: name = "uem" for line in fic: line = re.sub('\s+',' ',line) line = line.strip() # logging.debug(line) if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith(';;'): continue # split line into fields show, tmp, start_str, stop_str = line.split() start = int(round(float(start_str)*100, 0)) stop = int(round(float(stop_str)*100, 0)) # stop = start+int(round(float(length)*100, 0)) diarization.append(show=show, cluster=name, start=start, stop=stop) except Exception as e: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) logging.error(line) fic.close() return diarization
[docs] def read_rttm(cls, filename, normalize_cluster=False): """ Read rttm file :param filename: str input filename :param normalize_cluster: normalize the cluster by removing upper case and accents :return: a diarization object """ fic = open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") diarization = Diar() if not diarization._attributes.exist('gender'): diarization.add_attribut(new_attribut='gender', default='U') try: for line in fic: line = re.sub('\s+',' ',line) line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith(';;'): continue # split line into fields spk, show, tmp0, start_str, length, tmp1, tmp2, cluster, tmp3 = line.split() if spk == "SPEAKER": start = int(round(float(start_str)*100, 0)) stop = start+int(round(float(length)*100, 0)) if normalize_cluster: cluster = str2str_normalize(cluster) diarization.append(show=show, cluster=cluster, start=start, stop=stop) except Exception as e: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) logging.error(line) fic.close() return diarization
[docs] def to_string_seg(cls, diar): """ transform a diarization into a string :param diar: a diarization :return: a string """ lst = [] for segment in diar: gender = 'U' if diar._attributes.exist('gender'): gender = segment['gender'] env = 'U' if diar._attributes.exist('env'): env = segment['env'] channel = 'U' if diar._attributes.exist('channel'): channel = segment['channel'] lst.append('{:s} 1 {:d} {:d} {:s} {:s} {:s} {:s}\n'.format( segment['show'], segment['start'], segment['stop'] - segment['start'], gender, channel, env, segment['cluster'])) return lst
[docs] def intersection(cls, diarization1, diarization2): """ Compute the intersection between two diarization :param diarization1: first diarization :param diarization2: second diarization :return: a diarization object """ diarization = Diar() first = True for segment1 in diarization1: for segment2 in diarization2: inter = Segment.intersection(segment1, segment2) if inter is not None : diarization.append_seg(inter) if first: diarization._attributes = segment1._attributes first = False return diarization
[docs] def write_seg(cls, filename, diarization): """ Write diarization to a segmentation file :param filename: the str output filename :param diarization: the diarization to write """ diarization.sort(['show', 'start']) fic = open(filename, 'w', encoding="utf8") for line in Diar.to_string_seg(diarization): fic.write(line) fic.close()
[docs] def write_lbl(cls, diarization, label_dir='', label_file_extension='.lbl'): """ Write diarization to label file :param diarization: the diarization to write :param label_dir: the string directory of the ouput filename :param label_file_extension: the string extension of the output filename """ diarization.sort(['show', 'start']) old_show = '' fic = None for segment in diarization: if old_show != segment['show']: if fic is not None: fic.close() filename = os.path.join(label_dir, segment['show'] + label_file_extension) fic = open(filename, 'w') old_show = segment['show'] fic.write('{:d} {:d} {:s}\n'.format( segment['start'], segment['stop'], segment['cluster'])) fic.close()
[docs]class Segment(list): """ Class to store the segment informations. :attr _attributes: is the list of attribut names :attr data: the data associated to each attribut """ def __init__(self, data, attributes): """ Called after the instance has been created (by __new__()), but before it is returned to the caller. :param data: copy the row data :param attributes: the names of the attributs """ list.__init__(self) self._attributes = attributes for item in data: self.append(item) def _get_attr(self, attr_name): """ Called to implement evaluation of self[attr_name]. :param attr_name: a string :return: the value """ return self[self._attributes[attr_name]] def _set_attr(self, attr_name, value): """ Called to implement assignment to self[attr_name]. :param attr_name: a str :param value: the value to set """ self[self._attributes[attr_name]] = value def __getitem__(self, index): """ Called to implement evaluation of self[index]. :param index: a int :return: the value """ if isinstance(index, str): return self._get_attr(index) else: return list.