Le projet GraphiT ( ANR-11-JS02-009 ) a été retenu par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du programme Jeunes Chercheuses et Jeunes Chercheurs 2011


GraphiT signifie Graphical Visual Instructional Design Languages for Teachers.

L’objectif visé est d’élaborer et instrumenter des langages de modélisation pédagogiques graphiques centrés sur le métier des plate-formes de formation et dirigés vers les besoins des praticiens. Le projet s’appuie sur les théories et pratiques issues des domaines scientifiques de l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) et du Domain Specific Modeling (DSM).

Le projet a démarré en février 2012 pour une durée de 44 mois.

Le document scientifique du projet est disponible ici.

Voici le résumé du projet :

This research project context is about teachers-designers using Learning Management Systems within their academic organizations. Despite all instructional design propositions, the operationalization of learning scenarios into an LMS is still an issue. These practitioners also ask for appropriate tools helping them in understand the underlying “way of thinking and designing” of their LMS. We aim at supporting practitioners to overcome these LMS’ obstacles in order to help them in focusing on the design of learning situations. Current proposals rely on a same underlying idea about evolving existent LMS by large add-ons (editors or runtime engines) and new semantics. On the contrary, we suggest to exploit this implicit language in order to allow the elaboration of some external, well- suited and dedicated authoring tools. The main idea of this project is to provide teachers-designers with some graphical Visual Instructional Design Languages, and their dedicated editors, taking into account their practices and needs, while ensuring that produced models will be operationalized without major semantics losses into the targeted LMS. We originally propose to develop VIDLs on top of the LMS internal language in order to insure the binding issue and the semantics mapping. To this aim, we will identify and formalize the LMS implicit instructional design language. By only extending LMS with a dedicated communication API, binding issues will be addressed. We propose then to target teachers-designers instructional design needs and practices, capturing them into analysis&design patterns, by developing VIDLs designed on top of the LMSs languages by some Model-Driven Engineering and Domain-Specific Modeling techniques and tools. The main issue will consist in the proposition of techniques for specifying meta- models both based on the LMS semantics and directed towards the practitioners’ ones.