__getitem__(self, index) def __setitem__(self, index, value): """ Called to implement assignment to self[index]. :param index: a int :param value: the value to set :return: the item """ if isinstance(index, str): return self._set_attr(index, value) else: return list.__setitem__(self, index, value) def __eq__(self, segment): # real signature unknown if segment is not None: l = len(segment) if l != len(self): return False for i in range(l): if self[i] != segment[i]: return False return True else: return False def __ne__(self, segment): # real signature unknown return not self.__eq__(segment)
[docs] def duration(self): """ :return: the duration of the segment """ return self['stop'] - self['start']
[docs] def seg_features(self, features): """ Given a FeatureServer, returns a list of feature index corresponding to the segment. :param features: a FeatureServer :return: a list of int """ return features[self['start']:self['stop'], :]
[docs] def gap(cls, segment1, segment2): """ Returns the inter segment gap between 2 segments. :param segment1: a Segment object :param segment2: a Segment object :return: a Segment object Examples -------- >>> from s4d.diarization import Diar, Segment >>> diarization=Diar() >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=0, stop=100, cluster='spk1') >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=50, stop=150, cluster='spk2') >>> s = Segment.intersection(diarization[0], diarization[1]) >>> s ['empty', 'spk1', 'speaker', 100, 50] >>> s.duration() - 50 >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=200, stop=250, cluster='spk1') >>>[0], diarization[2]) ['empty', 'spk1', 'speaker', 100, 200] """ if segment1['show'] != segment2['show']: raise Exception('not the same show') segment = Segment(segment1, segment1._attributes) segment['start'] = segment1['stop'] segment['stop'] = segment2['start'] return segment
[docs] def intersection(cls, segment1, segment2): """ Intersection between 2 segments. Return None if the intersection is empty. :param segment1: a Segment object :param segment2: a Segment object :return: a Segment object Examples -------- >>> from s4d.diarization import Diar, Segment >>> diarization=Diar() >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=0, stop=100, cluster='spk1') >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=50, stop=150, cluster='spk2') >>> Segment.intersection(diarization[0], diarization[1]) ['empty', 'spk1 / spk2', 'speaker', 50, 100] >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=50, stop=75, cluster='spk1') >>> Segment.intersection(diarization[0], diarization[2]) ['empty', 'spk1 / spk1', 'speaker', 50, 75] >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=200, stop=250, cluster='spk1') >>> s = Segment.intersection(diarization[0], diarization[3]) >>> s is None True """ if segment1['show'] != segment2['show']: raise Exception( 'not the same show ' + segment1['show'] + ' != ' + segment2['show']) segment = Segment(segment1, segment1._attributes) segment['cluster'] += '##' + segment2['cluster'] segment['start'] = max(segment1['start'], segment2['start']) segment['stop'] = min(segment1['stop'], segment2['stop']) if segment.duration() > 0: return segment return None
[docs] def diff(cls, segment1, segment2): """ The difference between the two segments. Returns one or two segments and the source of the new segment: 1 means segment1, 2 means segment2. :param segment1: a Segment object :param segment2: a Segment object :return: a list of segments """ lst_row = list() lst_source = list() if segment1['show'] != segment2['show']: return lst_row, lst_source segment = Segment(segment1, segment1._attributes) segment['start'] = min(segment1['start'], segment2['start']) segment['stop'] = max(segment1['start'], segment2['start']) if segment.duration() > 0: lst_row.append(segment) if segment['start'] == segment1['start']: lst_source.append(1) else: lst_source.append(2) segment = Segment(segment1, segment1._attributes) segment['start'] = min(segment1['stop'], segment2['stop']) segment['stop'] = max(segment1['stop'], segment2['stop']) if segment.duration() > 0: lst_row.append(segment) if segment['stop'] == segment1['stop']: lst_source.append(1) else: lst_source.append(2) return lst_row, lst_source
[docs] def union(cls, segment1, segment2): """ Union between 2 segments. :param segment1: a Segment object :param segment2: a Segment object :return: a Segment object Examples -------- >>> from s4d.diarization import Diar, Segment >>> diarization=Diar() >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=0, stop=100, cluster='spk1') >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=50, stop=150, cluster='spk2') >>> Segment.union(diarization[0], diarization[1]) ['empty', 'spk1', 'speaker', 0, 150] >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=50, stop=75, cluster='spk1') >>> Segment.union(diarization[0], diarization[2]) ['empty', 'spk1', 'speaker', 0, 100] >>> diarization.append(show='empty', start=200, stop=250, cluster='spk1') >>> Segment.union(diarization[0], diarization[3]) ['empty', 'spk1', 'speaker', 0, 250] True """ if segment1['show'] != segment2['show']: raise Exception('not the same show ' + segment1['show'] + ' != ' + segment2['show']) segment = Segment(segment1, segment1._attributes) segment['start'] = min(segment1['start'], segment2['start']) segment['stop'] = max(segment1['stop'], segment2['stop']) return segment
[docs]class Index(dict): """Implementation of perl's autovivification feature. Thanks to """ def __getitem__(self, item): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except KeyError: value = self[item] = type(self)() return value
[docs]class AttributeNames: """ Class AttributeNames defines a list of column names """ def __init__(self): self.names = dict self.defaults = list
[docs] def index_of(self, name): """ :param name: the speaker of the column :return: the position (a int) of the speaker """ return self.names[name]
[docs] def exist(self, name): """ Test the existing value of speaker in the list of column names :param name: the speaker of the column :return: a boolean """ return name in self.names
[docs] def initialize(self, names, defaults): """ Initialaze AttributeNames object :param names: a list of column names :param defaults: the list of default values """ self.names = names self.defaults = defaults
def __getitem__(self, index): """ Called to implement evaluation of self[index]. :param index: a int :return: the value """ return self.names[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): """ Called to implement assignment to self[index]. :param index: a int :param value: the value to set :return: the item """ return self.names.__setitem__(index, value) def __iter__(self): """ This method is called when an iterator is required for a container. :return: a iterator on the column names """ return self.names.__iter__() def __len__(self): """ Get the nomber of column names :return: """ return self.defaults.__len__()
[docs] def sorted(self): """ sort the column names :return: """ return sorted(self.names.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
[docs] def add(self, name, default=''): """ a a column speaker :param name: a str :param default: the default value """ if name in self.names: raise Exception('This attribut exits : ') else: self[name] = len(self.defaults) self.defaults.append(default)
[docs] def delete(self, name): """ remove a column and the default value given it column speaker :param name: """ if name not in self.names: raise Exception("This attribut don't exits : " + name) else: i = self[name] del self.defaults[i] del self.names[name] for k in self.names: if self.names[k] > i: self.names[k] -= 1
[docs]def rolling_window(a, window): """ Make an ndarray with a rolling window of the last dimension Examples -------- >>> x=numpy.arange(10).reshape((2,5)) >>> rolling_window(x, 3) array([[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]], [[5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9]]]) Calculate rolling mean of last dimension: >>> numpy.mean(rolling_window(x, 3), -1) array([[ 1., 2., 3.], [ 6., 7., 8.]]) :param a: Array to add rolling window to :param window: Size of rolling window :return: Array that is a view of the original array with a added dimension of size w. """ if window < 1: raise (ValueError, "`window` must be at least 1.") if window > a.shape[-1]: raise (ValueError, "`window` is too long.") shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window) strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],) return numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)